That sentences in Luganda and English

‘That’ sentences in Luganda with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Luganda translation of That sentences and play That sentences quiz in Luganda language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Luganda sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Luganda language in an easy way. To learn Luganda language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

That sentences in Luganda

That sentences in Luganda and English

The list of 'That' sentences in Luganda language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Luganda translations.

That boy is intelligent Omulenzi oyo mugezi
That boy is smart Omulenzi oyo mugezi
That bridge is very beautiful Omutala ogwo mulungi nnyo
That company is managed by my brother Kkampuni eyo eddukanyizibwa muganda wange
That couldn't be helped Ekyo tekyasobola kuyambibwa
That desk is too small Emmeeza eyo ntono nnyo
That didn't really happen Ekyo mu butuufu tekyabaawo
That fact can't be denied Ensonga eyo teyinza kugaanibwa
That girl's eyes are blue Omuwala oyo amaaso ga bbululu
That house is big Ennyumba eyo nnene
That house is very small Ennyumba eyo ntono nnyo
That is a good idea Ekyo kirowoozo kirungi
That is a pencil Oyo kkalaamu
That is a table Oyo mmeeza
That is an old camera Eyo kkamera nkadde
That boy is intelligent Omulenzi oyo mugezi
That boy is smart Omulenzi oyo mugezi
That bridge is very beautiful Omutala ogwo mulungi nnyo
That company is managed by my brother Kkampuni eyo eddukanyizibwa muganda wange
That couldn't be helped Ekyo tekyasobola kuyambibwa
That desk is too small Emmeeza eyo ntono nnyo
That didn't really happen Ekyo mu butuufu tekyabaawo
That fact can't be denied Ensonga eyo teyinza kugaanibwa
That girl's eyes are blue Omuwala oyo amaaso ga bbululu
That house is big Ennyumba eyo nnene
That house is very small Ennyumba eyo ntono nnyo
That is a good idea Ekyo kirowoozo kirungi
That is a pencil Oyo kkalaamu
That is a table Oyo mmeeza
That is an old camera Eyo kkamera nkadde
That is mine Ekyo kyange
That is my dictionary Eyo ye nkuluze yange
That is the bus stop Oyo ye ppaaka ya bbaasi
That isn't fair Ekyo si kya bwenkanya
That movie is exciting Firimu eyo ecamula nnyo
That nurse is very kind and polite Nurse oyo wa kisa nnyo era wa mpisa
That old man speech is nice Okwogera kw’omusajja omukadde okwo kunyuma
That toy is made of wood Ekyo eky’okuzannyisa kikoleddwa mu mbaawo
That was a great party Ekyo kyali kivvulu kinene nnyo
That wasn't my intention Ekyo si kye kyali ekigendererwa kyange
That will save me a lot of trouble Ekyo kijja kuntaasa ebizibu bingi
That won't work! Ekyo tekijja kukola!
That would be fine Ekyo kyandibadde kirungi
That is my book Ekyo kye kitabo kyange
That is my son Oyo ye mwana wange

‘That’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Luganda words

Here you learn top 1000 Luganda words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Luganda meanings with transliteration.

Eat okulya
All -onna
New -pya
Snore okusinda
Fast okusiiba
Help okuyamba
Pain obulumi
Rain enkuba
Pride amalala
Sense okuwulira
Large -gazi
Skill eby'emikono
Panic okupakuka
Thank okwebaza
Desire okwagala
Woman omukazi
Hungry enjala okuluma
Luganda Vocabulary
Luganda Dictionary

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