Human Body parts names in Ukrainian and English - Common Ukrainian Vocabulary

Learn common Ukrainian vocabulary with this English-to-Ukrainian list of Human Body parts names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Ukrainian language skills through popular words and play Ukrainian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Ukrainian language, then the 1000 most common Ukrainian words will help you to learn the Ukrainian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Human Body parts vocabulary words in Ukrainian.

Human Body parts names in Ukrainian and English - Common Ukrainian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Human Body parts names in Ukrainian with English Pronunciation

Learn Human Body parts in Ukrainian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Ukrainian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Human Body parts names - Ukrainian

Ankle щиколотка shchykolotka
Arm рука ruka
Armpit пахва pakhva
Back назад nazad
Beard борода boroda
Belly живіт zhyvit
Blood кров krov
Body тіло tilo
Bone кістка kistka
Brain мозок mozok
Breast груди hrudy
Calf теля telya
Cheek щока shchoka
Chest груди hrudy
Chin підборіддя pidboriddya
Ear вухо vukho
Elbow лікоть likotʹ
Eye око oko
Eyebrow брова brova
Eyelid повіку poviku
Face обличчя oblychchya
Fingers пальці palʹtsi
Fist кулак kulak
Foot стопа stopa
Forehead лоб lob
Hair волосся volossya
Hand руку ruku
Head голова holova
Heart серце sertse
Heel каблук kabluk
Hip стегно stehno
Intestine кишечник kyshechnyk
Jaw щелепа shchelepa
Joint суглоб suhlob
Kidney нирка nyrka
Knee коліно kolino
Larynx гортані hortani
Leg нога noha
Lip губа huba
Liver печінка pechinka
Lung легеня lehenya
Moustache вуса vusa
Mouth рот rot
Muscles м'язи m'yazy
Nail цвях tsvyakh
Navel пупок pupok
Neck шия shyya
Nerve нерв nerv
Nipple соска soska
Nose ніс nis
Nostril ніздрі nizdri
Palm долоня dolonya
Paw лапа lapa
Rib ребро rebro
Shoulder плече pleche
Skin шкіри shkiry
Skull череп cherep
Spine хребет khrebet
Stomach живіт zhyvit
Thigh стегно stehno
Throat горло horlo
Thumb великий палець velykyy paletsʹ
Toe палець на нозі paletsʹ na nozi
Tongue язик yazyk
Teeth зуб zub
Wrist зап'ястя zap'yastya

Top 1000 Ukrainian words

Here you learn top 1000 Ukrainian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Ukrainian meanings with transliteration.

Eat їсти
All все
New новий
Snore хропіння
Fast швидко
Help допомогти
Pain біль
Rain дощ
Pride гордість
Sense сенс
Large великий
Skill майстерність
Panic паніка
Thank спасибі
Desire бажання
Woman жінка
Hungry голодний

Daily use Ukrainian Sentences

Here you learn top Ukrainian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Ukrainian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Добрий ранок
What is your name Як вас звати
What is your problem Та що з тобою таке?
I hate you я тебе ненавиджу
I love you я тебе люблю
Can I help you Чи можу я вам допомогти?
I am sorry Вибачте
I want to sleep я хочу спати
This is very important Це дуже важливо
Are you hungry Ти голодний?
How is your life Як ваше життя?
I am going to study Я йду вчитися
Ukrainian Vocabulary
Ukrainian Dictionary

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