Vegetables names in Ukrainian and English - Common Ukrainian Vocabulary
Learn common Ukrainian vocabulary with this English-to-Ukrainian list of Vegetables names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Ukrainian language skills through popular words and play Ukrainian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Ukrainian language, then the 1000 most common Ukrainian words will help you to learn the Ukrainian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Vegetables vocabulary words in Ukrainian.

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List of Vegetables names in Ukrainian with English Pronunciation
Learn Vegetables in Ukrainian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Ukrainian vocabulary for daily conversations.
Vegetables names - Ukrainian
Brinjal | брінджал brindzhal |
Cabbage | капуста kapusta |
Carrot | морква morkva |
Cauliflower | цвітна капуста tsvitna kapusta |
Cucumber | огірок ohirok |
Garlic | часник chasnyk |
Ginger | імбир imbyr |
Ladys Finger | жіночий палець zhinochyy paletsʹ |
Onion | цибуля tsybulya |
Potato | картопля kartoplya |
Tomato | помідор pomidor |
Pumpkin | гарбуз harbuz |
Raddish | редька redʹka |
Ridged gourd | гребенистий гарбуз hrebenystyy harbuz |
Snake gourd | зміїний гарбуз zmiyinyy harbuz |
Spinach | шпинат shpynat |
Sweet Potato | Солодка картопля Solodka kartoplya |
Amaranth | амарант amarant |
Ash Gourd | ясен гарбуз yasen harbuz |
Beans | квасоля kvasolya |
Beetroot | буряк buryak |
Bengal Gram | бенгальський грам benhalʹsʹkyy hram |
Bitter Gourd | гіркого гарбуза hirkoho harbuza |
Black Pepper | чорний перець chornyy peretsʹ |
Bottle Gourd | пляшковий гарбуз plyashkovyy harbuz |
Capsicum | стручковий перець struchkovyy peretsʹ |
Celery | селера selera |
Chilli | чилі chyli |
Cluster Beans | стручкова квасоля struchkova kvasolya |
Coriander | коріандр koriandr |
Corn | кукурудза kukurudza |
Cowpea | коров'ячий горох korov'yachyy horokh |
Drum Stick | барабанна паличка barabanna palychka |
Fenugreek Leaf | лист пажитника lyst pazhytnyka |
Gourd | гарбуз harbuz |
Green chilli | зелений перець чилі zelenyy peretsʹ chyli |
Green Gram | зелений грам zelenyy hram |
Green Plantain | зелений подорожник zelenyy podorozhnyk |
Ivy Gourd | плющовидний гарбуз plyushchovydnyy harbuz |
Kale | листова капуста lystova kapusta |
Lemon | лимон lymon |
Lettuce | листя салату lystya salatu |
Luffa | luffa luffa |
Mushroom | гриб hryb |
Mustard greens | зелень гірчиці zelenʹ hirchytsi |
Curry Leaf | лист каррі lyst karri |
Pea | горох horokh |
Peppermint | м'ята перцева m'yata pertseva |
Plantain | подорожник podorozhnyk |
Tapioca | тапіока tapioka |
Mint | м'ята m'yata |
Turmeric | куркума kurkuma |
Turnip | ріпа ripa |
Yam | ямс yams |
Zucchini | цукіні tsukini |
Top 1000 Ukrainian words
Here you learn top 1000 Ukrainian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Ukrainian meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Ukrainian Sentences
Here you learn top Ukrainian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Ukrainian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Добрий ранок |
What is your name | Як вас звати |
What is your problem | Та що з тобою таке? |
I hate you | я тебе ненавиджу |
I love you | я тебе люблю |
Can I help you | Чи можу я вам допомогти? |
I am sorry | Вибачте |
I want to sleep | я хочу спати |
This is very important | Це дуже важливо |
Are you hungry | Ти голодний? |
How is your life | Як ваше життя? |
I am going to study | Я йду вчитися |
Ukrainian Vocabulary

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