English to Sorani kurdish A-Z Dictionary

English to Sorani kurdish translation / English to Sorani kurdish Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Sorani kurdish language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Sorani kurdish through English in an easy way. English to Sorani kurdish translation helps you to learn any word in Sorani kurdish using English in an interesting way.

English to Sorani kurdish translation – Words end with E

Here is a collection of words ending with E and also you can learn Sorani kurdish translation of a word end with E with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Sorani kurdish translation – Words end with E

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Sorani kurdish Dictionary – Words end with E

If you want to know the Sorani kurdish translation of a word end with E, you can search that word and learn Sorani kurdish translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with E

Paddle پەلەوەر
Paganize بتپەرستی
Page لاپەڕە
Paginate لاپەڕە بنووسە
Palatable تام و چێژە
Palate کۆڵی کۆئەندامی زاوزێ
Palisade palisade
Palliate پالیات
Palliative پالیاتیڤ
Palpable هەست پێدەکرێت
Palpitate لێدانی دڵ
Pancake پانکەیک
Pantomime پانتۆمایم
Parable مەتەڵ
Parachute پەرەشوت
Parade نمایش
Paradise بەهەشت
Paraphrase وەرگێڕان
Parasite مشەخۆر
Pardonable لێخۆشبوون
Parentage دایک و باوکایەتی
Parlance زمانی قسەکردن
Parole پارێزبەندی
Parricide پاریساید
Parse پارس بکە
Parsee پارسێ بکە
Parsonage پەرستگا
Part time نیوە کاتیی
Partake بەشداری بکە
Partible partible
Participle بەشداربوو
Particularize تایبەتمەندکردن
Partitive بەشەکی
Parturiate منداڵبوون
Parvalue parvalue
Passable دەتوانرێت تێپەڕێنرێت
Passible passible
Passive ناچالاک
Paste هەویر بکە
Pastille پاستیل
Pastime کات بەسەربردن
Pasturage لەوەڕگە
Pasture لەوەڕگە
Pate pate
Patentee خاوەنی پاتێنت
Patricide پیاوکوژی
Patronage پاڵپشتیکردن
Patronize پاڵپشتی بکە
Pauperize هەژارکردن
Pavage پاڤاج

Top 1000 Sorani kurdish words

Here you learn top 1000 Sorani kurdish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sorani kurdish meanings with transliteration.

Eat خواردن
All گشت
New نوێ
Snore خڕخڕ
Fast خێرا
Help یارمەتیدان
Pain ژان
Rain باران
Pride شانازی
Sense هەست
Large گەورە
Skill کارامەیی
Panic ترس
Thank سوپاس
Desire ویستن
Woman ئافرەت
Hungry برسی

Daily use Sorani kurdish Sentences

Here you learn top Sorani kurdish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Sorani kurdish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning بەیانی باش
What is your name ناوت چیە
What is your problem تۆ کێشەت چیە?
I hate you ڕقم لێتە
I love you تۆم خۆش دەوێت
Can I help you ئەتوانم یارمەتیت بدەم?
I am sorry من داوای لێبوردن دەکەم
I want to sleep ئەمەوێ بخەوم
This is very important ئەمە زۆر گرنگە
Are you hungry ئایا تۆ برسیتە?
How is your life ژیانت چۆنه‌?
I am going to study من دەرۆم بۆ خویندن
Sorani kurdish Vocabulary
Sorani kurdish Dictionary

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