English to Gujarati A-Z Dictionary

English to Gujarati translation / English to Gujarati Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Gujarati language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Gujarati through English in an easy way. English to Gujarati translation helps you to learn any word in Gujarati using English in an interesting way.

English to Gujarati translation – Words start with W

Here is a collection of words starting with W and also you can learn Gujarati translation of a word start with W with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Gujarati translation – Words start with W

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Gujarati Dictionary – Words start with W

If you want to know the Gujarati translation of a word start with W, you can search that word and learn Gujarati translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with W

Well-wisher શુભચિંતક subhacintaka
Welsh વેલ્શ velsa
Welt વેલ્ટ velta
Welter વેલ્ટર veltara
Wen વેન vena
Wench વેંચ venca
Wend વેન્ડ venda
Wept રડ્યા radya
Were હતા hata
Werent નહતા nahata
Wester વેસ્ટર vestara
Westernize પશ્ચિમીકરણ pascimikarana
Westing પશ્ચિમ pascima
Westward પશ્ચિમતરફ pascimatarapha
Westwardly પશ્ચિમતરફ pascimatarapha
Wet dream ભીનુંસ્વપ્ન bhinumsvapna
Wetblanket ભીનુંધાબળો bhinumdhabalo
Wether ભીનું bhinum
Wetnurse વેટનર્સ vetanarsa
Wettish ભીનું bhinum
Weve અમેકરેલા amekarela
Wey વે ve
Wezand વેઝેન્ડ vejhenda
Whack ધક્કોમારવો dhakkomaravo
Whale વ્હેલ vhela
Whaleboat વ્હેલબોટ vhelabota
Whalebone વ્હેલબોન vhelabona
Whalecalf વ્હેલકાફ vhelakapha
Whaler વ્હેલ vhela
Whang વાંગ vanga
Wharf ઘાટ ghata
Wharfage ઘાટ ghata
Whatnot શુંનથી sumnathi
Wheal વ્હીલ vhila
Wheatear વ્હાઇટિયર vhaitiyara
Wheaten ઘઉં ghaum
Wheedle વ્હીડલ vhidala
Wheel ચક્ર cakra
Wheel less ચક્રઓછું cakraochum
Wheelbarrow ઠેલો thelo
Wheeled ચક્રવાળું cakravalum
Wheelwright વ્હીલરાઇટ vhilaraita
Wheeze વ્હીઝ vhijha
Whelk વ્હીલક vhilaka
Whelm વ્હીલમ vhilama
Whelp whelp whelp
Whence ક્યાંથી kyanthi
Where from ક્યાથિ kyathi
Whereabout ઠેકાણા thekana
Whereas જ્યારે jyare

Top 1000 Gujarati words

Here you learn top 1000 Gujarati words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Gujarati meanings with transliteration.

Eat ખાવું khavum
All બધા badha
New નવું navum
Snore નસકોરા nasakora
Fast ઝડપી jhadapi
Help મદદ madada
Pain પીડા pida
Rain વરસાદ varasada
Pride ગૌરવ gaurava
Sense અર્થ artha
Large વિશાળ visala
Skill કૌશલ્ય kausalya
Panic ગભરાટ gabharata
Thank આભાર abhara
Desire ઇચ્છા iccha
Woman સ્ત્રી stri
Hungry ભૂખ્યા bhukhya

Daily use Gujarati Sentences

Here you learn top Gujarati sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Gujarati meanings with transliteration.

Good morning સુપ્રભાત Suprabhata
What is your name તમારું નામ શું છે Tamarum nama sum che
What is your problem તમારી સમસ્યા શું છે? tamari samasya sum che?
I hate you હું તને નફરત કરુ છુ Hum tane napharata karu chu
I love you હું તને પ્રેમ કરું છુ Hum tane prema karum chu
Can I help you શું હું તમને મદદ કરી શકું? sum hum tamane madada kari sakum?
I am sorry હું દિલગીર છું hum dilagira chum
I want to sleep મારે સુવુ છે mare suvu che
This is very important આ ખૂબ જ મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે a khuba ja mahatvapurna che
Are you hungry શું તમે ભૂખ્યા છો? sum tame bhukhya cho?
How is your life તમારું જીવન કેવું છે? tamarum jivana kevum che?
I am going to study હું અભ્યાસ કરવા જાઉં છું hum abhyasa karava ja'um chum
Gujarati Vocabulary
Gujarati Dictionary

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