English to Frisian A-Z Dictionary

English to Frisian translation / English to Frisian Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Frisian language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Frisian through English in an easy way. English to Frisian translation helps you to learn any word in Frisian using English in an interesting way.

English to Frisian translation – Words end with N

Here is a collection of words ending with N and also you can learn Frisian translation of a word end with N with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Frisian translation – Words end with N

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Frisian Dictionary – Words end with N

If you want to know the Frisian translation of a word end with N, you can search that word and learn Frisian translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with N

Business Administration stúdzje fan bedriuw bestjoer
Communication stúdzje fan minsklike kommunikaasje en gedrach
Instrumentation stúdzje fan mjitynstruminten
Interior Design stúdzje fan it ferbetterjen fan it ynterieur fan in gebou
Mass Communication stúdzje fan it proses fan it meitsjen, ferstjoeren, ûntfangen fan berjochten
Nutrition stúdzje fan iten sûnens en lykwichtige dieet
Transportation stúdzje fan ferfier
Assassin moardner
Reason reden
Return weromkomme
Afternoon middei
Dawn dage
Duration doer
Between tusken
Turn draaie
Lean lean
Pain pine
Cavern cavern
Contamination fersmoarging
Dejection ferachting
Evaporation ferdamping
Mountain berch
Pollution fersmoarging
Protection beskerming
Urban urban
Son soan
Grandson pakesizzer
Great Grandson great pakesizzer
Relation relaasje
Generation generaasje
Cobra saffron kobra safraan
Burn brâne
Onion sipel
Spoon leppel
Melon meloen
Water melon wettermeloen
Lemon sitroen
Decision beslút
Mission missy
Mitigation mitigaasje
Transaction transaksje
Good afternoon Goeiemiddei
Thanks a million tank in miljoen
See you soon oant gau!
Coin munt
Coupon coupon
Abortion abortus
Amputation amputaasje
Contusion contusion
Convulsion krampen

Top 1000 Frisian words

Here you learn top 1000 Frisian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Frisian meanings with transliteration.

Eat ite
All alle
New nij
Snore snorke
Fast fluch
Help help
Pain pine
Rain rein
Pride grutskens
Sense sin
Large grut
Skill feardigens
Panic panyk
Thank tankje
Desire begearen
Woman frou
Hungry hongerich

Daily use Frisian Sentences

Here you learn top Frisian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Frisian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Goedei
What is your name Hoe hyst do
What is your problem Wat is dyn probleem?
I hate you Ik haat dy
I love you Ik hâld fan dy
Can I help you Kin ik dy helpe?
I am sorry It muoit my
I want to sleep Ik wol sliepe
This is very important Dit is tige wichtich
Are you hungry Binne jo honger?
How is your life Hoe is dyn libben?
I am going to study ik sil studearje
Frisian Vocabulary
Frisian Dictionary

Fruits Quiz

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