English to Chinese A-Z Dictionary

English to Chinese translation / English to Chinese Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Chinese language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Chinese through English in an easy way. English to Chinese translation helps you to learn any word in Chinese using English in an interesting way.

English to Chinese translation – Words end with T

Here is a collection of words ending with T and also you can learn Chinese translation of a word end with T with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Chinese translation – Words end with T

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Chinese Dictionary – Words end with T

If you want to know the Chinese translation of a word end with T, you can search that word and learn Chinese translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with T

Worst 最糟糕的 zuì zaogao de
Best 最好的 zuì hao de
Accent 口音 kouyin
Except 除了 chule
Adapt 适应 shiying
Adopt 采纳 caina
Eight 八 ba
Beat 打 da
Beet 甜菜 tiancai
Bust 摔碎 shuai sui
Bight 湾 wan
Cent 分 fen
Scent 香味 xiangwei
Sight 视线 shixian
Complement 补充 buchong
Craft 工艺 gongyi
Kraft 牛皮纸 niupizhi
Dissent 异议 yiyi
Feat 壮举 zhuangju
Feet 脚 jiao
Feint 佯攻 yanggong
Faint 头晕的 touyun de
Gait 步态 bu tai
Graft 接枝 jie zhi
Great 伟大的 weida de
Insight 洞察力 dongcha li
Knight 骑士 qishi
Knot 结 jie
Not 不是 bushi
Least 至少 zhishao
Meet 遇到 yu dao
Moat 护城河 huchenghe
Prophet 预言家 yuyan jia
Soot 煤烟 mei yan
Trust 相信 xiangxin
Waist 腰部 yaobu
Wait 等待 dengdai
Quiet 安静的 anjing de
Incident 事件 shijian
Confidant 知己 zhiji
Confident 自信的 zixin de
Assault 突击 tújí
Break out 爆发 bàofa
Erupt 爆发 bàofa
But 但 dàn
Visit 访问 fangwèn
Depict 描绘 miáohuì
Enjoyment 享受 xiangshòu
Expect 预计 yujì
Fall out 掉出来 diào chulái

Top 1000 Chinese words

Here you learn top 1000 Chinese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Chinese meanings with transliteration.

Eat 吃 chi
All 全部 quan bu
New 新的 xin de
Snore 鼾 han
Fast 快速地 kuai su de
Help 帮助 bang zhu
Pain 痛 tong
Rain 雨 yu
Pride 自豪 zi hao
Sense 感觉 gan jue
Large 大 da
Skill 技能 ji neng
Panic 恐慌 kong huang
Thank 谢谢 xie xie
Desire 欲望 yu wang
Woman 女士 nu shi
Hungry 饥饿的 ji e de

Daily use Chinese Sentences

Here you learn top Chinese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chinese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning 早上好 Zaoshang hao
What is your name 你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi
What is your problem 你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti?
I hate you 我恨你 Wo hen ni
I love you 我爱你 Wo ai ni
Can I help you 我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma?
I am sorry 对不起 duibuqi
I want to sleep 我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao
This is very important 这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao
Are you hungry 你饿了吗? Ni ele ma?
How is your life 你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang?
I am going to study 我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi
Chinese Vocabulary
Chinese Dictionary

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