Hungarian Alphabet
To learn Hungarian language, Alphabets are the main part of language learning. Here you learn Hungarian alphabet/Hungarian letter. If you are interested to learn Hungarian language, this place will help you to learn Hungarian alphabet/character in Hungarian and their pronunciation in English. Language is a communication tool in which knowledge, emotions and feeling convey to others. To learn Hungarian language, first we learn Hungarian alphabets and then learn Hungarian alphabets with words and images and their pronunciation in English. Common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life conversations.

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Hungarian alphabet is a Latin alphabet / Roman script / English letter with extra letters. Hungarian language speaks in Hungary over 13 million speakers to communicates their language around the world. Hungarian language is a Uralian language family. Uralian language native speakers are Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian, Erzya, Moksha, Mari, Udmurt, Sami, and Komi, Scandinavia and Russian. Hungarian is the official language of Hungary and also other languages are Vojvodina and Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria, Australia, US, Canada and Israel. Hungarian alphabet is called as Magyar ábécé. Hungarian vowels are known as magánhangzók and Hungarian consonants are known as mássalhangzók. The Hungarian alphabet has 44 letters, 26 of the Latin alphabets and added some extra other letters of 14 vowels and 26 consonants and four loanwords. Now, the modern Hungarian alphabet are 40 letters (exclude loanwords). Hungarian alphabet has four foreign letters/loanwords, they are rarely used (q, w, x, y).
Hungarian Vowels
Hungarian vowels are known as magánhangzók. Hungarian letters have 14 vowels. Here we learn Hungarian vowels and their pronunciation in English. Hungarian alphabet has 14 vowels, they are divided into three categories
• back vowels (a, á, o, ó, u, ú) • front rounded vowels (ö, ő, ü, ű) • front unrounded vowels (e, é, i, í)
<Back vowels and front rounded vowels may not occur together in the same word> Hungarian alphabet further converted into two sounds called Vowels sounds.• short vowels (7 letters) • long vowels (7 letters)
Hungarian Short Vowels
Short vowels
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
A | a | a |
E | e | e |
I | i | i |
O | o | o |
Ö | ö | ö |
U | u | u |
Ü | ü | ü |
Hungarian Long Vowels
Long vowels
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
Á | á | aa |
É | é | ee |
Í | í | ii |
Ó | ó | ó |
Ő | ő | ő |
Ú | ú | ú |
Ű | ű | ű |
Hungarian Consonants
Hungarian consonants are known as mássalhangzók. Here we learn Hungarian consonants and their pronunciation in English. Hungarian alphabet has 26 perfect consonants,
• 17 consonants • 9 digraphs
Hungarian Consonants
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
B | b | be |
C | c | ce |
D | d | de |
F | f | ef |
G | g | ge |
H | h | ha |
J | j | je |
K | k | ka |
L | l | el |
M | m | em |
N | n | en |
P | p | pe |
R | r | er |
S | s | es |
T | t | te |
V | v | ve |
Z | z | ze |
Digraphs means ‘two letters make one sound’ which includes vowels or consonants.
Capital Letter | Small Letter | Pronunciation |
Cs | cs | cse |
Dz | dz | dze |
Dzs | dzs | dzse |
Gy | gy | gye |
Ly | ly | ely |
Ny | ny | eny |
Sz | sz | esz |
Ty | ty | tye |
Zs | zs | zse |
All Hungarian Alphabets
Capital | Small | Pronunciation |
A | a | a |
Á | á | aa |
B | b | be |
C | c | ce |
Cs | cs | cse |
D | d | de |
Dz | dz | dze |
Dzs | dzs | dzse |
E | e | e |
É | é | ee |
F | f | ef |
G | g | ge |
Gy | gy | gye |
H | h | há |
I | i | i |
Í | í | ii |
J | j | je |
K | k | ka |
L | l | el |
Ly | ly | ely |
M | m | em |
N | n | en |
Ny | ny | eny |
O | o | o |
Ó | ó | ó |
Ö | ö | ö |
Ő | ő | ő |
P | p | pe |
R | r | er |
S | s | es |
Sz | sz | esz |
T | t | te |
Ty | ty | tye |
U | u | u |
Ú | ú | ú |
Ü | ü | ü |
Ű | ű | ű |
V | v | ve |
Z | z | ze |
Zs | zs | zse |
Read also: Numbers in Hungarian and English
Top 1000 Hungarian words
Here you learn top 1000 Hungarian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hungarian meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Hungarian Sentences
Here you learn top Hungarian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hungarian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Jó reggelt kívánok |
What is your name | Mi a neved |
What is your problem | mi a problémád? |
I hate you | utállak |
I love you | Szeretlek |
Can I help you | segíthetek? |
I am sorry | sajnálom |
I want to sleep | aludni akarok |
This is very important | Ez nagyon fontos |
Are you hungry | Éhes vagy? |
How is your life | milyen az életed? |
I am going to study | tanulni fogok |
Hungarian Vocabulary

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