English to Ewe A-Z Dictionary

English to Ewe translation / English to Ewe Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Ewe language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Ewe through English in an easy way. English to Ewe translation helps you to learn any word in Ewe using English in an interesting way.

English to Ewe translation – Words start with H

Here is a collection of words starting with H and also you can learn Ewe translation of a word start with H with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Ewe translation – Words start with H

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Ewe Dictionary – Words start with H

If you want to know the Ewe translation of a word start with H, you can search that word and learn Ewe translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with H

Hortatory hortatory ƒe nuwɔna
Hosier hosier si wotsɔna ƒoa ʋu
Hospice ame tsitsiwo dzikpɔƒe
Hostage ameléle sesẽe
Hostler amedzroxɔla
Housewife aƒedzikpɔla
Hovel hovel ƒe hovel
Hover hover le yame
Howdah howdah
Howitzer howitzer si wotsɔna ƒoa ʋu
Howl ɣlidodo
Hoy hoy
Hub nudeƒe
Hubby srɔ̃ ŋutsu
Hubris dada
Huckster huckster ƒe ŋkɔ
Huddle huddle
Huff huff
Hug kplᴐ asi akᴐ
Hull hull ƒe ʋuƒo
Hullo hullo
Hum hum
Humanity amegbetɔƒomea
Humbug humbug ƒe nya
Humdrum humdrum (ɣletivi ʋĩi).
Humid ƒo tsi
Humility ɖokuibɔbɔ
Humming ɣlidodo
Hummock humock ƒe ʋuʋudedi
Hump hump
Humus humus ƒe ƒuƒoƒo
Hunch hunch
Hung wotsɔe he ɖe ati ŋu
Hunger dɔwuame
Hunk hunk
Hunter adela
Hurdle mɔxenu
Hurl hurl
Hurrah hurrary
Hurried wɔ kaba
Hurtle duƒuƒu sesĩe
Hush ɖoɖoezizi
Husk husk
Hussy hussy
Hustings hustings ƒe ʋuʋu
Hustle tso hlolui
Hut agblegbadɔ
Huzza huzza
Hyaena hyaena si woyɔna be hyaena
Hydra hydra ƒe tsi

Top 1000 Ewe words

Here you learn top 1000 Ewe words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Ewe meanings with transliteration.

Eat ɖu
All katã
New yɛye
Snore hũɖeɖe
Fast kabakaba
Help kpekpeɖeŋu
Pain vevesese
Rain tsidzadza
Pride dada
Sense susu
Large lolo
Skill aɖaŋuwɔwɔ
Panic vɔvɔ̃
Thank akpe
Desire dzimedidi
Woman nyɔnu
Hungry dɔ wum

Daily use Ewe Sentences

Here you learn top Ewe sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Ewe meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Ŋdi
What is your name Ŋkɔwò ɖɛ
What is your problem Nukae nye wò kuxia?
I hate you Melé fu wò
I love you Melɔ̃ wò
Can I help you Ðe mate ŋu akpe ɖe ŋuwòa?
I am sorry Meɖe kuku
I want to sleep Medi be madɔ alɔ̃
This is very important Esia le vevie ŋutɔ
Are you hungry Ðe dɔ le wuwòma?
How is your life Aleke wò agbenɔnɔ le?
I am going to study Meyina nu srɔ̃ ge
Ewe Vocabulary
Ewe Dictionary

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