English to Tigrinya A-Z Dictionary

English to Tigrinya translation / English to Tigrinya Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Tigrinya language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Tigrinya through English in an easy way. English to Tigrinya translation helps you to learn any word in Tigrinya using English in an interesting way.

English to Tigrinya translation – Words end with R

Here is a collection of words ending with R and also you can learn Tigrinya translation of a word end with R with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Tigrinya translation – Words end with R

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Tigrinya Dictionary – Words end with R

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Words end with R

Wrecker wrecker ዝበሃል ትካል እዩ።
Wrestler ተቐዳዳማይ
Wringer wringer ዝብል ጽሑፍ ኣሎ።
Wrongdoer በደለኛ
Xyster xyster ዝበሃል ንጥረ ነገር
Yachter ጃክተር
Yager ያገር
Yester ትማሊ
Yester year ትማሊ ዓመት
Youngster መንእሰይ
Younker ንእሽቶይ ምዃኑ’ዩ።
Zemindar zemindar ዝብል ጽሑፍ ኣሎ።
Zephyr zephyr ዝብል ጽሑፍ ኣሎ።
Zither ዚተር ዝበሃሉ ምዃኖም ይፍለጥ
Zymometer ዛይሞሜተር
step father ሓዳስ ኣቦ
step mother ስቴፕ ኣደ
younger sister ንእሽቶ ሓፍቲ
academic career ኣካዳሚያዊ ሞያ
academic year ናይ ትምህርቲ ዓመት
acceptable behavior ቅቡል ባህሪ
accuser ከሳሲ
achiever ውጽኢት ዝረኸበ
active member ንጡፍ ኣባል
adapter ኣዳፕተር
adaptor ኣዳፕተር
adjudicator ዳኛ
adorer ኣምለኽቲ
advertiser መወዓውዒ ዝገብር
adviser ኣማኻሪ
agitator agitator ዝብል ቃል ንረክብ
air conditioner መቀየሪ ኣየር
air purifier መጽረዪ ኣየር
airliner መንገዲ ኣየር
alder ኣልደር ዝበሃል ምዃኑ ይፍለጥ
all over ኣብ ኩሉ
all-rounder ኩሉ መዳያዊ ተጻዋታይ
alphabetical order ቅደም ተኸተል ፊደላት
amour amour
amplifier ኣምፕሊፋየር
animator ኣኒሜተር
annotator ኣኖቴተር
announcer ኣዋጅ ኣዋጅ
annual turnover ዓመታዊ ምዝውዋር ገንዘብ
anteater ኣንቴኣተር ዝበሃል ምግቢ
appetizer መቐረት ምግቢ
apple cider ናይ ኣፕል ሳይደር
appointed director ዳይረክተር ኮይኑ ተመዚዙ
appointed minister ሚኒስተር ኮይኑ ተመዚዙ
appropriate behavior ግቡእ ባህሪ ምግባር

Top 1000 Tigrinya words

Here you learn top 1000 Tigrinya words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Tigrinya meanings with transliteration.

Eat ብላዕ
All ኩሎም
New ሓድሽ
Snore ምሕንፋጽ
Fast ቅልጡፍ
Help ሓገዝ
Pain ቃንዛ
Rain ዝናብ
Pride ኩርዓት
Sense ትርጉም
Large ገዚፍ
Skill ክእለት
Panic ራዕዲ
Thank ምስጋና
Desire ባህጊ
Woman ሰበይቲ
Hungry ዝጠመየ

Daily use Tigrinya Sentences

Here you learn top Tigrinya sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tigrinya meanings with transliteration.

Good morning ከመይ ሓዲርኩም
What is your name ሽምካ መን ይበሃል
What is your problem እንታይ እዩ ጸገምካ?
I hate you ኣነ ጸሊአካ ኣለኹ
I love you የፍቅረኪ እየ
Can I help you ክሕግዘካ ይኽእል ድየ?
I am sorry ይቕሬታ ይሓትት።
I want to sleep ክድቅስ ደልየ ኣለኹ
This is very important እዚ ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ እዩ።
Are you hungry ጠሚኻ ዲኻ?
How is your life ህይወትካ ከመይ ኣሎ?
I am going to study ክመሃር እየ ዝኸይድ ዘለኹ
Tigrinya Vocabulary
Tigrinya Dictionary

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