English to Lingala A-Z Dictionary

English to Lingala translation / English to Lingala Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Lingala language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Lingala through English in an easy way. English to Lingala translation helps you to learn any word in Lingala using English in an interesting way.

English to Lingala translation – Words start with S

Here is a collection of words starting with S and also you can learn Lingala translation of a word start with S with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Lingala translation – Words start with S

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Lingala Dictionary – Words start with S

If you want to know the Lingala translation of a word start with S, you can search that word and learn Lingala translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with S

Synod synode ya mosala
Savoury ya elɛngi
Spicy ezosua
Study koyekola
Sweet elengi
Scissors ciseaux
Staff bato ya mosala
Spring printemps
Summer eleko ya molunge
Skiing kosala ski
Sunglasses ba lunettes ya moyi
Sunscreen eloko oyo ebatelaka moi
Semi Circle semi cercle na yango
Square carré
Sphere sphère oyo ezali na kati
Seal kashe
Stool tabouret
Science siansi
Social science science sociale ya bato
Statistics ba statistiques ya ba statistiques
Siddha siddha oyo ezali na kati
Second ya mibale
Span bonene
Sail voile
Subway métro ya métro
Suitcase valise
Snake gourd gourd ya nyoka
Spinach epinard
Sweet Potato pomme de terre ya sukali
Season eleko
Shower kosokola
Slush slush ya slush
Sunburn kozika na moi
Sunny moi makasi
Suntanned kozala na moi makasi
Sunshine kongenga ya moi
Scorpio scorpion oyo babengi scorpion
Sagittarius sagittaire, oyo babengi sagittaire
Spiritual ya elimo
Succession kolandana ya kolandana
Skill mayele
Scared kobanga
Same ndenge moko
Seem komonana neti
Shy nsoninsoni
Stuffed biloko oyo etondi na biloko
Successive oyo elandana
Satisfied kosepela
Sob kolela ya kolela
Soiled bosoto

Top 1000 Lingala words

Here you learn top 1000 Lingala words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lingala meanings with transliteration.

Eat kolya
All nyonso
New ya sika
Snore konguluma
Fast noki
Help lisalisi
Pain mpasi
Rain mbula
Pride lolendo
Sense mayoki
Large monene
Skill mayele
Panic kolenga
Thank matondi
Desire mposa
Woman mwasi
Hungry nzala

Daily use Lingala Sentences

Here you learn top Lingala sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Lingala meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mbote
What is your name Nkombo na yo nani
What is your problem Problème na yo eza nini?
I hate you Nayinaka yo
I love you Nalingaka yo
Can I help you Nakoki kosalisa yo?
I am sorry Nazali na mawa
I want to sleep Nalingi kolala
This is very important Yango ezali na ntina mingi
Are you hungry Ozali na nzala?
How is your life Bomoi na yo ezali ndenge nini?
I am going to study Nazali kokende koyekola
Lingala Vocabulary
Lingala Dictionary

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