Greetings vocabulary words in Latin and English - Common Latin Vocabulary
Learn common Latin vocabulary with this English-to-Latin list of Greetings vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Latin language skills through popular words and play Latin quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Latin language, then the 1000 most common Latin words will help you to learn the Latin language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Greetings vocabulary words in Latin.

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List of Greetings vocabulary words in Latin with English Pronunciation
Learn Greetings in Latin, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Latin vocabulary for daily conversations.
Greetings vocabulary words - Latin
Hello | Salve |
Welcome | gratissimum |
Thanks | gratias |
Congratulations | gratulationes |
Good morning | Bonum mane |
Good afternoon | Bona dies |
Good evening | Bonum vesperam |
Good night | bonum nocte |
Happy birthday | Felix natalis |
Happy Christmas | Felix dies nativitatis |
Happy new year | Novus annus |
Happy valentine’s day | Beatus Valentino Dies |
Thank you | Gratias tibi |
Thank you so much | Gratias tibi tam |
Thank you very much | Gratias tibi valde |
Thanks a million | Gratias a million |
I love you | te amo |
I love you so much | amo te tam multo |
I love you very much | Te amo diversi generis multa nimis |
I’m in love | Táim i ngrá |
I’m in love with you | Ego sum in amore cum vobis |
I missed you so much | i tam vos desiderabat |
I’m crazy about you | Furiosa sum vobis |
Thanks for everything | Tibi gratias ago pro omnibus |
I really appreciate it | Ego vere appreciate ea |
What is your name | quod nomen tibi est |
How are you | Quid agis |
I am fine | bene sum |
See you | Te videre |
See you later | Te visurum |
See you next week | Videre deinde septimana |
See you next year | Videre deinde anno, |
See you soon | Vide te mox |
See you tomorrow | Ecce vos |
I’m sorry | Paenitet |
I’m so sorry | Ita paenitet me |
I'm crazy with you | Furiosa sum apud vos |
Nice to meet you | Vos noscere |
That’s a good deal | Quod suus 'bonus paciscor |
You're beautiful | Pulchra es |
You're nice | Tu nimium grata |
You're very nice | Quae nimium grata |
You're very smart | Quae nimium captiosus |
Take care | Curae |
I miss you | te desidero |
I really miss you | Ego realiter te requiret |
I really miss you so much | Non tantum realiter te requiret |
Very good | ipsum bonum |
Well done | Bene factum |
Sweet dreams | Dulce somnii |
Good idea | Cogitatio bona |
Good luck | Benediximus |
Good to see you | Bonum te videre |
Good bye | Vale |
Top 1000 Latin words
Here you learn top 1000 Latin words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Latin meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Latin Sentences
Here you learn top Latin sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Latin meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Bonum mane |
What is your name | quod nomen tibi est |
What is your problem | quid est tuum problema? |
I hate you | Odi te |
I love you | te amo |
Can I help you | te adiuvare possum? |
I am sorry | doleo |
I want to sleep | Volo dormire |
This is very important | Hoc magni momenti est valde |
Are you hungry | esurisne? |
How is your life | quid est enim vita tua? |
I am going to study | ego sum iens studere |
Latin Vocabulary

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