English to Twi A-Z Dictionary

English to Twi translation / English to Twi Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Twi language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Twi through English in an easy way. English to Twi translation helps you to learn any word in Twi using English in an interesting way.

English to Twi translation – Words end with L

Here is a collection of words ending with L and also you can learn Twi translation of a word end with L with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Twi translation – Words end with L

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Twi Dictionary – Words end with L

If you want to know the Twi translation of a word end with L, you can search that word and learn Twi translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with L

Pastoral ahwɛfo adwuma
Paternal agya de
Patrimonial agyapade ho nneɛma
Patrol patrol a wɔde hwɛ nneɛma so
Pawl pawl
Pectoral pectoral mu
Penal asotwe
Peril asiane
Personal ankorɛankorɛ
Petrol pɛtro a wɔde yɛ adwuma
Phenol phenol a wɔfrɛ no phenol
Physical anisoɔ
Pill pill
Pistol tuo a wɔde tuo
Plural dodoɔ
Poll nhwehwɛmu a wɔyɛe
Pool tadeɛ
Pupil osuani
Purl purl
Quadrilateral afã anan a ɛwɔ afã anan
Quell quell
Quill quill
Quizzical asɛmmisa a wɔde bisabisa nsɛm
Racial mmusuakuw mu nyiyim
Radial radial a wɔde di dwuma
Radical radical
Rascal rascal a ɔyɛ ɔkwasea
Recall kae
Reciprocal a wɔde wɔn ho hyɛ mu
Recoil recoil a wɔde wɔn ho hyɛ mu
Repel repel
Retail tɔtɔn
Royal adehye de
Sacerdotal asɔfodifo
Sandal mpaboa a wɔde yɛ mpaboa
Scandal aniwusɛm
Self-control ahosodi
Shell hono
Shoal shoal
Signal sɛnkyerɛnne
Spill hwie gu
Spiral spiral a ɛyɛ nkuruwankuruwa
Stall ka
Stencil stencil a wɔde yɛ nneɛma
Swill swill
Swirl swirl
Symbol ahyɛnsodeɛ
Tamil tamil kasa mu
Teal teal
Terminal terminal

Top 1000 Twi words

Here you learn top 1000 Twi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Twi meanings with transliteration.

Eat di
All nyinaa
New foforɔ
Snore ahurututu mu
Fast ntɛm
Help boa
Pain yeaw
Rain nsuo tɔ
Pride ahantan
Sense nyansa
Large kakraa
Skill nimdeɛ
Panic ehu
Thank da ase
Desire ɔpɛ
Woman ɔbaa
Hungry ɛkɔm

Daily use Twi Sentences

Here you learn top Twi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Twi meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mema wo akye
What is your name Wo din de sɛn
What is your problem Dɛn ne wo haw?
I hate you Metan wo
I love you medɔ wo
Can I help you So metumi aboa wo?
I am sorry Mepa wo kyɛw
I want to sleep Mepɛ sɛ meda
This is very important Eyi ho hia paa
Are you hungry So ɔkɔm de wo?
How is your life W’asetra te dɛn?
I am going to study Merekɔsua ade
Twi Vocabulary
Twi Dictionary

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