Politics vocabulary words in Zulu and English - Common Zulu Vocabulary

Learn common Zulu vocabulary with this English-to-Zulu list of Politics vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Zulu language skills through popular words and play Zulu quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Zulu language, then the 1000 most common Zulu words will help you to learn the Zulu language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Politics vocabulary words in Zulu.

Politics vocabulary words in Zulu and English - Common Zulu Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Politics vocabulary words in Zulu with English Pronunciation

Learn Politics in Zulu, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Zulu vocabulary for daily conversations.

Politics vocabulary words - Zulu

Absolutism i-absolutism
Activist isishoshovu
Advisor umeluleki
Advocacy ukumela
Agitation ukuyaluza
Agrarian ofundayo
Agreement isivumelwano
Amity uthando
Assembly umhlangano
Authority igunya
Awareness ukuqaphela
Civilization impucuko
Classism ngokwezigaba
Coalition umfelandawonye
Cohabitation ukuhlalisana
Collusion ukusebenzisana
Colonial ikoloni
Committee ikomiti
Communism ubukhomanisi
Confederacy umfelandawonye
Conference ingqungquthela
Conflict ukungqubuzana
Constitution umthethosisekelo
Convention umhlangano
Corruption inkohlakalo
Council umkhandlu
Country izwe
Countryman izwe
Court enkantolo
Crisis isimo esibucayi
Culture isiko
Debate inkulumo-mpikiswano
Delegation izithunywa
Democracy intando yeningi
Demonstration umboniso
Deprecate dedela
Deputize isekela
Despotic odelelekile
Diplomacy idiplomacy
Dissenter ophikisayo
Donation umnikelo
Duty umsebenzi
Dynasty ubukhosi
Economy umnotho
Election ukhetho
Elective ukukhetha
Elite elite
Embargo i-embargo
Embassy inxusa
Emblem uphawu
Emigrant umfuduki
Empire umbuso
Enrolment ukubhalisa
Environment imvelo
Equality ukulingana
Escape phunyuka
Executive isikhulu
Expenditure izindleko
Faction iqembu
Federation umfelandawonye
Fund isikhwama
Government uhulumeni
Inauguration ukugcotshwa
Income imali engenayo
Inflation ukwehla kwamandla emali
Institution isikhungo
Leader umholi
Legation i-legation
Liberal inkululeko
Limpet limpetha
Lobbyist i-lobbyist
Mandate igunya
Member ilungu
Mutuality ukuzwana
News izindaba
Obeisance ukukhothama
Objector ophikisayo
Oligarchy i-oligarchy
Opposition ukuphikiswa
Pact isivumelwano
Parliament iphalamende
Patrician patrician
Policy inqubomgomo
Politics ezombusazwe
Population inani labantu
Preside ukwengamela
Prison ejele
Proletarian umsebenzi wabafundi
Promulgate memezela
Proponent umsekeli
Provoke chukuluza
Racialism ukucwasa ngokwebala
Recant ukuphika
Recapture ukuphinda babambe
Recuse ukuhoxa
Reform uguquko
Relationship ubuhlobo
Republic iRiphabhulikhi
Requisition isicelo
Royalty ubukhosi
Sanction isijeziso
Society umphakathi
Statute umthetho
Success impumelelo
Tax intela
Theory umbono
Value inani
Voting ukuvota
War impi
Welfare inhlalakahle
Wield phatha

Top 1000 Zulu words

Here you learn top 1000 Zulu words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Zulu meanings with transliteration.

Eat dla
All konke
New okusha
Snore rhona
Fast ngokushesha
Help Usizo
Pain ubuhlungu
Rain imvula
Pride ukuziqhenya
Sense umqondo
Large enkulu
Skill ikhono
Panic uvalo
Thank ngiyabonga
Desire isifiso
Woman owesifazane
Hungry elambile

Daily use Zulu Sentences

Here you learn top Zulu sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Zulu meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Sawubona
What is your name Ubani igama lakho
What is your problem yini inkinga yakho?
I hate you ngiyakuzonda
I love you Ngiyakuthanda
Can I help you Ngingakusiza?
I am sorry Ngiyaxolisa
I want to sleep ngifuna ukulala
This is very important Lokhu kubaluleke kakhulu
Are you hungry ulambile?
How is your life injani impilo yakho?
I am going to study ngizofunda
Zulu Vocabulary
Zulu Dictionary

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