English to Khmer A-Z Dictionary

English to Khmer translation / English to Khmer Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Khmer language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Khmer through English in an easy way. English to Khmer translation helps you to learn any word in Khmer using English in an interesting way.

English to Khmer translation – Words start with I

Here is a collection of words starting with I and also you can learn Khmer translation of a word start with I with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Khmer translation – Words start with I

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Khmer Dictionary – Words start with I

If you want to know the Khmer translation of a word start with I, you can search that word and learn Khmer translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with I

Iguana Iguana Iguana
Ice Factory រោងចក្រទឹកកក rongochakratuk kk
Inn ផ្ទះសំណាក់ phteahsaamnak
Ice storm ព្យុះ​ទឹកកក pyouh tukakk
Identify កំណត់អត្តសញ្ញាណ kamnt attasanhnhean
Important សំខាន់ saamkhan
Information ព័ត៌មាន ptrmean
Input បញ្ចូល banhchoul
Install ដំឡើង damlaeng
Instruction ការណែនាំ karnenam
Internal ខាងក្នុង khangoknong
Internet អ៊ីនធឺណិត ainthunet
Information Technology ការសិក្សាអំពីការប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ karseksaea ampi karobrae brasa kompyoutr
Instrumentation ការសិក្សាឧបករណ៍វាស់ karseksaea ubakar veasa
Interior Design ការសិក្សាអំពីការពង្រឹងផ្នែកខាងក្នុងនៃអគារ karseksaea ampi kar pongrung phnek khangoknong nei akear

Top 1000 Khmer words

Here you learn top 1000 Khmer words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Khmer meanings with transliteration.

Eat បរិភោគ
All ទាំងអស់។
New ថ្មី។
Snore ស្រមុក
Fast លឿន
Help ជួយ
Pain ការឈឺចាប់
Rain ភ្លៀង
Pride មោទនភាព
Sense អារម្មណ៍
Large ធំ
Skill ជំនាញ
Panic ការភ័យខ្លាច
Thank អរគុណ
Desire បំណងប្រាថ្នា
Woman ស្ត្រី
Hungry ឃ្លាន

Daily use Khmer Sentences

Here you learn top Khmer sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Khmer meanings with transliteration.

Good morning អរុណ​សួស្តី
What is your name តើ​អ្នក​មាន​ឈ្មោះ​អ្វី
What is your problem តើ​អ្នក​មាន​បញ្ហា​អ្វី?
I hate you ខ្ញុំ​ស្អប់​អ្នក
I love you ខ្ញុំ​ស្រលាញ់​អ្នក
Can I help you តើខ្ញុំអាចជួយអ្នកបានទេ?
I am sorry ខ្ញុំ​សុំទោស
I want to sleep ខ្ញុំ​ចង់​គេង
This is very important នេះមានសារៈសំខាន់ណាស់។
Are you hungry តើ​អ្នក​ឃ្លាន​ហើយ​ឬ​នៅ?
How is your life តើជីវិតរបស់អ្នកយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ?
I am going to study ខ្ញុំនឹងទៅសិក្សា
Khmer Vocabulary
Khmer Dictionary

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