English to Finnish A-Z Dictionary

English to Finnish translation / English to Finnish Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Finnish language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Finnish through English in an easy way. English to Finnish translation helps you to learn any word in Finnish using English in an interesting way.

English to Finnish translation – Words end with T

Here is a collection of words ending with T and also you can learn Finnish translation of a word end with T with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Finnish translation – Words end with T

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Finnish Dictionary – Words end with T

If you want to know the Finnish translation of a word end with T, you can search that word and learn Finnish translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with T

Autocrat autokraatti
Autograft autograft
Avast avast
Avert välttää
Await odottaa
Bailment takuita
Bait syötti
Balancesheet taseeseen
Ballast painolasti
Ballet baletti
Ballot äänestys
Bandicoot bandicoot
Bandit rosvo
Bankrupt konkurssiin
Banquet banketti
Baptist kastaja
Bassinet vauvankori
Bayonet pistin
Beast peto
Bent taipunut
Blacklist musta lista
Blast räjähdys
Boast ylpeillä
Boost tehostaa
Boot saapas
Bracket Sulkumerkki
Broadcast lähettää
Bullet luoti
Buoyant kelluva
Cabaret kabaree
Cabriolet avoauto
Cachalot kaskelotti
Cachet kätkö
Cadet kadetti
Cajolement hurraus
Candescent hehkutus
Canophilist kanofilisti
Cant ei voi
Cantonment kantoni
Carat karaatti
Caret caret
Cart kärry
Cashew nut cashew pähkinä
Catalyst katalyytti
Catapult ritsa
Catchment valuma-alue
Cateract kateroida
Caught sai kiinni
Caveat varoitus
Chaplet seppele

Top 1000 Finnish words

Here you learn top 1000 Finnish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Finnish meanings with transliteration.

Eat syödä
All kaikki
New Uusi
Snore kuorsata
Fast nopeasti
Help auta
Pain kipu
Rain sade
Pride ylpeys
Sense järkeä
Large suuri
Skill taito
Panic paniikki
Thank kiittää
Desire himoita
Woman nainen
Hungry nälkäinen

Daily use Finnish Sentences

Here you learn top Finnish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Finnish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Hyvää huomenta
What is your name Mikä sinun nimesi on
What is your problem mikä sinun ongelmasi on?
I hate you vihaan sinua
I love you Minä rakastan sinua
Can I help you Voinko auttaa sinua?
I am sorry olen pahoillani
I want to sleep Haluan nukkua
This is very important Tämä on hyvin tärkeää
Are you hungry Oletko nälkäinen?
How is your life miten menee?
I am going to study minä aion opiskella
Finnish Vocabulary
Finnish Dictionary

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