1000 most common Zulu words
Table of content
¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Zulu translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Zulu words, this place will help you to learn common words in Zulu language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Zulu language quickly and also play some Zulu word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Zulu.

1000 words in English to Zulu
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Zulu language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | isenzo |
Add | engeza |
Age | iminyaka yobudala |
Aim | inhloso |
Air | umoya |
All | konke |
And | futhi |
Ant | intuthwane |
Any | noma yikuphi |
Ask | buza |
Bad | kubi |
Big | enkulu |
Buy | thenga |
Cry | khala |
Dam | idamu |
Die | fa |
Dry | omile |
End | ukuphela |
Ear | indlebe |
Eat | dla |
Egg | iqanda |
Eye | iso |
Fat | amafutha |
Fly | ndiza |
Fun | ubumnandi |
Get | thola |
God | unkulunkulu |
Hen | isikhukhukazi |
Hot | kushisa |
Job | umsebenzi |
Leg | umlenze |
Lie | amanga |
Low | phansi |
Mad | hlanya |
Man | indoda |
Not | hhayi |
Now | manje |
New | okusha |
Old | endala |
Own | okwakho |
Run | gijima |
Sad | lusizi |
Sea | ulwandle |
See | bona |
Shy | enamahloni |
Sit | hlala |
Sum | isamba |
Sun | ilanga |
Tax | intela |
Try | zama |
Use | sebenzisa |
War | impi |
Wet | manzi |
Why | ngani |
Win | nqoba |
Yes | yebo |
You | wena |
4 letter words
Also | futhi |
Baby | ingane |
Back | emuva |
Bake | bhaka |
Bald | impandla |
Ball | ibhola |
Bark | amaxolo |
Bath | ukugeza |
Beet | isithombo sebhitrudi |
Bend | goba |
Best | best |
Bird | inyoni |
Bold | nesibindi |
Bone | ithambo |
Book | incwadi |
Born | wazalwa |
Both | kokubili |
Busy | umatasatasa |
Call | shayela |
Calm | ezolile |
Care | ukunakekela |
Come | woza |
Cost | izindleko |
Cute | muhle |
Crow | igwababa |
Dare | nesibindi |
Dark | mnyama |
Date | usuku |
Deal | deal |
Diet | ukudla |
Dish | isitsha |
Door | umnyango |
Down | phansi |
Dust | uthuli |
Each | ngamunye |
Earn | zuza |
Easy | kulula |
Edge | umphetho |
Evil | okubi |
Exit | Phuma |
Face | ubuso |
Fact | iqiniso |
Fair | fair |
Fake | mbumbulu |
Farm | ipulazi |
Fast | ngokushesha |
Fear | ukwesaba |
Feel | ukuzwa |
Find | thola |
Fine | kuhle |
Fish | izinhlanzi |
Food | ukudla |
Fool | isiwula |
Free | mahhala |
Frog | ixoxo |
Full | egcwele |
Gape | futhi |
Gift | isipho |
Girl | intombazane |
Goat | imbuzi |
Good | kuhle |
Grab | bamba |
Grow | khula |
Half | ingxenye |
Hate | inzondo |
Head | ikhanda |
Hear | yizwa |
Heat | ukushisa |
Help | Usizo |
Here | lapha |
Hide | fihla |
High | phezulu |
Hold | bamba |
Hole | umgodi |
Home | ekhaya |
Huge | enkulu |
Hurt | ubuhlungu |
Idea | umqondo |
Jump | gxuma |
Just | nje |
Kill | bulala |
Land | umhlaba |
Last | okokugcina |
Late | sekwephuzile |
Left | kwesokunxele |
Life | ukuphila |
Line | umugqa |
Lion | ibhubesi |
Long | eside |
Look | bheka |
Lost | ilahlekile |
Love | uthando |
Luck | inhlanhla |
Lung | iphaphu |
Many | abaningi |
Meet | hlangana |
Melt | ncibilika |
Milk | ubisi |
Must | kufanele |
Name | igama |
Near | eduze |
Neat | icocekile |
Neck | intamo |
Need | isidingo |
Next | Olandelayo |
Only | kuphela |
Pain | ubuhlungu |
Pair | bhangqa |
Park | ipaki |
Path | indlela |
Play | dlala |
Poor | mpofu |
Pull | Donsa |
Pure | msulwa |
Quit | yeka |
Quiz | imibuzo |
Race | uhlanga |
Rain | imvula |
Rare | okungajwayelekile |
Real | okwangempela |
Rent | qasha |
Rest | phumula |
Rich | ocebile |
Ride | gibela |
Rise | vuka |
Risk | ingozi |
Room | igumbi |
Rope | intambo |
Rude | luhlaza |
Sage | sage |
Sail | hamba ngomkhumbi |
Salt | usawoti |
Same | okufanayo |
Sand | isihlabathi |
Save | gcina |
Scam | umkhonyovu |
Seed | imbewu |
Seek | funa |
Self | uqobo |
Sell | thengisa |
Send | thumela |
Shop | esitolo |
Show | umbukiso |
Sick | abagulayo |
Side | ohlangothini |
Site | indawo |
Size | usayizi |
Skin | isikhumba |
Slow | kancane |
Soft | ethambile |
Soil | inhlabathi |
Some | abanye |
Soon | maduze |
Stay | hlala |
Stop | Ima |
Such | enjalo |
Swap | shintsha |
Swim | bhukuda |
Take | thatha |
Talk | khuluma |
Tall | mude |
Team | iqembu |
Tell | tshela |
Tent | ithende |
That | lokho |
Then | bese |
Thin | mncane |
This | lokhu |
Tide | igagasi |
Time | isikhathi |
Tour | ukuvakasha |
Town | idolobha |
Tree | umuthi |
Trip | uhambo |
Turn | phenduka |
Ugly | kubi |
Vase | vase |
Vein | umthambo |
Very | kakhulu |
View | buka |
Wage | iholo |
Wait | linda |
Wake | vuka |
Walk | hamba |
Wall | udonga |
Want | funa |
Warm | efudumele |
Warn | xwayisa |
Weak | buthaka |
Wear | gqoka |
Week | isonto |
Well | kahle |
Went | wahamba |
What | ini |
When | nini |
Wide | ububanzi |
Wife | unkosikazi |
Wild | zasendle |
Will | intando |
Wind | umoya |
Wine | iwayini |
Wish | fisa |
Wood | ukhuni |
Wool | uvolo |
Word | izwi |
Work | umsebenzi |
Worm | isibungu |
Yarn | ntambo |
Your | lakho |
Zoom | sondeza |
5 letter words
Above | ngenhla |
Adapt | vumelanisa |
Admit | vuma |
Adult | omdala |
After | ngemva |
Again | futhi |
Agree | vuma |
Alert | qwashisa |
Allow | vumela |
Alone | yedwa |
Along | kanye |
Anger | intukuthelo |
Angle | i-angle |
Angry | ethukuthele |
Asset | impahla |
Avoid | gwema |
Awake | phaphama |
Aware | uyazi |
Begin | qala |
Birth | ukuzalwa |
Blood | igazi |
Brain | ubuchopho |
Built | eyakhelwe |
Bring | letha |
Build | ukwakha |
Camel | ikamela |
Canal | umsele |
Carry | thwala |
Cheap | ezishibhile |
Cheat | khohlisa |
Check | hlola |
Chest | isifuba |
Claim | Faka isicelo |
Clean | ihlanzekile |
Clear | cacile |
Climb | khuphuka |
Close | vala |
Cloth | indwangu |
Cloud | ifu |
Color | umbala |
Crime | ubugebengu |
Crowd | isixuku |
Crown | umqhele |
Daily | nsuku zonke |
Dance | umdanso |
Death | ukufa |
Decay | ukubola |
Delay | ukubambezela |
Devil | usathane |
Dirty | engcolile |
Dress | gqoka |
Drink | phuza |
Drive | shayela |
Dwell | hlala |
Eager | ngokulangazela |
Eagle | ukhozi |
Early | kusenesikhathi |
Earth | umhlaba |
Elder | umdala |
Empty | ayinalutho |
Enemy | isitha |
Enjoy | ujabulele |
Entry | ukungena |
Equal | kulingana |
Essay | indaba |
Event | umcimbi |
Every | zonke |
Exact | ngqo |
Exist | zikhona |
Extra | okwengeziwe |
Faith | ukholo |
Fault | iphutha |
Fever | imfiva |
Field | inkambu |
Final | okokugcina |
Fleet | imikhumbi |
Float | ntanta |
Flood | uzamcolo |
Floor | phansi |
Flour | ufulawa |
Fluid | uketshezi |
Focus | gxila |
Force | amandla |
Fraud | ukukhwabanisa |
Fresh | kusha |
Front | ngaphambili |
Fruit | izithelo |
Ghost | isipoki |
Globe | imbulunga |
Going | ngiya |
Grain | okusanhlamvu |
Grant | isibonelelo |
Grass | utshani |
Great | enkulu |
Group | iqembu |
Guard | unogada |
Guest | isivakashi |
Habit | umkhuba |
Heart | inhliziyo |
Honey | uju |
Horse | ihhashi |
House | indlu |
Human | womuntu |
Ideal | ekahle |
Issue | udaba |
Judge | ijaji |
Knife | ummese |
Labor | umsebenzi |
Ladle | ladle |
Large | enkulu |
Laugh | hleka |
Learn | funda |
Leave | hamba |
Legal | okusemthethweni |
Limit | umkhawulo |
Lunch | isidlo sasemini |
Metal | insimbi |
Mixed | okuxubile |
Money | imali |
Month | inyanga |
Mount | intaba |
Mouth | umlomo |
Music | umculo |
Maize | ummbila |
Naked | nqunu |
Never | neze |
Night | ebusuku |
Niece | umshana |
Noise | umsindo |
Occur | zenzeka |
Ocean | ulwandle |
Onion | u-anyanini |
Offer | umnikelo |
Order | ukuhleleka |
Organ | isitho |
Other | okunye |
Owner | umnikazi |
Paddy | i-paddy |
Panic | uvalo |
Peace | ukuthula |
Place | indawo |
Plant | isitshalo |
Price | intengo |
Pride | ukuziqhenya |
Proud | uyaziqhenya |
Prove | fakazela |
Quilt | umpheme |
Quick | ngokushesha |
Quite | impela |
Raise | phakamisa |
Reach | finyelela |
React | asabele |
Ready | ngomumo |
Reply | phendula |
Right | kwesokudla |
Round | nxazonke |
Rural | emaphandleni |
Saint | ongcwele |
Scope | ububanzi |
Score | Umphumela |
Sense | umqondo |
Shake | qhaqhazela |
Shape | umumo |
Share | ukwabelana |
Sharp | ebukhali |
Shrub | isihlahla |
Skill | ikhono |
Sleep | lala |
Slope | umthambeka |
Small | encane |
Smell | iphunga |
Smile | mamatheka |
Snake | inyoka |
Snore | rhona |
Solid | okuqinile |
Sound | umsindo |
Space | isikhala |
Speak | khuluma |
Speed | isivinini |
Spend | chitha |
Spent | esetshenzisiwe |
Sperm | isidoda |
Sport | ezemidlalo |
Stand | yima |
Steam | umusi |
Stone | itshe |
Story | indaba |
Taste | ukunambitha |
Teach | fundisa |
Teeth | amazinyo |
Thank | ngiyabonga |
There | Lapho |
These | lezi |
Thick | obukhulu |
Thing | into |
Tiger | ingwe |
Today | namuhla |
Total | ingqikithi |
Treat | phatha |
Trend | umkhuba |
Tried | wazama |
Trust | ukwethemba |
Truth | iqiniso |
Twice | kabili |
Under | ngaphansi |
Upper | phezulu |
Urban | emadolobheni |
Visit | vakashela |
Voice | izwi |
Vomit | hlanza |
Waste | imfucuza |
Water | amanzi |
Wheat | ukolweni |
Where | lapho |
White | mhlophe |
Whole | ephelele |
Woman | owesifazane |
World | umhlaba |
Worst | okubi kakhulu |
Write | bhala |
Wrong | okungalungile |
Yield | Veza |
Young | abasha |
Youth | ubusha |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | ngingekho |
Accept | vuma |
Admire | zibabaza |
Advice | iseluleko |
Almost | cishe |
Always | njalo |
Animal | isilwane |
Answer | impendulo |
Appeal | isikhalazo |
Appear | avele |
Arrive | fika |
Artist | umculi |
Assist | siza |
Attack | ukuhlasela |
Attach | namathisela |
Attend | thamela |
Bangle | ibhanga |
Before | ngaphambili |
Behind | ngemuva |
Bellow | ngezansi |
Better | kangcono |
Borrow | boleka |
Bottom | phansi |
Broken | ephukile |
Budget | isabelomali |
Cancel | khansela |
Cancer | umdlavuza |
Carrot | isaqathe |
Cattle | izinkomo |
Common | evamile |
Compel | phoqa |
Corner | ikhona |
Couple | umbhangqwana |
Course | inkambo |
Create | dala |
Custom | ngokwezifiso |
Damage | umonakalo |
Dancer | umdansi |
Danger | Ingozi |
Decade | ishumi leminyaka |
Defeat | ukunqotshwa |
Delete | susa |
Demand | ukufuna |
Desire | isifiso |
Detail | imininingwane |
Dinner | isidlo sakusihlwa |
Divine | okwaphezulu |
Donkey | imbongolo |
Double | kabili |
Edible | ezidliwayo |
Effect | umphumela |
Either | noma |
Empire | umbuso |
Energy | amandla |
Enough | ngokwanele |
Ensure | qinisekisa |
Entire | ephelele |
Except | ngaphandle |
Expand | andisa |
Expect | lindela |
Export | ukuthekelisa |
Extend | andisa |
Facade | olungaphambili lwesonto |
Family | umndeni |
Famous | odumile |
Faulty | enephutha |
Favour | umusa |
Female | owesifazane |
Fiance | umakoti |
Finish | qeda |
Flower | imbali |
Forest | ihlathi |
Forgot | ukhohliwe |
Freeze | qhwa |
Friend | umngane |
Future | esizayo |
Garage | igaraji |
Garden | ingadi |
Garlic | ugaliki |
Ginger | ijinja |
Global | global |
Ground | emhlabathini |
Growth | ukukhula |
Health | impilo |
Hidden | kufihliwe |
Honest | qotho |
Honour | udumo |
Hostel | ihostela |
Humble | ezithobekile |
Hungry | elambile |
Ignore | nganaki |
Impact | umthelela |
Impure | ongcolile |
Income | imali engenayo |
Inform | yazisa |
Insect | isinambuzane |
Inside | ngaphakathi |
Jungle | ihlathi |
Kidnap | thumba |
Kindle | vutha |
Labour | umsebenzi |
Leader | umholi |
Length | ubude |
Letter | incwadi |
Liquid | uketshezi |
Little | kancane |
Living | abaphilayo |
Lizard | isibankwa |
Locate | thola |
Luxury | ukunethezeka |
Making | ukwenza |
Mammal | izilwane ezincelisayo |
Manage | phatha |
Manual | imanuwali |
Market | imakethe |
Mental | ngokwengqondo |
Method | indlela |
Middle | phakathi |
Monkey | inkawu |
Mother | umama |
Muscle | umsipha |
Narrow | emincane |
Native | owomdabu |
Nature | imvelo |
Normal | evamile |
Number | inombolo |
Object | into |
Office | ihhovisi |
Option | inketho |
Parent | umzali |
Parrot | upholi |
People | abantu |
Person | umuntu |
Pickle | ukhukhamba |
Picnic | ipikiniki |
Pigeon | ijuba |
Planet | iplanethi |
Please | Ngiyacela |
Plenty | inala |
Police | amaphoyisa |
Potato | izambane |
Praise | dumisa |
Prayer | umthandazo |
Pretty | muhle |
Prince | inkosana |
Profit | inzuzo |
Proper | efanele |
Public | umphakathi |
Rabbit | unogwaja |
Recent | okwakamuva |
Recipe | iresiphi |
Record | irekhodi |
Reduce | nciphisa |
Regret | ukuzisola |
Reject | nqaba |
Remind | khumbuza |
Remove | susa |
Repair | ukulungisa |
Repeat | phinda |
Return | buyela |
Rotate | zungeza |
Safety | ukuphepha |
Salary | iholo |
Sample | isampula |
School | isikole |
Screen | isikrini |
Script | umbhalo |
Scroll | pheqa |
Search | sesha |
Season | isizini |
Secret | imfihlo |
Secure | ivikelekile |
Select | khetha |
Senior | omdala |
Shield | isihlangu |
Should | kufanele |
Shower | ishawa |
Silent | athule |
Single | ongashadile |
Sister | usisi |
Smooth | bushelelezi |
Social | social |
Speech | inkulumo |
Street | umgwaqo |
Strong | eqinile |
Sudden | ngokuzumayo |
Summer | ihlobo |
Supply | hlinzeka |
Talent | ithalente |
Temple | ithempeli |
Thread | umucu |
Thrill | injabulo |
Throat | umphimbo |
Tittle | isihloko |
Toilet | indlu yangasese |
Tomato | utamatisi |
Tongue | ulimi |
Travel | ukuhamba |
Tunnel | umhubhe |
Turtle | ufudu |
Unseen | engabonakali |
Update | buyekeza |
Urgent | kuyaphuthuma |
Useful | wusizo |
Vacate | phuma |
Vacuum | vacuum |
Vapour | umhwamuko |
Verify | qinisekisa |
Virgin | intombi |
Wealth | ingcebo |
Weekly | masonto onke |
Weight | isisindo |
Winter | ubusika |
Winner | owinile |
Wonder | zibuze |
Worker | isisebenzi |
Writer | umbhali |
Yearly | minyaka yonke |
7 letter words
Achieve | zuza |
Advance | phambili |
Against | ngokumelene |
Already | kakade |
Ancient | mandulo |
Anybody | noma ubani |
Approve | vuma |
Apology | uxolo |
Archive | ingobo yomlando |
Arrange | hlela |
Arrival | ukufika |
Article | isihloko |
Attempt | umzamo |
Attract | ukuheha |
Average | isilinganiso |
Bandage | ibhandishi |
Barrage | isiphithiphithi |
Barrier | umgoqo |
Because | ngoba |
Benefit | inzuzo |
Between | phakathi |
Cabbage | iklabishi |
Capture | bamba |
Careful | qaphela |
Carrier | umthwali |
Century | ikhulu leminyaka |
Certain | ezithile |
Chamber | igumbi |
Chapter | isahluko |
Charity | uthando |
Climate | isimo sezulu |
Coconut | ukhukhunathi |
Collect | qoqa |
College | ekolishi |
Comfort | induduzo |
Command | umyalo |
Comment | phawula |
Company | inkampani |
Compare | qhathanisa |
Concept | umqondo |
Concern | ukukhathazeka |
Conduct | ukuziphatha |
Confirm | qinisekisa |
Connect | xhuma |
Contact | othintana naye |
Control | ukulawula |
Convert | guqula |
Correct | kulungile |
Costume | imvunulo |
Cottage | ikotishi |
Country | izwe |
Courage | isibindi |
Cucumber | ikhukhamba |
Curious | ngifuna ukwazi |
Declare | memezela |
Defense | ukuzivikela |
Dentist | udokotela wamazinyo |
Deposit | idiphozi |
Despite | naphezu |
Destiny | isiphetho |
Destroy | bhubhisa |
Develop | thuthukisa |
Disease | isifo |
Display | isibonisi |
Disturb | phazamisa |
Dynasty | ubukhosi |
Eagerly | ngokulangazela |
Earning | abaholayo |
Eatable | kuyadliwa |
Ecology | imvelo |
Economy | umnotho |
Edition | uhlelo |
Elegant | nenhle |
Enhance | thuthukisa |
Episode | isiqephu |
Example | isibonelo |
Evening | kusihlwa |
Exclude | ngaphandle |
Explain | chaza |
Explore | hlola |
Educate | fundisa |
Factory | ifektri |
Failure | ukwehluleka |
Feature | isici |
Finance | ezezimali |
Flavour | ukunambitheka |
Fluency | ukuqephuza |
Forever | kuze kube phakade |
Further | ngokuqhubekayo |
Garment | ingubo |
General | jikelele |
Genuine | okwangempela |
Glamour | ubukhazikhazi |
Grammar | uhlelo lolimi |
Grocery | igilosa |
Habitat | indawo yokuhlala |
Harmful | eziyingozi |
Harvest | isivuno |
Heading | isihloko |
Hearing | ukuzwa |
Helpful | usizo |
History | umlando |
Holding | ebambe |
Holiday | iholidi |
Hundred | ikhulu |
Husband | umyeni |
Hygiene | inhlanzeko |
Impress | hlaba umxhwele |
Improve | ngcono |
Include | hlanganisa |
Initial | eyokuqala |
Inspect | hlola |
Inspire | gqugquzela |
Journey | uhambo |
Justice | ubulungisa |
Leading | ehamba phambili |
Leather | isikhumba |
Leaving | ehamba |
Lecture | inkulumo |
Liberal | inkululeko |
Lovable | ezithandekayo |
Luggage | imithwalo |
Manager | umphathi |
Maximum | esiphezulu |
Meaning | incazelo |
Measure | isilinganiso |
Medical | ezokwelapha |
Message | umyalezo |
Migrant | umfuduki |
Mineral | amaminerali |
Minimum | ubuncane |
Miracle | isimangaliso |
Missile | umcibisholo |
Missing | engekho |
Mistake | iphutha |
Morning | ekuseni |
Mustard | lwesinaphi |
Mystery | imfihlakalo |
Narrate | landisa |
Natural | yemvelo |
Naughty | naughty |
Neglect | ukunganakwa |
Neither | noma |
Nervous | ethukile |
Network | inethiwekhi |
Nothing | lutho |
Observe | qaphela |
Opening | ukuvula |
Operate | sebenza |
Opinion | umbono |
Organic | eziphilayo |
Ostrich | intshe |
Package | iphasela |
Painful | okubuhlungu |
Partial | ngokwengxenye |
Passage | iphaseji |
Patient | isiguli |
Payment | inkokhelo |
Penalty | inhlawulo |
Pending | okulindile |
Penguin | penguin |
Pension | impesheni |
Perfect | ephelele |
Perfume | amakha |
Popular | edumile |
Pottery | izitsha zobumba |
Poverty | ubumpofu |
Prevent | vimbela |
Privacy | ubumfihlo |
Private | okuyimfihlo |
Problem | inkinga |
Produce | khiqiza |
Propose | phakamisa |
Purpose | inhloso |
Quality | izinga |
Quickly | ngokushesha |
Receive | thola |
Regular | njalo |
Related | ezihlobene |
Release | khulula |
Replace | buyisela |
Reptile | ezihuquzelayo |
Request | isicelo |
Respect | inhlonipho |
Respond | phendula |
Revenge | ukuziphindiselela |
Revenue | imali engenayo |
Reverse | hlehla |
Robbery | ukugebenga |
Romance | ezothando |
Science | isayensi |
Serious | sina |
Servant | inceku |
Service | isevisi |
Similar | ezifanayo |
Society | umphakathi |
Sparrow | undlunkulu |
Special | ekhethekile |
Stomach | isisu |
Student | umfundi |
Success | impumelelo |
Suggest | phakamisa |
Suicide | ukuzibulala |
Support | ukusekela |
Suspend | misa okwesikhashana |
Teacher | uthisha |
Teenage | osemusha |
Tension | ukungezwani |
Tourism | ezokuvakasha |
Trouble | inkathazo |
Uniform | umfaniswano |
Utility | usizo |
Vacancy | isikhala |
Variety | ezihlukahlukene |
Vehicle | imoto |
Village | isigodi |
Vintage | amagilebhisi |
Victory | ukunqoba |
Violent | enodlame |
Visible | ebonakalayo |
Visitor | isivakashi |
Vitamin | ivithamini |
Walking | ukuhamba |
Wanting | abafuna |
Warning | isixwayiso |
Wealthy | abacebile |
Weather | isimo sezulu |
Wedding | umshado |
Welcome | wamukelekile |
Welfare | inhlalakahle |
Winning | ukunqoba |
Working | ukusebenza |
Worried | ekhathazekile |
Worship | ukukhonza |
Writing | ukubhala |
8 letter words
Abnormal | okungajwayelekile |
Absolute | ngokuphelele |
Accepted | kwamukelwe |
Accident | ingozi |
Accuracy | ukunemba |
Activate | vula |
Addition | ukwengeza |
Adequate | ezanele |
Affected | abathintekayo |
Alphabet | izinhlamvu zamagama |
Anything | noma yini |
Anywhere | noma kuphi |
Appraise | ncoma |
Approach | sondela |
Approval | ukugunyazwa |
Argument | ukuphikisana |
Assemble | hlangana |
Attitude | isimo sengqondo |
Audience | izethameli |
Attorney | ummeli |
Aviation | ezondiza |
Backward | emuva |
Beginner | oqalayo |
Birthday | usuku lokuzalwa |
Bleeding | ukopha |
Building | isakhiwo |
Campaign | umkhankaso |
Carriage | inqola |
Children | izingane |
Cleavage | cleavage |
Complete | ephelele |
Conserve | gcina |
Consider | cabangela |
Consumer | umthengi |
Continue | qhubeka |
Criminal | isigebengu |
Critical | okugxekayo |
Daughter | indodakazi |
Decision | isinqumo |
Decrease | nciphisa |
Delicate | obucayi |
Delivery | ukulethwa |
Delusion | inkohliso |
Describe | chaza |
Disagree | angivumelani |
Disallow | ukungavumeli |
Duration | ubude besikhathi |
Economic | ezomnotho |
Elephant | indlovu |
Eligible | kufanelekile |
Employee | isisebenzi |
Enormous | enkulu |
Entrance | Ukungena |
Envelope | imvilophu |
Estimate | linganisela |
Everyday | nsuku zonke |
Exercise | ukuzivocavoca |
Explicit | sobala |
Exposure | ukuchayeka |
External | ngaphandle |
Facility | indawo |
Faithful | ethembekile |
Favorite | intandokazi |
Festival | umkhosi |
Flexible | evumelana nezimo |
Friction | ukungqubuzana |
Generate | khiqiza |
Greeting | ukubingelela |
Guardian | umnakekeli |
Heritage | ifa |
Horrible | esabekayo |
Hospital | esibhedlela |
Humorous | ezihlekisayo |
Identity | ubunikazi |
Incident | isigameko |
Increase | ukwanda |
Indicate | khombisa |
Industry | imboni |
Jealousy | umona |
Learning | ukufunda |
Location | indawo |
Majority | iningi |
Marriage | umshado |
Material | impahla |
Medicine | umuthi |
Moderate | maphakathi |
Mosquito | umiyane |
Mountain | intaba |
Narrator | umxoxi |
Nutrient | umsoco |
Opposite | okuphambene |
Original | okwangempela |
Ornament | umhlobiso |
Painting | ukudweba |
Particle | izinhlayiyana |
Patience | ukubekezela |
Pleasure | injabulo |
Position | isikhundla |
Positive | positive |
Possible | kungenzeka |
Postpone | hlehlisa |
Powerful | enamandla |
Precious | yigugu |
Pregnant | ukhulelwe |
Pressure | ingcindezi |
Previous | edlule |
Progress | inqubekelaphambili |
Prohibit | nqabela |
Property | impahla |
Purchase | ukuthenga |
Quantity | ubuningi |
Recovery | ukululama |
Regional | lesifunda |
Relevant | efanele |
Religion | inkolo |
Remember | khumbula |
Research | ucwaningo |
Resource | insiza |
Response | impendulo |
Restrict | khawula |
Revision | ukubuyekeza |
Sensible | enengqondo |
Sentence | umusho |
Separate | hlukana |
Stranger | isihambi |
Strategy | isu |
Strength | amandla |
Struggle | umzabalazo |
Suitable | ezifanele |
Superior | eliphezulu |
Surprise | ukumangala |
Swelling | ukuvuvukala |
Terrible | kabi |
Together | ndawonye |
Tomorrow | kusasa |
Training | ukuqeqeshwa |
Transfer | ukudlulisa |
Transmit | dlulisa |
Treasure | umcebo |
Umbrella | isambulela |
Universe | indawo yonke |
Vacation | iholidi |
Validate | qinisekisa |
Vertical | mpo |
Vigorous | enamandla |
Violence | udlame |
Vocation | ubizo |
Vomiting | ukuhlanza |
Wildlife | izilwane zasendle |
Yielding | ukuhoxa |
Yourself | ngokwakho |
Youthful | ubusha |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Accession | ukungena |
Accessory | isesekeli |
Accompany | phelezela |
Actualize | ngokoqobo |
Admirable | encomekayo |
Advantage | inzuzo |
Advisable | kuyafaneleka |
Affection | uthando |
Affiliate | inxusa |
Afternoon | ntambama |
Aggregate | ukuhlanganisa |
Agreement | isivumelwano |
Allowance | imvume |
Alternate | okunye |
Ambiguous | engacacile |
Animation | izithombe |
Apologist | umxolisi |
Applicant | umfakisicelo |
Architect | umakhi |
Associate | umngane |
Astronomy | isayensi yezinkanyezi |
Attention | ukunaka |
Attribute | isici |
Authority | igunya |
Automatic | okuzenzakalelayo |
Available | etholakalayo |
Awareness | ukuqwashisa |
Beautiful | enhle |
Behaviour | ukuziphatha |
Butterfly | uvemvane |
Calibrate | linganisa |
Candidate | ikhandidethi |
Celebrate | gubha |
Challenge | inselele |
Confident | ukuzethemba |
Confusion | ukudideka |
Conscious | unolwazi |
Crocodile | ingwenya |
Curiosity | ilukuluku |
Dangerous | kuyingozi |
Delicious | okumnandi |
Democracy | intando yeningi |
Dependent | oncike |
Different | ezahlukene |
Difficult | nzima |
Discovery | ukutholakala |
Dishonest | ongathembekile |
Diversity | ukuhlukahluka |
Duplicate | impinda |
Education | imfundo |
Effective | ngempumelelo |
Emergency | izimo eziphuthumayo |
Equipment | imishini |
Essential | kubalulekile |
Establish | sungula |
Evolution | ukuziphendukela kwemvelo |
Excellent | kuhle kakhulu |
Expensive | kuyabiza |
Fantastic | kumnandi |
Fertility | ukuzala |
Financial | ezezimali |
Generally | ngokuvamile |
Glamorous | ubukhazikhazi |
Happening | okwenzekayo |
Household | ekhaya |
Identical | efanayo |
Important | kubalulekile |
Incorrect | akulungile |
Incorrupt | ngokonakala |
Influence | ithonya |
Insurance | umshwalense |
Interview | interview |
Intestine | amathumbu |
Introduce | ethula |
Invention | ukusungulwa |
Invisible | engabonakali |
Irregular | okungajwayelekile |
Jewellery | ubucwebe |
Knowledge | ulwazi |
Liability | icala |
Misbehave | ziphathe kabi |
Narration | ukulandisa |
Necessity | isidingo |
Negotiate | xoxisana |
Nutrition | umsoco |
Offensive | ecasulayo |
Partition | ukwahlukanisa |
Political | ezombusazwe |
Pollution | ukungcola |
Potential | okungenzeka |
Practical | ezingokoqobo |
Precision | ukunemba |
Privilege | ilungelo |
Procedure | inqubo |
Prominent | evelele |
Professor | uprofesa |
Promotion | ukukhushulwa |
Provoking | ukucunula |
Qualified | abafanelekile |
Reference | ireferensi |
Repulsion | ukwenyanya |
Residence | indawo yokuhlala |
Sacrifice | umhlatshelo |
Sensitive | ebucayi |
Something | okuthile |
Statement | isitatimende |
Subscribe | bhalisa |
Substance | into |
Sugarcane | umoba |
Sunflower | ubhekilanga |
Surrender | nikela |
Technical | ezobuchwepheshe |
Temporary | okwesikhashana |
Terrorist | amaphekula |
Treatment | ukwelashwa |
Variation | ukushintshashintsha |
Vegetable | imifino |
Virginity | ubuntombi |
Yesterday | izolo |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | finyeza |
Absolutely | ngokuphelele |
Absorption | ukumuncwa |
Acceptable | eyamukelekayo |
Achievable | okufinyelelekayo |
Additional | eyengeziwe |
Admiration | ukutuswa |
Adolescent | osemusha |
Adulterant | ophingayo |
Adventurer | isihambi |
Afterwards | ngemva kwalokho |
Aggression | ulaka |
Alteration | ukuguqulwa |
Ambassador | inxusa |
Analytical | okokuhlaziya |
Antibiotic | ama-antibiotic |
Anticipate | lindela |
Appreciate | ngiyabonga |
Artificial | okokwenziwa |
Aspiration | ukulangazelela |
Assignment | isabelo |
Atmosphere | umkhathi |
Attachment | okunamathiselwe |
Attraction | ukukhangwa |
Chloroform | i-chloroform |
Combustion | ukuvutha |
Commission | ikhomishini |
Compassion | uzwelo |
Compulsory | impoqo |
Conclusion | isiphetho |
Confection | ubuthi |
Corruption | inkohlakalo |
Decoration | umhlobiso |
Dedication | ukuzinikela |
Deficiency | ukuntula |
Definition | incazelo |
Department | umnyango |
Depression | ukucindezeleka |
Dictionary | isichazamazwi |
Discipline | isiyalo |
Disclaimer | ukuzihlangula |
Disclosure | ukudalula |
Discussion | ingxoxo |
Efficiency | ukusebenza kahle |
Employment | umsebenzi |
Engagement | umshado |
Everything | konke |
Everywhere | yonke indawo |
Exhibition | umbukiso |
Experience | isipiliyoni |
Experiment | ukuhlola |
Expiration | ukuphelelwa yisikhathi |
Expression | isisho |
Fertilizer | umanyolo |
Foundation | isisekelo |
Generation | isizukulwane |
Government | uhulumeni |
Importance | ukubaluleka |
Impossible | akunakwenzeka |
Inadequate | anele |
Incomplete | engaphelele |
Incredible | emangalisayo |
Individual | umuntu ngamunye |
Inspection | ukuhlola |
Instrument | ithuluzi |
Irrigation | ukuchelela |
Journalism | ubuntatheli |
Management | abaphathi |
Moderation | ukulinganisela |
Motivation | ugqozi |
Negligible | #NAME? |
Occupation | umsebenzi |
Particular | ikakhulukazi |
Passionate | nothando |
Permission | imvume |
Population | inani labantu |
Production | ukukhiqiza |
Prostitute | isifebe |
Protection | isivikelo |
Psychology | Psychology |
Punishment | isijeziso |
Quarantine | ukuzivalela |
Retirement | umhlalaphansi |
Sufficient | ezanele |
Supervisor | umphathi |
Supplement | engeza |
University | inyuvesi |
Vegetarian | odla imifino |
Visibility | ukubonakala |
Vulnerable | abasengozini |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
12, 13 letter words

Fruits Quiz

Animals Quiz

Household Quiz

Stationary Quiz

School Quiz

Occupation Quiz
Zulu Vocabulary