English to Twi A-Z Dictionary

English to Twi translation / English to Twi Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Twi language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Twi through English in an easy way. English to Twi translation helps you to learn any word in Twi using English in an interesting way.

English to Twi translation – Words end with L

Here is a collection of words ending with L and also you can learn Twi translation of a word end with L with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Twi translation – Words end with L

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Twi Dictionary – Words end with L

If you want to know the Twi translation of a word end with L, you can search that word and learn Twi translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with L

Abysmal abysmal a ɛyɛ hu
Acquittal a wobu obi bem
Actual ankasa
Admiral admiral a ɔyɛ ɔsraani panyin
Adrenal adrenal a ɛwɔ nipadua no mu
Advertorial dawurubɔ ho dawurubɔ
Aerial afiri a wɔde fa wim
Aerofoil aerofoil a wɔde yɛ nneɛma
Aerosol aerosol a wɔde hyɛ nipadua mu
Agnail agnail a ɛyɛ den
Ail ail
Air-cool mframa-nwini
Airmail wimhyɛn mu nkrataa a wɔde mena
Alluvial alluvial a ɛyɛ nsuo a ɛtɔ
Ancestral nananom de
Ankel ankel
Anneal anneal a wɔde yɛ nneɛma
Annul annul a wɔde yɛ adwuma
Antenatal ansa na wɔawo
Antenupital antenupital anim
Antisocial nea ɛne asetram nsɛm nhyia
Anvil anvil
Appal appal
Apparel ntadehyɛ
Archangel ɔbɔfo panyin
Argil argil
Arsenal akodekorabea
Artful adwinni a wɔde yɛ adwuma
Assail assail a wɔde tow hyɛ obi so
Astral nsoromma mu hwɛ
Aural aural a wɔde tie asɛm
Avail avail
Awl awl
Babel babel
Barrel toa a wɔde toa mu
Basil basil
Bell dɔn
Betal betal
Bill ɛka
Bowel dwensɔtwaa
Brawl ntɔkwaw
Broil broil a wɔde yɛ aduan
Cabal cabal
Cannibal onipakumfo
Caramel caramel a wɔde yɛ nneɛma
Cardinal kardinal na ɔyɛ adwuma
Carnal honam fam de
Carnival apontow a wɔde yɛ apontow
Carol carol
Carousal carousal a wɔde di dwuma

Top 1000 Twi words

Here you learn top 1000 Twi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Twi meanings with transliteration.

Eat di
All nyinaa
New foforɔ
Snore ahurututu mu
Fast ntɛm
Help boa
Pain yeaw
Rain nsuo tɔ
Pride ahantan
Sense nyansa
Large kakraa
Skill nimdeɛ
Panic ehu
Thank da ase
Desire ɔpɛ
Woman ɔbaa
Hungry ɛkɔm

Daily use Twi Sentences

Here you learn top Twi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Twi meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mema wo akye
What is your name Wo din de sɛn
What is your problem Dɛn ne wo haw?
I hate you Metan wo
I love you medɔ wo
Can I help you So metumi aboa wo?
I am sorry Mepa wo kyɛw
I want to sleep Mepɛ sɛ meda
This is very important Eyi ho hia paa
Are you hungry So ɔkɔm de wo?
How is your life W’asetra te dɛn?
I am going to study Merekɔsua ade
Twi Vocabulary
Twi Dictionary

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