Plant names in Lingala and English

To learn Lingala language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Lingala words that we can used in daily life. Plant are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Plant names in Lingala, this place will help you to learn all Plant names in English to Lingala language. Plant vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Plant names in English to Lingala and play Lingala quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Lingala language, then 1000 most common Lingala words will helps to learn Lingala language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Lingala.

Plant names in Lingala and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Lingala

Here is the list of Plant in Lingala language and their pronunciation in English.

Plant names - Lingala

Acorn acorn, oyo babengi acorn
Agriculture mosala ya bilanga
Angiosperm angiosperme oyo ezali na kati
Autotroph autotrophe oyo ezali na kati
Axilary bud bourgeon axilaire oyo ezali na kati
Biennial mbula mibale na mbula
Blade mbeli
Blossom fololo ya fololo
Botany botanique ya botangi
Bract bract
Branch eteni
Bromeliad broméliade oyo ezali na kati
Bud bud
Cactus cactus oyo ezali na kati
Calyx calyx oyo ezali na kati
Canopy canopy ya ndako
Carpel carpel oyo ezali na kati
Clover trèfle ya trèfle
Cork liège ya liège
Dicot dicot, oyo babengi dicot
Endosperm endosperme oyo ezali na kati
Epicotyl épicotyle oyo ezali na kati
Evergreen ezalaka ntango nyonso vert
Fern fougère ya fougère
Fertilizer engrais
Filament filament, oyo babengi filament
Flora flora
Flower fololo
Foliage nkasa ya nkasa
Garden bilanga
Germinate kobima na mbuma
Ginkgo ginkgo oyo babengi ginkgo
Grain mbuma
Grass matiti
Grove elanga ya zamba
Grow kokola
Gum gomme
Hardy ya makasi
Hastate hastate na likambo yango
Herb matiti ya matiti
Horticulture horticulture ya bilanga
Hybrid hybride
Inflorescence inflorescence ya fololo
Internode internode oyo ezali na kati
Ivy ivy, oyo babengi ivy
Jungle zamba ya zamba
Juniper jeniper
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina, oyo ezali na kati
Leaf nkasa
Legume légume ya nzete
Meristem meristem (méristeme) oyo ezali na kati
Midrib midrib ya katikati
Monocot monocot
Moss mousse oyo babengi mousse
Nectar mai ya mbuma
Needle ntonga ya ntonga
Node node oyo ezali na kati
Nut koko
Ovary ovaire
Palm nzete ya mbila
Palmate palmate ya loboko
Peduncle péduncle ya nzoto
Perennial oyo eumelaka mingi
Petal pétale ya nzete
Petiole pétiole oyo ezali na kati
Phloem phloème, oyo ezali na kati
Photosynthesis photosynthèse ya kosala
Pinnate kosala pinnate
Pistil pistil
Pith pith, oyo ezali na kati
Plumule plumule ya nzoto
Pollen mputulu ya matiti (pollen).
Pollinate kosala pollinisation
Prickle kokangama na nsɔngɛ
Rachis rachis, oyo babengi rachis
Reniform reniforme ezali
Resin résine (résine) oyo
Reticulate kosala réticuler
Rings ba rings
Root mosisa
Sap sap
Sapling nzete ya nzete
Seed mbuma
Seedling nzete ya nzete ya nzete
Sepal sépale oyo ezali na kati
Shamrock shamrock oyo babengi shamrock
Shoot kobeta
Shrub nzete ya nzete
Soil mabele
Spine mokuwa ya mokɔngɔ
Spore spore (spore) oyo ezali na kati
Sprout ebimi
Stalk nzete
Stamen stamen
Stand eloko
Stem kobima
Stigma kozala na stigma
Stipule stipule oyo ezali na kati
Stoma stoma, oyo babengi stoma
Succulent oyo ezali na mai mingi
Sunlight pole ya moi
Tap root finá na misisa
Thorn nzube
Tree nzete
Trunk eteni ya nzete
Tuber tuber
Twig etape ya etape
Understory na nse ya nzete
Vascular plant molona ya misisa ya nzoto
Vein misisa ya nzoto
Venation venation ya nzoto
Vine nzete ya vinyo
Weed matiti mabe
Whorled whorled

Top 1000 Lingala words

Here you learn top 1000 Lingala words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lingala meanings with transliteration.

Eat kolya
All nyonso
New ya sika
Snore konguluma
Fast noki
Help lisalisi
Pain mpasi
Rain mbula
Pride lolendo
Sense mayoki
Large monene
Skill mayele
Panic kolenga
Thank matondi
Desire mposa
Woman mwasi
Hungry nzala

Daily use Lingala Sentences

Here you learn top Lingala sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Lingala meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mbote
What is your name Nkombo na yo nani
What is your problem Problème na yo eza nini?
I hate you Nayinaka yo
I love you Nalingaka yo
Can I help you Nakoki kosalisa yo?
I am sorry Nazali na mawa
I want to sleep Nalingi kolala
This is very important Yango ezali na ntina mingi
Are you hungry Ozali na nzala?
How is your life Bomoi na yo ezali ndenge nini?
I am going to study Nazali kokende koyekola
Lingala Vocabulary
Lingala Dictionary

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