English to Krio A-Z Dictionary

English to Krio translation / English to Krio Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Krio language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Krio through English in an easy way. English to Krio translation helps you to learn any word in Krio using English in an interesting way.

English to Krio translation – Words end with R

Here is a collection of words ending with R and also you can learn Krio translation of a word end with R with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Krio translation – Words end with R

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Krio Dictionary – Words end with R

If you want to know the Krio translation of a word end with R, you can search that word and learn Krio translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with R

Almoner almoner
Altimeter altimita fɔ di ples
Altogether ɔltogɛda
Amber amber we dɛn kɔl
Ammeter ammita we dɛn kɔl am
Ancestor di gret gret granpa
Anchor ankɔ
Anear anear
Anemometer anemomita fɔ di bɔdi
Angler pɔsin we de fishin
Angular angul
Annular anular
Antechamber antechamber we de bifo
Anterior di antεriכr
Anther anther
Antimatter antimat
Antler antler we dɛn kɔl antler
Approver pɔsin we gri fɔ du dat
Arbiter arbiter
Arbor arbor
Arbour arbor
Archer pɔsin we de arɛst
Ardour ardor
Armchair armchair we dɛn kin yuz fɔ mek am
Armour armor we dɛn kin yuz fɔ fɛt
Arrear arrear
Astir astir
Asunder asunder
Auger auger we dɛn kɔl auger
Augur augur
Avatar avatar we dɛn kɔl
Aver aver
Avuncular avunkulכr
Bachelor man we nɔ mared
Back bencher bak bɛnch pɔsin
Back number bak nɔmba
Backdoor bakdo
Backwater bakwata we de na di wata
Badger badger we dɛn kɔl badger
Bandoleer bandoleer we de mek pɔsin
Banker bankman we de wok na di bank
Banner baner we dɛn kɔl
Banter banter we dɛn de tɔk bɔt
Bargainer bargainer
Barrister barista
Barter barter we dɛn kin yuz fɔ chenj tin dɛn
Batter batter
Bazaar baza na di baza
Beaver biv-ɔp
Beggar begman we de beg

Top 1000 Krio words

Here you learn top 1000 Krio words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Krio meanings with transliteration.

Eat it
All ɔl
New nyu
Snore snor we de mek pɔsin snor
Fast kwik
Help ɛp
Pain pen
Rain ren
Pride prawd
Sense sɛns
Large big
Skill skil
Panic fred
Thank tɛnki
Desire want
Woman uman
Hungry angri

Daily use Krio Sentences

Here you learn top Krio sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Krio meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Gud mɔnin
What is your name Wetin na yu nem
What is your problem Wetin na yu prɔblɛm?
I hate you A et yu
I love you A lɛk yu
Can I help you A kin ɛp yu?
I am sorry A sɔri fɔ mi
I want to sleep A want fɔ slip
This is very important Dis rili impɔtant
Are you hungry Yu angri?
How is your life Aw yu layf de?
I am going to study A de go fɔ stɔdi
Krio Vocabulary
Krio Dictionary

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