Czech Alphabet
To learn Czech language, Alphabets are the main part of language learning. Here you learn Czech alphabet/Czech letter. If you are interested to learn Czech language, this place will help you to learn Czech alphabet/character in Czech and their pronunciation in English. Language is a communication tool in which knowledge, emotions and feeling convey to others. To learn Czech language, first we learn Czech alphabets and then learn Czech alphabets with words and images and their pronunciation in English. Common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life conversations.
Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
Czech languages are spoken in Czech over 14 million native speakers to communicates their language around the world. Czech language is under Indo-European language family. Czech alphabet is a Latin script/Roman alphabet/English letters with extra letters. Czech alphabet are called Česká abeceda. Czech vowels are known as samohlásky and Czech consonants are known as souhlásky. Czech alphabet has 42 letters consist of 14 vowels, 25 consonants and 3 loanwords. Czech alphabet is rarely used in three Latin letters are q, w and x, they are called foreign letters/loanwords. Czech consonants are three types, Hard consonants, Neutral consonants and Soft consonants.
Czech Vowels
Czech vowels are known as samohlásky. Czech alphabet has 14 vowels. Here we learn Czech vowels and their pronunciation in English.
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
A | a | a |
Á | á | aa |
E | e | e |
É | é | ea |
Ě | ě | ye |
I | i | i |
Í | í | ee |
O | o | o |
Ó | ó | ao |
U | u | o |
Ú | ú | oo |
Ů | ů | oo |
Y | y | i |
Ý | ý | iee |
Czech Consonants
Czech consonants are known as souhlásky. Here we learn Czech consonants and their pronunciation in English. Czech alphabet has 25 consonants, they are divided into three ways
• Hard consonants / strong consonants, • Neutral consonants, • Soft consonants / weak consonants.
Hard Consonants
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
D | d | do |
G | g | eg |
H | h | he |
K | k | ke |
N | n | ne |
R | r | ir |
T | t | te |
Ch | ch | kh |
Neutral Consonants
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
B | b | be |
F | f | ef |
L | l | le |
M | m | me |
P | p | pu |
S | s | se |
V | v | ve |
Z | z | zo |
Soft Consonants
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
C | c | ce |
Č | č | cze |
Ď | ď | du |
J | j | jea |
Ň | ň | nu |
Ř | ř | er |
Š | š | sh |
Ť | ť | tu |
Ž | ž | zh |
Czech Loanwords
Foreign letter / Loanwords
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
Q | q | qu |
W | w | we |
X | x | ex |
All Czech Alphabets
Capital | Small | Pronunciation |
A | a | a |
Á | á | aa |
B | b | be |
C | c | ce |
Č | č | cze |
D | d | do |
Ď | ď | du |
E | e | e |
É | é | ea |
Ě | ě | ye |
F | f | ef |
G | g | eg |
H | h | he |
Ch | ch | kh |
I | i | i |
Í | í | ee |
J | j | jea |
K | k | ke |
L | l | le |
M | m | me |
N | n | ne |
Ň | ň | nu |
O | o | o |
Ó | ó | ao |
P | p | pu |
Q | q | qu |
R | r | ir |
Ř | ř | er |
S | s | se |
Š | š | sh |
T | t | te |
Ť | ť | tu |
U | u | o |
Ú | ú | oo |
Ů | ů | oo |
V | v | ve |
W | w | we |
X | x | ex |
Y | y | i |
Ý | ý | iee |
Z | z | zo |
Ž | ž | zh |
Read also: Numbers in Czech and English
Top 1000 Czech words
Here you learn top 1000 Czech words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Czech meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Czech Sentences
Here you learn top Czech sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Czech meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Dobré ráno |
What is your name | Jak se jmenuješ |
What is your problem | co máš za problém? |
I hate you | nesnáším tě |
I love you | Miluji tě |
Can I help you | mohu vám pomoci? |
I am sorry | To mi je líto |
I want to sleep | chci spát |
This is very important | Tohle je velmi důležité |
Are you hungry | máš hlad? |
How is your life | jak se máš? |
I am going to study | jdu se učit |
Czech Vocabulary
Czech Grammar
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