Multi-language A-Z Dictionary

To learn Indian languages like Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali and more 20+ Indian languages and other different languages like Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, Filipino, Bulgarian, Esperanto, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Javanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Yoruba, Romanian, Sundanese, Vietnamese, Danish, Maltese, Polish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Thai, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Hausa, Irish, Latin, Malay, Zulu, and more 125+ languages.

Multi-language translation - Words start with E

Here is a collection of words starting with E and also you can learn Multi-language translation of a word start with E with the help of pronunciation in English.

Multi-language translation - Words start with E

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

English to Multi-language translation - Words start with E

If you want to know the Multi-language translation of a word start with A, you can search that word and learn different language translations with the help of pronunciation in English.

Elephant Ewe Eagle
Entertainment Earthquake External
Electrical Electronics Event Management
Evening East Epilepsy
Ecology Effluent Energy
Evaporation Elder Brother Elder Sister
Eat Emerald Effective
Empower Encrypted Establish
Export Emission Erection
Emergency Endoscopy Eraser
Ear Elbow Eye
Eyebrow Eyelid Earned
Earning Employees Employer
Employed English Exciting
Evidence Efficiency Enterprise
Executives Explanation Epoch
Eternity Edit Editor
Especially Exclusive Experienced
Experts Electrician Engineer
Examiner Ecclesiology Egyptology
Embryology Enigmatology Enology
Entomology Enzymology Epidemiology
Epistemology Ethnology Ethnomusicology
Ethology Ear ring Earth
Endosperm Epicotyl Evergreen
Economy Election Elective
Elite Embargo Embassy
Emblem Emigrant Empire
Enrolment Environment Equality
Escape Executive Expenditure
Effort Epiphany Exegesis
Expiate Eating Expensive
Educate Easy Chair Envelope
Environmental Science Economics Everyday
Every time Excursion Evident
Endorse Explain Expire
Extreme Early Easy
Eccentric Ecstasy Empty
Encourage End Enemy
Exit Elevated Embarrass
Exempt Eager Enrage
Expand Error Ethical
Exceptional Excess Entire
Equal Exclude Except
Edition Emend Eight
Elude Emigrate Ensure
Enquire Enormous Erupt
Enjoyment Enough Expect
Energetic Eliminate Experiment
Eject Exhausted Elevate
Enabled Engage Equity
Excellent Expansive Extraordinary
Evil Exceed Exchange
Exhale Explosion Eighteen
Exceptionalism Electricity Eligibility
Effortless Endless Endorsement
Emotion Earthworm Eggplant
Everybody Everyone Everything
Everywhere Earn Ease
Effect Emphasize Employ
Enhance Enjoy Enter
Essay Estimate Examine
Excuse Exercise Exist
Experience Explore Expose
Express Extend Education
Elevator Emphasis Employee
Employment Engine Engineering
Enthusiasm Entry Equipment
Establishment Estate Event
Exam Examination Excitement
Expression Extent Elated
Elegant Embarrassed Enchanting
Encouraging Enthusiastic Envious
Excited Exuberant Easily
Enormously Equally Eventually
Exactly Extremely Each
Excepting Excluding Even
Even though Either Every
Eleven Eighty Eighty one
Eighty two Eighty three Eighty four
Eighty five Eighty six Eighty seven
Eighty eight Eighty nine Egg
Edge Elder Exact
Extra Edible Eagerly
Eatable Episode Example
Economic Eligible Entrance
Explicit Exposure Essential
Evolution Engagement Exhibition
Expiration Elimination Entrepreneur
Eagerness Eaglet Eardrop
Eardrum Earl Earlap
Earldom Earmark Earnest
Earnestness Earshot Earthen
Earthenware Earthly Earthwork
Eartrumpet Earwig Easel
Easement Easiness Easter
Eastern Eastward Easychair
Easygoing Eau Eaudecologne
Eaves Eavesdrop Eavesdropper
Ebb Ebonite Ebony
Ebriety Ebullient Ebullition
Eccentricity Ecclesiastic Ecg
Echelon Echo Eclampsia
Eclat Eclectic Eclipse
Ecliptic Eclogue Econometric
Economist Economize Ecru
Ecstatic Ecumenical Eczema
Eddy Eden Edict
Edification Edifice Edify
Editorial Educe Eel
Eerie Effable Efface
Effacement Effeminate Efferent
Effervescent Effuse Elaborate
Elan Elastic Elasticity
Elation Electric Electronic
Elegy Element Elevation
Eleventh Elf Elk
Ellipse Elongation Else
Elucidate Elusion Emaciation
Email Embed Emboss
Embroidery Embroil Emerge
Emesis Emigration Emit
Emulate Emulation Emulsion
Enable Encage Enclosure
Encounter Endoscope Endurance
Endure Enforce Engrave
Engross Enlarge Enmity
Enquiry Enrichment Enrollment
Entourage Enumeration Envy
Enzyme Ephemeris Equation
Equivalent Erase Erosion
Eruption Escalator Esteem
Etching Ether Ethics
Etiquette Eucalyptus Eudemonia
Eulogy Evacuation Evade
Evaluation Evasion Ever
Eviction Ex Exasperation
Excel Excessive Excise
Exclaim Exclamation Excretion
Excusable Execration Exhaust
Exhortation Expel Expert
Expiry Explode Exterior
Extinction Extraction Exude
Eyewitness Earwigs Elements
Entrepreneurship Ethnicity Entertainment industry
Economical Expressively Easily understood
Expanding Extradite Excluded
