English to Hausa A-Z Dictionary

English to Hausa translation / English to Hausa Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Hausa language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Hausa through English in an easy way. English to Hausa translation helps you to learn any word in Hausa using English in an interesting way.

English to Hausa translation – Words start with H

Here is a collection of words starting with H and also you can learn Hausa translation of a word start with H with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Hausa translation – Words start with H

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Hausa Dictionary – Words start with H

If you want to know the Hausa translation of a word start with H, you can search that word and learn Hausa translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with H

Half rabi
His nasa
Habit alada
Hidden boye
Honour girmamawa
Heading tafiya
Holding rike
Holiday biki
Hundred dari
Hygiene tsafta
Heritage gado
Happening faruwa
Habeascorpus habeascorpus
Haberdasher habardasher
Habiliment hali
Habitability zama
Habitable mazauninsu
Habitation mazauni
Habitual al'ada
Habituate al'ada
Habituation al'ada
Hack hack
Hackle hakki
Hackney hackney
Hacksaw hacksaw
Had da
Haematemisis hematemia
Haemophilia haemophilia
Haemorrhage zubar jini
Haemorrhoid basur
Haemostatic hemostatic
Hag hag
Haggle haggu
Hagiarchy hagiarchy
Hagiology ilimin hagiology
Haiku haiku
Hailstone ƙanƙara
Hailstorm ƙanƙara
Hairbreadth tsawon gashi
Haircut aski
Hairdo gyaran gashi
Hairdrier mai gyaran gashi
Hairless mara gashi
Hairline layin gashi
Hairpin gashin gashi
Hair-raising gyaran gashi
Hairsplitting gyaran gashi
Hairspring gashin gashi
Hairy mai gashi
Hajj hajji

Top 1000 Hausa words

Here you learn top 1000 Hausa words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Eat ci
All duka
New sabo
Snore kururuwa
Fast sauri
Help taimako
Pain zafi
Rain ruwan sama
Pride girman kai
Sense hankali
Large babba
Skill gwaninta
Panic tsoro
Thank na gode
Desire sha'awa
Woman mace
Hungry yunwa

Daily use Hausa Sentences

Here you learn top Hausa sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Barka da safiya
What is your name Menene sunanka
What is your problem menene matsalar ku?
I hate you na ki jinin ka
I love you Ina son ku
Can I help you zan iya taimaka muku?
I am sorry Yi hankuri
I want to sleep ina so in yi barci
This is very important Wannan yana da matukar muhimmanci
Are you hungry kuna jin yunwa?
How is your life yaya rayuwarka take?
I am going to study zan yi karatu
Hausa Vocabulary
Hausa Dictionary

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