Religion vocabulary words in Guarani and English

To learn Guarani language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Guarani words that we can used in daily life. Religion are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Religion vocabulary words in Guarani, this place will help you to learn all Religion vocabulary words in English to Guarani language. Religion vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Religion vocabulary words in English to Guarani and play Guarani quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Guarani language, then 1000 most common Guarani words will helps to learn Guarani language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Guarani.

Religion vocabulary words in Guarani and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Religion vocabulary words in Guarani

Here is the list of Religion in Guarani language and their pronunciation in English.

Religion vocabulary words - Guarani

Acolyte acólito rehegua
Adulteress kuña oporomoakãratĩva
Angel tupãremimbou
Anointed unhído
Apologist disculpa ojeruréva
Apostasy apostasía rehegua
Atonement expiación rehegua
Baptise emongarai
Basilica basílica rehegua
Beatification beatificación rehegua
Belief jeroviapy
Canonical canónico rehegua
Ceremonial ceremonial rehegua
Chapel capilla-pe
Chastity tekopotĩ
Christian cristiano
Church Tupão
Cloister claustro rehegua
Conclave cónclave rehegua
Confession confesión rehegua
Conformist conformista rehegua
Congregation kongregasiónpe
Consecrate okonsagrávo
Contrition contrición rehegua
Crucifix kurusu rehegua
Cult culto rehegua
Damnation condenación rehegua
Deceitful ombotavýva
Deity tupãnguéra
Demon aña
Devil aña
Dignitary dignatario rehegua
Divine tupã rehegua
Epiphany epifanía rehegua
Exegesis exegesis rehegua
Expiate expiación rehegua
Faith jerovia
Faithless jerovia’ỹva
Fetish fetiche rehegua
Fiend fiend
Fornication hekovai
Friar fraile
Genesis génesis rehegua
Gentile gentil rehegua
God ñandejára
Hallowed oñemomarangatu
Heathen paganokuéra
Heaven ára
Hell añaretã
Heresy herejía rehegua
Hermitage ermita rehegua
Hindi hindi
Holiness marangatu rehegua
Holy imarangatu
Hymnal himno rehegua
Idolatry ta’ãnga ñemomba’eguasu
Immolation inmolación rehegua
Incumbent oîva ko’ágã
Infidelity infidelidad rehegua
Inquisitor inquisidor rehegua
Interdict ombotove
Intone tono rehegua
Invocation invocación rehegua
Lecher lecher rehegua
Lectern lectern rehegua
Legate legado rehegua
Legation legación rehegua
Litany litania rehegua
Liturgy liturgia rehegua
Lord karai
Majesty majestad rehegua
Malefactor mba’e vai apoha
Marvel maravilla
Miracle jehupavẽkatu
Monastic monástico rehegua
Mortify mortificar rehegua
Mosque mezquita rehegua
Mourner ñembyasy
Mundane mundano rehegua
Muslim musulmán
Nave nave rehegua
Nectar néctar rehegua
Nirvana nirvana rehegua
Nonbeliever ndogueroviáiva
Nunnery monja róga
Oath ñe'ẽme'ẽ
Obedience iñe’ẽrendu
Officiate oficia
Omen augurio rehegua
Omnipotent opa mba’e ipu’akapáva
Oracular oracular rehegua
Oratory oratorio rehegua
Ordination ordenación rehegua
Orthodoxy ortodoxia rehegua
Pantheon panteón rehegua
Papal papal rehegua
Papist papista rehegua
Parish parroquia rehegua
Patriarch patriarca rehegua
Patriarchate patriarcado rehegua
Penance penitencia rehegua
Pilgrimage peregrinación rehegua
Pontiff pontífice rehegua
Porch porche rehegua
Prayer ñembo’e
Preach opredika
Preacher predicador
Priest pa'i
Primate primate rehegua
Priory priorato rehegua
Profane profano rehegua
Prophesy oprofetisa
Proselytize oñeproselitávo
Providence providencia rehegua
Psyche psique rehegua
Pulpit púlpito rehegua
Rapt rapt
Rebirth heñói jey
Recant recant rehegua
Recluse oñemboyke haguã
Rectory rectorio rehegua
Refectory refectorio rehegua
Relic reliquia rehegua
Religion tupãjerovia
Religiosity religiosidad rehegua
Reliquary relicuario rehegua
Remission remisión rehegua
Repent peñearrepenti
Reprobate oñemboykéva
Requiem requiem rehegua
Resurrect omoingove jey
Resuscitate omoingove jey haguã
Reverend reverendo rehegua
Revivalist revivalista rehegua
Rite rito rehegua
Rosary rosario rehegua
Sacrifice jehasa'asy
Secular secular rehegua
Seminarian seminario-pegua
Sermon sermón rehegua
Sermonize sermoniza
Shroud sudario rehegua
Sin angaipa
Spirit ãnga
Supplicant ojeruréva
Surplice surplice rehegua
Synod sínodo rehegua
Tabernacle tabernáculo rehegua
Taboo tabú rehegua
Tonsure tonsura rehegua
Transgress transgresión rehegua
Travail travail rehegua
Trespass infracción rehegua
Tribulation jehasa asy
Trinity trinidad rehegua
Trusting ojeroviahápe
Ungodly iñañáva Ñandejárape
Unholy imarangatu’ỹva
Unorthodox ndaha’éiva ortodoxo
Untouchable ndojepokóiva hese
Venerate omomba’eguasu
Veneration veneración rehegua
Verily añetehápe
Vow ñe’ẽme’ẽ
Worshipper oadoráva
Zealot kyre’ỹ

Top 1000 Guarani words

Here you learn top 1000 Guarani words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Eat karu
All opavave
New pyahu
Snore ryguasu rupi’a
Fast pya'e
Help pytyvõ
Pain hasy
Rain ama
Pride juruvu
Sense ñandukuaáva
Large tuicha
Skill katupyry
Panic kyhyjevai
Thank aguyjeme'ẽ
Desire potapy
Woman kuña
Hungry ñembyahýi

Daily use Guarani Sentences

Here you learn top Guarani sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mba'éichapa ndepyhare
What is your name Mba'éichapa nderéra
What is your problem Mbaʼépa nde provléma?
I hate you Che ndacha'éi nderehe
I love you Rohayhu
Can I help you Ikatúpa roipytyvõ?
I am sorry Che ñembyasy
I want to sleep Che akese
This is very important Upéva ningo iñimportanteterei
Are you hungry ¿Reñembyahýi piko?
How is your life Mba’éichapa nde rekove?
I am going to study Che aháta astudia
Guarani Vocabulary
Guarani Dictionary

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