English to Spanish A-Z Dictionary

English to Spanish translation / English to Spanish Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Spanish language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Spanish through English in an easy way. English to Spanish translation helps you to learn any word in Spanish using English in an interesting way.

English to Spanish translation – Words end with N

Here is a collection of words ending with N and also you can learn Spanish translation of a word end with N with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Spanish translation – Words end with N

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Spanish Dictionary – Words end with N

If you want to know the Spanish translation of a word end with N, you can search that word and learn Spanish translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with N

Oppugn opugnar
Oration oración
Ordain ordenar
Organisation organización
Orientation orientación
Origin origen
Origination origen
Orion Orión
Orphan huérfano
Oscillation oscilación
Ottoman otomano
Ovation ovación
Oxygen oxígeno
Pacification pacificación
Pagan pagano
Pagination paginación
Palanquin palanquín
Palliation paliación
Palpitation palpitación
Pandiculation pandiculación
Pangolin pangolín
Pantaloon segundo payaso
Papillion papillón
Paraffin parafina
Paragon dechado
Pardon indulto
Parliamentarian parlamentario
Parson párroco
Particularization particularización
Partisan partidista
Pastern cuartilla
Pasteurization pasteurización
Pathan pathán
Patron patrón
Pauperization empobrecimiento
Pavilion pabellón
Pawn empeñar
Pelican pelícano
Penetration penetración
Pentagon pentágono
Percussion percusión
Perfusion perfusión
Petition petición
Phenomenon fenómeno
Pinion piñón
Piston pistón
Popcorn Palomitas
Portion parte
Propagation propagación
Punctuation puntuación

Top 1000 Spanish words

Here you learn top 1000 Spanish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Spanish meanings with transliteration.

Eat come
All todos
New nuevo
Snore ronquido
Fast rápido
Help ayudar
Pain dolor
Rain lluvia
Pride orgullo
Sense sentido
Large grande
Skill habilidad
Panic pánico
Thank gracias
Desire deseo
Woman mujer
Hungry hambriento

Daily use Spanish Sentences

Here you learn top Spanish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Spanish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Buenos dias
What is your name Cuál es tu nombre
What is your problem cual es tu problema?
I hate you te odio
I love you Te quiero
Can I help you puedo ayudarte?
I am sorry Lo siento
I want to sleep Quiero dormir
This is very important Esto es muy importante
Are you hungry tienes hambre?
How is your life cómo es su vida?
I am going to study voy a estudiar
Spanish Vocabulary
Spanish Dictionary

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