Hindi Alphabet
To learn Hindi language, Alphabets are the main part of language learning. Here you learn Hindi alphabet/Hindi letter. If you are interested to learn Hindi language, this place will help you to learn Hindi alphabet/character in Hindi and their pronunciation in English. Language is a communication tool in which knowledge, emotions and feeling convey to others. Hindi letters / Hindi alphabets are known as Hindi Varnamala (हिंदी वर्णमाला). Hindi vowels are known as Hindi Swar (स्वर) and Hindi consonants are known as Hindi Vyanjan (व्यंजन). To learn the Hindi language, first we learn Hindi alphabets and then learn Hindi alphabets with words and their English pronunciation with images. Common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life conversation.

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Hindi alphabets have 50 letters contains 13 vowels and 37 consonants as shown in below table and their pronunciation in English.
Hindi vowels - Swar (स्वर)
Hindi letters have 13 vowels. These 13 Hindi vowels are known as Hindi Swar (स्वर). Here we learn Hindi vowels and their pronunciation in English.
स्वर - Swar
अ | a |
आ | aa |
इ | e |
ई | ee |
उ | u |
ऊ | uu |
ऋ | ru |
ए | ye |
ऐ | i |
ओ | oo |
औ | aow |
अं | an |
अः | aha |
Hindi Consonants - Vyanjan (व्यंजन)
Hindi letters have 37 consonants. Hindi consonants are known as Hindi Vyanjan (व्यंजन). Here we learn Hindi consonants and their pronunciation in English.
व्यंजन - Vyanjan
क | ka |
ख | Kha |
ग | Ga |
घ | Gha |
ङ | nga |
च | cha |
छ | chha |
ज | ja |
झ | jha |
ञ | nja |
ट | Ta |
ठ | Tha |
ड | Da |
ढ | Dha |
ण | Na |
त | ta |
थ | tha |
द | da |
ध | dha |
न | na |
प | pa |
फ | pha |
ब | ba |
भ | bha |
म | ma |
य | ya |
र | ra |
ल | la |
व | wa |
श | sha |
ष | shha |
स | sa |
ह | ha |
क्ष | ksh |
त्र | tra |
ज्ञ | gya |
श्र | sra |
Read also: Numbers in Hindi and English
Top 1000 Hindi words
Here you learn top 1000 Hindi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hindi meanings with transliteration.
Eat | खा kha |
All | सब saba |
New | नया naya |
Snore | सोते सोते चूकना sote sote cukana |
Fast | तेज teja |
Help | मदद करना madada karana |
Pain | दर्द darda |
Rain | बारिश barisa |
Pride | गौरव gaurava |
Sense | समझ samajha |
Large | बड़ा bara |
Skill | कौशल kausala |
Panic | घबड़ाहट ghabarahata |
Thank | धन्यवाद dhan'yavada |
Desire | इच्छा iccha |
Woman | महिला mahila |
Hungry | भूखा bhukha |
Daily use Hindi Sentences
Here you learn top Hindi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hindi meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | शुभ प्रभात shubh prabhaat |
What is your name | तुम्हारा नाम क्या हे tumhaara naam kya he |
What is your problem | आपकी समस्या क्या है? aapakee samasya kya hai? |
I hate you | मैं तुमसे नफ़रत करता हूं main tumase nafarat karata hoon |
I love you | मैं आपसे प्यार करती हूँ main aapase pyaar karatee hoon |
Can I help you | क्या मैं आपकी मदद कर सकता हूं? kya main aapakee madad kar sakata hoon? |
I am sorry | मैं माफी चाहता हूं main maaphee chaahata hoon |
I want to sleep | मैं सोना चाहती हूं main sona chaahatee hoon |
This is very important | यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है yah bahut mahatvapoorn hai |
Are you hungry | क्या आप भूखे हैं? kya aap bhookhe hain? |
How is your life | आपका जीवन कैसे चल रहा है? aapaka jeevan kaise chal raha hai? |
I am going to study | मेँ पढ़ने जा रहा हूं men padhane ja raha hoon |
Hindi Vocabulary

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