Religion vocabulary words in Welsh and English - Common Welsh Vocabulary

Learn common Welsh vocabulary with this English-to-Welsh list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Welsh language skills through popular words and play Welsh quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Welsh language, then the 1000 most common Welsh words will help you to learn the Welsh language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Welsh.

Religion vocabulary words in Welsh and English - Common Welsh Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Religion vocabulary words in Welsh with English Pronunciation

Learn Religion in Welsh, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Welsh vocabulary for daily conversations.

Religion vocabulary words - Welsh

Acolyte acolyte
Adulteress godinebwraig
Angel angel
Anointed eneiniog
Apologist ymddiheuriad
Apostasy apostasy
Atonement cymod
Baptise bedyddio
Basilica basilica
Beatification curo
Belief cred
Canonical canonaidd
Ceremonial seremonïol
Chapel capel
Chastity diweirdeb
Christian cristnogol
Church eglwys
Cloister cloestr
Conclave conclaf
Confession cyffes
Conformist cydffurfiwr
Congregation cynulleidfa
Consecrate cysegru
Contrition edifeirwch
Crucifix croeshoeliad
Cult cwlt
Damnation damnedigaeth
Deceitful twyllodrus
Deity dwyfoldeb
Demon cythraul
Devil diafol
Dignitary urddasol
Divine dwyfol
Epiphany epiphany
Exegesis exegesis
Expiate expiate
Faith ffydd
Faithless di-ffydd
Fetish fetish
Fiend fiend
Fornication godineb
Friar brawd
Genesis genesis
Gentile boneddigaidd
God duw
Hallowed cysegredig
Heathen cenhedloedd
Heaven nef
Hell uffern
Heresy heresi
Hermitage meudwy
Hindi hindiaidd
Holiness sancteiddrwydd
Holy sanctaidd
Hymnal emynol
Idolatry eilunaddoliaeth
Immolation im mawl
Incumbent periglor
Infidelity anffyddlondeb
Inquisitor chwiliwr
Interdict gwaharddiad
Intone goslef
Invocation deisyfiad
Lecher lecher
Lectern darllenfa
Legate cymynrodd
Legation llengwlad
Litany litani
Liturgy litwrgi
Lord arglwydd
Majesty mawredd
Malefactor malefactor
Marvel rhyfeddu
Miracle gwyrth
Monastic mynachaidd
Mortify mortify
Mosque mosg
Mourner galarwr
Mundane cyffredin
Muslim mwslem
Nave corff
Nectar neithdar
Nirvana nirvana
Nonbeliever anghrediniwr
Nunnery lleiandy
Oath llw
Obedience ufudd-dod
Officiate gweinyddu
Omen arwydd
Omnipotent hollalluog
Oracular areithyddol
Oratory areithyddol
Ordination ordeiniad
Orthodoxy uniongrededd
Pantheon pantheon
Papal pab
Papist pabydd
Parish plwyf
Patriarch patriarch
Patriarchate patriarchaeth
Penance penyd
Pilgrimage pererindod
Pontiff pontiff
Porch cyntedd
Prayer gweddi
Preach pregethu
Preacher pregethwr
Priest offeiriad
Primate primat
Priory priordy
Profane halogedig
Prophesy proffwydoliaeth
Proselytize proselytize
Providence rhagluniaeth
Psyche seice
Pulpit pulpud
Rapt rapt
Rebirth aileni
Recant dadganfod
Recluse cilio
Rectory rheithordy
Refectory ffreutur
Relic crair
Religion crefydd
Religiosity crefydd
Reliquary reliquary
Remission maddeuant
Repent edifarhau
Reprobate atbrofa
Requiem requiem
Resurrect atgyfodi
Resuscitate dadebru
Reverend parchedig
Revivalist diwygiwr
Rite defod
Rosary rosari
Sacrifice aberth
Secular seciwlar
Seminarian seminaraidd
Sermon pregeth
Sermonize pregethu
Shroud amdo
Sin pechod
Spirit ysbryd
Supplicant ymgeisydd
Surplice surplice
Synod synod
Tabernacle tabernacl
Taboo tabŵ
Tonsure tonsur
Transgress camwedd
Travail travail
Trespass tresmasu
Tribulation gorthrymder
Trinity drindod
Trusting ymddiried
Ungodly annuwiol
Unholy annuwiol
Unorthodox anuniongred
Untouchable anghyffyrddadwy
Venerate parch
Veneration parchedigaeth
Verily yn wir
Vow adduned
Worshipper addolwr
Zealot selog

Top 1000 Welsh words

Here you learn top 1000 Welsh words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Welsh meanings with transliteration.

Eat bwyta
All I gyd
New newydd
Snore chwyrnu
Fast cyflym
Help help
Pain poen
Rain glaw
Pride balchder
Sense synnwyr
Large mawr
Skill sgil
Panic panig
Thank diolch
Desire awydd
Woman gwraig
Hungry newynog

Daily use Welsh Sentences

Here you learn top Welsh sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Welsh meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bore da
What is your name Beth yw dy enw
What is your problem Beth yw eich problem?
I hate you Rwy'n casáu chi
I love you Rwy'n dy garu di
Can I help you A allaf eich helpu?
I am sorry Mae'n ddrwg gennyf
I want to sleep Dwi Eisiau cysgu
This is very important Mae hyn yn bwysig iawn
Are you hungry Ydych chi'n newynog?
How is your life Sut mae eich bywyd?
I am going to study Rydw i'n mynd i astudio
Welsh Vocabulary
Welsh Dictionary

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