English to Samoan A-Z Dictionary

English to Samoan translation / English to Samoan Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Samoan language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Samoan through English in an easy way. English to Samoan translation helps you to learn any word in Samoan using English in an interesting way.

English to Samoan translation – Words end with G

Here is a collection of words ending with G and also you can learn Samoan translation of a word end with G with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Samoan translation – Words end with G

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Samoan Dictionary – Words end with G

If you want to know the Samoan translation of a word end with G, you can search that word and learn Samoan translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with G

Abiding tumau
Accelerating fa'atelevave
According e tusa ai
Acting galue
Adjoining tuaoi
Affecting afaina
Agog agoga
Agoing mafatia
Air conditioning ea malulu
Airing fa'asalalau
Aqualung aqualung
Backing lagolago
Bandog bando
Bang pa
Banking faletupe
Bearing tauave
Beg ole atu
Boxing fusuaga
Cabbing ta'avale
Calling valaau
Cog cog
Crossing sopoia
Cunning poto
Dashing tausaafia
Data processing fa'asologa o fa'amaumauga
Dayspring vaveao
Dazzling pupula
Dealing fefa'ataua'iga
Drug fualaau faasaina
Dung otaota
Earwig earwig
Easygoing faifailemu
Ecg eg
Etching togitogiga
Fag fag
Failing toilalo
Fang nifo
Farming fa'ato'aga
Feeling lagona
Fitting fetaui
Flag fu'a
Gag gag
Gambling taaloga faitupe
Gang kegi
Gig gig
Glaring pupula
Gleaning aoina
Gong gong
Good looking aulelei
Gosling gosling

Top 1000 Samoan words

Here you learn top 1000 Samoan words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Samoan meanings with transliteration.

Eat ai
All uma
New fou
Snore taagulu
Fast vave
Help fesoasoani
Pain tiga
Rain timuga
Pride faamaualuga
Sense lagona
Large tetele
Skill tomai
Panic popole
Thank faafetai
Desire manao
Woman fafine
Hungry fia aai

Daily use Samoan Sentences

Here you learn top Samoan sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Samoan meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Manuia le taeao
What is your name O ai lou igoa
What is your problem O le a lou faafitauli?
I hate you Ou ita ia oe
I love you Oute alofa ia oe
Can I help you Mana'omia se fesoasoani?
I am sorry Faanoanoa tele
I want to sleep Ou te fia moe
This is very important E taua tele lenei mea
Are you hungry O e fia 'ai?
How is your life O ā mai lou olaga?
I am going to study O le a ou suesue
Samoan Vocabulary
Samoan Dictionary

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