Animals names in Xhosa and English - Common Xhosa Vocabulary

Learn common Xhosa vocabulary with this English-to-Xhosa list of Animals names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Xhosa language skills through popular words and play Xhosa quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Xhosa language, then the 1000 most common Xhosa words will help you to learn the Xhosa language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Animals vocabulary words in Xhosa.

Animals names in Xhosa and English - Common Xhosa Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Animals names in Xhosa with English Pronunciation

Learn Animals in Xhosa, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Xhosa vocabulary for daily conversations.

Animals names - Xhosa

Ape inkawu
Ass iimpundu
Baboon imfene
Bear ibhere
Boar inyama yehagu
Buffalo inyathi
Bull inkunzi yenkomo
Calf ithole
Camel inkamela
Cat ikati
Chimpanzee itshimpanzi
Cow inkomo
Crocodile ingwenya
Deer inyamakazi
Dog inja
Donkey idonki
Elephant indlovu
Ewe wena
Fawn inyamakazi
Fox impungutye
Frog isele
Giraffe indlulamthi
Goat ibhokhwe
Gorilla igorila
Grizzly igriza
Hare ingcuka
Hamster ihamster
Hind ixhama
Hippopotamus imvubu
Horn uphondo
Horse ihashe
Hound umzingeli
Hyena ingcuka
Iguana iguana
Jackal udyakalashe
Jaguar ijaguar
Kangaroo ikhangaru
Kitten ikati
Lamb inyama yegusha
Langur langur
Leopard ingwe
Lion ingonyama
Lizard icikilishe
Mare imazi
Mongoose mongoose
Monkey inkawu
Mosquito ingcongconi
Mouse impuku
Mule imeyile
Otter otter
Ox nkomo
Panther i-panther
Pig ihagu
Pony iponi
Porcupine i-porcupine
Puppy injana
Rabbit umvundla
Rat impuku
Rhinoceros umkhombe
Sheep iigusha
Snake inyoka
Snail inkumba
Squirrel unomatse
Stag ixhama
Tail umsila
Tiger ingwe
Tortoise ufudo
Turtle ufudo
Weasel i-weasel
Wolf ingcuka
Zebra zebra
Zorilla zorila

Top 1000 Xhosa words

Here you learn top 1000 Xhosa words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Xhosa meanings with transliteration.

Eat yitya
All zonke
New entsha
Snore rhona
Fast ngokukhawuleza
Help Nceda
Pain intlungu
Rain imvula
Pride ukuzingca
Sense ingqiqo
Large enkulu
Skill isakhono
Panic ukuphaphazela
Thank enkosi
Desire umnqweno
Woman umfazi
Hungry ulambile

Daily use Xhosa Sentences

Here you learn top Xhosa sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Xhosa meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mholo
What is your name Lithini igama lakho
What is your problem Yintoni ingxaki yakho?
I hate you Ndiyakonyanya
I love you Ndiyakuthanda
Can I help you Ndingakunceda?
I am sorry Nditaxolusa
I want to sleep ndifuna ukulala
This is very important Oku kubaluleke kakhulu
Are you hungry Ingaba ulambile?
How is your life Bunjani ubomi bakho?
I am going to study Ndiza kufunda
Xhosa Vocabulary
Xhosa Dictionary

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