English to Lao A-Z Dictionary

English to Lao translation / English to Lao Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Lao language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Lao through English in an easy way. English to Lao translation helps you to learn any word in Lao using English in an interesting way.

English to Lao translation – Words start with O

Here is a collection of words starting with O and also you can learn Lao translation of a word start with O with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Lao translation – Words start with O

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Lao Dictionary – Words start with O

If you want to know the Lao translation of a word start with O, you can search that word and learn Lao translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with O

Otter ນາກ nak
Ox ງົວ ngua
Ostrich ນົກກະຈອກເທດ nokkachokthed
Owl ນົກຮູກ nok huk
Office ຫ້ອງການ hongkan
Orphanage ໂຮງລ້ຽງເດັກກຳພ້າ ohng liang dekkampha
Oat ເຂົ້າໂອດ khaoood
Overcast ຝົນຟ້າຕົກ fon fatok
Overcoat ເສື້ອຄຸມ seuokhum
Orange ສີສົ້ມ sisom

Top 1000 Lao words

Here you learn top 1000 Lao words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lao meanings with transliteration.

Eat ກິນ
All ທັງໝົດ
New ໃຫມ່
Snore ດັງ
Fast ໄວ
Help ຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອ
Pain ເຈັບ
Rain ຝົນ
Pride ຄວາມພາກພູມໃຈ
Sense ຄວາມຮູ້ສຶກ
Large ໃຫຍ່
Skill ທັກສະ
Panic ຄວາມ​ຕື່​ນ​ຕົກ​ໃຈ
Thank ຂອບໃຈ
Desire ຄວາມປາຖະຫນາ
Woman ຜູ້ຍິງ
Hungry ຫິວ

Daily use Lao Sentences

Here you learn top Lao sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Lao meanings with transliteration.

Good morning ສະ​ບາຍ​ດີ​ຕອນ​ເຊົ້າ
What is your name ເຈົ້າ​ຊື່​ຫຍັງ
What is your problem ບັນຫາຂອງເຈົ້າແມ່ນຫຍັງ?
I hate you ຂ້ອຍ​ຊັງ​ເຈົ້າ
I love you ຂ້ອຍ​ຮັກ​ເຈົ້າ
Can I help you ຂ້ອຍສາມາດຊ່ວຍເຈົ້າໄດ້ບໍ?
I am sorry ຂ້ອຍ​ຂໍ​ໂທດ
I want to sleep ຂ້ອຍ​ຢາກ​ນອນ
This is very important ນີ້ແມ່ນສິ່ງສໍາຄັນຫຼາຍ
Are you hungry ເຈົ້າ​ຫິວ​ບໍ?
How is your life ຊີວິດຂອງເຈົ້າເປັນແນວໃດ?
I am going to study ຂ້ອຍໄປຮຽນ
Lao Vocabulary
Lao Dictionary

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