The sentences in Uyghur and English

‘The’ sentences in Uyghur with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Uyghur translation of The sentences and play The sentences quiz in Uyghur language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Uyghur sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Uyghur language in an easy way. To learn Uyghur language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

The sentences in Uyghur

The sentences in Uyghur and English

The list of 'The' sentences in Uyghur language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Uyghur translations.

The area was quiet بۇ يەر جىمجىت ئىدى
The baby is crying بوۋاق يىغلاۋاتىدۇ
The baby was fast asleep بوۋاق تېز ئۇخلاۋاتاتتى
The book is easy كىتاب ئاسان
The boy began to cry بالا يىغلاشقا باشلىدى
The boy caught the dog بالا ئىتنى تۇتتى
The boy is kind بالا ئاق كۆڭۈل
The boys kept quiet بالىلار سۈكۈت قىلدى
The car is ready ماشىنا تەييار
The car is very fast ماشىنا ناھايىتى تېز
The children are sleeping بالىلار ئۇخلاۋاتىدۇ
The class begins at morning دەرس ئەتىگەندە باشلىنىدۇ
The desk is made of wood ئۈستەل ياغاچتىن ياسالغان
The dog is dead ئىت ئۆلدى
The dog is dying ئىت ئۆلدى
The area was quiet بۇ يەر جىمجىت ئىدى
The baby is crying بوۋاق يىغلاۋاتىدۇ
The baby was fast asleep بوۋاق تېز ئۇخلاۋاتاتتى
The book is easy كىتاب ئاسان
The boy began to cry بالا يىغلاشقا باشلىدى
The boy caught the dog بالا ئىتنى تۇتتى
The boy is kind بالا ئاق كۆڭۈل
The boys kept quiet بالىلار سۈكۈت قىلدى
The car is ready ماشىنا تەييار
The car is very fast ماشىنا ناھايىتى تېز
The children are sleeping بالىلار ئۇخلاۋاتىدۇ
The class begins at morning دەرس ئەتىگەندە باشلىنىدۇ
The desk is made of wood ئۈستەل ياغاچتىن ياسالغان
The dog is dead ئىت ئۆلدى
The dog is dying ئىت ئۆلدى
The dog is white ئىت ئاق
The earth is round يەر يۇمىلاق
The food is cold يېمەكلىك سوغۇق
The food wasn't good تاماق ياخشى ئەمەس
The furniture was dusty ئۆي جاھازىلىرى توپا ئىدى
The girl trembled with fear قىز قورقۇپ تىترەپ كەتتى
The house is on fire ئۆيگە ئوت كەتتى
The ice has melted مۇز ئېرىپ كەتتى
The law was changed قانۇن ئۆزگەرتىلدى
The news can't be true بۇ خەۋەر راست ئەمەس
The pain was terrible ئاغرىق بەك قورقۇنچلۇق ئىدى
The river is wide دەريا كەڭ
The room is hot ئۆي ئىسسىق
The room was locked ئۆي قۇلۇپلاندى
The room was warm ئۆي ئىسسىق ئىدى
The woman is reading ئۇ ئايال ئوقۇۋاتىدۇ

‘The’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Uyghur words

Here you learn top 1000 Uyghur words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Uyghur meanings with transliteration.

Eat يېيىش
All ھەممىسى
New new
Snore snore
Fast تېز
Help ياردەم
Pain ئاغرىق
Rain يامغۇر
Pride غۇرۇر
Sense مەنىسى
Large چوڭ
Skill ماھارەت
Panic ۋەھىمە
Thank رەھمەت
Desire ئارزۇ
Woman ئايال
Hungry قورسىقى ئاچ
Uyghur Vocabulary
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