Daily use common Basque Sentences and Phrases

Table of content

     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Basque language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Basque sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Basque translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Basque language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Basque language quickly and also play some Basque word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Basque.

Daily use common Basque Sentences and Phrases

Basque sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Basque language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

WelcomeOngi etorri
ThanksEskerrik asko
I hate yougorroto zaitut
I love youmaite zaitut
I’m in lovemaiteminduta nago
I’m sorryBarkatu
I’m so sorryasko sentitzen dut
I’m yourszurea naiz
Thanks againEskerrik asko berriro
How are youZelan zaude
I am fineondo nago
Take careKontuz ibili
I miss youFaltan botatzen zaitut
You're nicePolita zara
That’s terribleHori izugarria da
That's too badHori oso txarra da
That's too muchHori gehiegi da
See youIkusiko gara
Thank youEskerrik asko
Thank you sirEskerrik asko jauna
Are you freeLibre al zaude
No problemArazorik ez
Get well soonOndo egon laster
Very goodOso ondo
Well doneOngi egina
What’s upZer gertatzen da
I can't hear youEzin zaitut entzuten
I can't stopEzin naiz gelditu
I knowbadakit
Good byeAgur
Good ideaBurutazio ona
Good luckZorte on
You are lateBerandu zatoz
Who is next?Nor da hurrengoa?
Who is she?Nor da neska hori?
Who is that man?Nor da gizon hori?
Who built it?Nork eraiki zuen?
They hurtMin egin dute
She got angryHaserretu egin zen
She is a teacherIrakaslea da
She is aggressiveErasokorra da
She is attractiveErakargarria da
She is beautifulEderra da
She is cryingNegarrez ari da
She is happyPozik dago
No way!Inola ere ez!
No worriesEz kezkatu
No, thank youEz eskerrik asko
I'm so happyoso pozik nago
I'm hungrygose naiz
I'm able to runKorrika egiteko gai naiz
I agreeados
I can swimIgeri egin dezaket
I can't comeEzin naiz etorri
He got angryHaserretu zen
He was aloneBakarrik zegoen
He was braveAusarta zen
He likes to swimIgeri egitea gustatzen zaio
Don't be angryEz haserretu
Don't be sadEz zaitez triste egon
Don't cryEz egin negarrik
Come inSartu
Come onEtorri
Can you come?Etor zaitezke?
Can I help?Lagundu dezaket?
Can I eat this?Jan al dezaket hau?
Can I help you?Lagundu al dizut?
Can I see?Ikusi dezaket?
Are you going?Bazoaz?
Are you hungry?Gose zara?
Are you mad?Burutik jota al zaude?
Are you serious?Serio al zara?
Are you sleeping?Lo egiten ari zara?
Can you do this?Hau egin dezakezu?
Can you help me?Lagunduko didazu?
Can you tell me?Esango al didazu?
Come on tomorrowEtorri bihar
Come quicklyZatoz azkar
Could I help you?Lagunduko nizuke?
Could you tell me?Esango al zenidake?
Do not disturb!Ez molestatu!
Do you hear me?Entzuten nauzu?
Do you smoke?Erretzen al duzu?
Have you eaten?Jan al duzu?
Have you finished?Bukatu al duzu?
He can run fastAzkar korrika egin dezake
He began to runKorrika egiten hasi zen
He did not speakEz zuen hitz egin
His eyes are blueBere begiak urdinak dira
His smile was goodBere irribarrea ona zen
How is your life?Nolakoa da zure bizitza?
How is your family?Nola dago zure familia?
I am a studentIkaslea naiz
I am going to studyIkastera noa
I am not a teacherEz naiz irakaslea
I am sorryBarkatu
I believe yousinesten dizut
I can do this jobLan hau egin dezaket
I can run fasterAzkarrago korrika egin dezaket
I can’t believe itEzin dut sinetsi
It happensGertatzen da
It is newBerria da
It is a long storyIstorio luzea da
It looks like an birdTxori baten itxura du
It really takes timeBenetan denbora behar da
It was really cheapBenetan merkea zen
It was so noisyHain zaratatsua zen
It was very difficultOso zaila izan zen
It wasn't expensiveEz zen garestia
It wasn't necessaryEz zen beharrezkoa
Let me checkUtzidazu egiaztatzen
Let me sayUtzidazu esan
Let me seeUtzi ikusten
May I come in?Sartu naiteke?
May I help you?Lagundu al dizut?
May I join you?Zurekin bat egin al dezaket?
May I speak?Hitz egin dezaket?
May I eat this?Hau jan dezaket?
My father is tallNire aita altua da
My sister has a jobNire ahizpak lana dauka
My sister is famousNire ahizpa famatua da
My wife is a doctorNire emaztea medikua da
No, I'll eat laterEz, gero jango dut
Please come inMesedez, sartu
Please do that againMesedez, egin berriro
Please give meEmaidazu mesedez
She admired himMiresten zuen
She avoids meSaihesten nau
She came lastAzkena etorri zen
She goes to schoolEskolara doa
That house is bigEtxe hori handia da
That is a good ideaHori ideia ona da
That is my bookHori da nire liburua
That is my sonHori da nire semea
The dog is deadTxakurra hilda dago
The river is wideIbaia zabala da
There is no doubtEz dago zalantzarik
They are playingJolasean ari dira
They are prettyPolitak dira
They got marriedEzkondu ziren
They have few booksLiburu gutxi dituzte
They stopped talkingHitz egiteari utzi zioten
This is my friendHau nire laguna da
This bird can't flyTxori honek ezin du hegan egin
This decision is finalErabaki hau behin betikoa da
This is my bookHau da nire liburua
This is my brotherHau nire anaia da
This is my daughterHau nire alaba da
This is not a jokeHau ez da txantxa bat
This is surprisingHau harrigarria da
This river is beautifulIbai hau ederra da
This story is trueIstorio hau egia da
We are happyPozik gaude
Will it rain today?Euria egingo al du gaur?
Will you go on a trip?Joango al zara bidaiara?
Will she come?Etorriko al da?
Would you kill me?Hilko al zenuke?
Would you love me?Maiteko al zenuke?
Would you come here?Hona etorriko zinateke?
You are a teacherIrakaslea zara
You are very beautifulOso ederra zara
You are very braveOso ausarta zara
You broke the rulesArauak hautsi dituzu
You love meMaite nauzu
you love me or notmaite nauzu ala ez
You make me happyZoriontsu egiten nauzu
You may goJoan zaitezke
You should sleepLo egin beharko zenuke
You must study hardGogor ikasi behar duzu
Whose idea is this?Noren ideia da hau?
Thanks for your helpEskerrik asko zure laguntzagatik
Thank you for comingEskerrik asko etortzeagatik
How about youZer moduz zu
How is your familyNola dago zure familia
How to SayNola esan
Good morningEgun on
Good afternoonArratsalde on
Good eveningArratsalde on
Good nightGau on
Happy birthdayZorionak
Happy ChristmasEguberri on
Happy new yearUrte berri on
Good to see youPozten naiz zu ikusteaz
I don't like itEz zait gustatzen
I have no ideaEz dakit
I know everythingdena dakit
I know somethingBadakit zerbait
Thank you so muchEskerrik asko
Thanks a millionMila esker
See you laterGero arte
See you next weekHurrengo asterarte
See you next yearDatorren urtean arte
See you soonLaster arte
See you tomorrowBihar arte
Sweet dreamsAmets gozoak
I’m crazy about youZoratuta nago zutaz
I'm crazy with youZoratuta nago zurekin
Nice to meet youUrte askotarako
It's very cheapOso merkea da
Just a momentMomentu bat
Not necessarilyEz da beharrezkoa
That’s a good dealHori akordio ona da
You're beautifulEderra zara
You're very niceOso polita zara
You're very smartOso argia zara
I really appreciate itBenetan eskertzen dut
I really miss youbenetan faltan botatzen zaitut

Hard sentences

What is your nameZein da zure izena
Which is correct?Zein da zuzena?
Will you please help me?Lagunduko didazu mesedez?
Will you stay at home?Etxean geratuko zara?
Do you need anything?Zerbait behar al duzu?
Do you need this book?Behar al duzu liburu hau?
Are you feeling better?Hobeto sentitzen al zara?
Are you writing a letter?Gutun bat idazten ari al zara?
Come and see me nowZatoz orain ikustera
Come with your familyZatoz zure familiarekin
I'm very busy this weekAste honetan oso lanpetuta nago
There is a lot of moneyDiru asko dago
They are good peopleJende onak dira
We need some moneyDiru pixka bat behar dugu
What is your destination?Zein da zure helmuga?
What are you doing today?Zer egingo duzu gaur?
What are you reading?Zer ari zara irakurtzen?
What can I do for you?Zer egin dezaket zuregatik?
What is the problem?Zein da arazoa?
What is the story?Zein da istorioa?
What is your problem?Zein da zure arazoa?
What was that noise?Zer zen zarata hori?
When can we eat?Noiz jan dezakegu?
When do you study?Noiz ikasten duzu?
When was it finished?Noiz bukatu zen?
How about your familyZer moduz zure familia
Do you understand?Ulertzen duzu?
Do you love me?Maite nauzu?
Don't talk about workEz hitz egin lanari buruz
How can I help you?Nola lagun zaitzaket?
How deep is the lake?Zenbateko sakonera du lakuak?
I'm not disturbing youEz zaitut molestatzen
I'm proud of my sonHarro nago nire semeaz
I'm sorry to disturb youSentitzen dut traba egitea
Is something wrong?Zerbait gaizki dago?
May I open the door?Ireki dezaket atea?
Thanks for everythingEskerrik asko guztiagatik
This is very difficultHau oso zaila da
This is very importantHau oso garrantzitsua da
Where are you fromNongoa zara
Do you have any ideaBaduzu ideiarik
I love you so muchIzugarri maite zaitut
I love you very muchasko maite zaitut
I’m in love with youmaiteminduta nago zutaz
I missed you so muchAsko faltan botatzen zaitut
Let me think about itUtzidazu pentsatzen
Thank you very muchEskerrik asko
I can't stop thinkingEzin dut pentsatzeari utzi
Will you stop talking?Hitz egiteari utziko al diozu?
Would you like to go?Joan nahiko zenuke?
Would you teach me?Irakatsiko zenidake?
Where is your room?Non dago zure gela?
Where should we go?Nora joan behar dugu?
Where is your house?Non dago zure etxea?
Please close the doorMesedez, itxi atea
She agreed to my ideaNire ideiarekin bat egin zuen
That boy is intelligentMutil hori inteligentea da
It was a very big roomOso gela handia zen
He can swim very fastOso azkar igeri egin dezake
He accepted my ideaNire ideia onartu zuen
They loved each otherElkar maite zuten
When will you reach?Noiz helduko zara?
Where are you from?Nongoa zara?
Where are you going?Nora zoaz?
We love each otherElkar maite dugu
We obeyed the rulesArauak bete genituen
We started to walkOinez hasi ginen
We will never agreeInoiz ez gara ados jarriko
We can make changeAldaketa egin dezakegu
We cook everydayEgunero egosten dugu
We enjoyed itGozatu genuen
What about you?Zuk zer?
What are you doing?Zertan zabiltza?
What did you say?Zer esan zenuen?
What do you need?Zer behar duzu?
What do you think?Zer uste duzu?
What do you want?Zer nahi duzu?
What happened?Zer gertatu da?
What is that?Zer da hori?
When was she born?Noiz jaio zen?
When will we arrive?Noiz helduko gara?
Where are you?Non zaude?
Where does it hurt?Non egiten du min?
Where is my book?Non dago nire liburua?
Where is the river?Non dago ibaia?
Who broke this?Nork hautsi du hau?
Why are you crying?Zergatik ari zara negarrez?
I can't see anythingEzin dut ezer ikusten
I disagree with youEz nago ados zurekin
I like it very muchAsko gustatzen zait
I need more timeDenbora gehiago behar dut
I want to sleeplo egin nahi dut
I'm able to swimGai naiz igeri egiteko
I'm not a doctorEz naiz medikua
I'm taller than youZu baino altuagoa naiz
I'm very sadOso triste nago
Is he a teacher?Irakaslea al da?
Is she married?Ezkondua al da?
Is this book yours?Zurea al da liburu hau?
Let's ask the teacherGalde diezaiogun irakasleari
Let's go out and eatGoazen kalera jatera
Let's go to a movieGoazen pelikula batera

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedBere iritzia ez zen onartu
His proposals were adopted at the meetingHaren proposamenak bileran onartu ziren
How do you come to school?Nola etortzen zara eskolara?
If I had money, I could buy itDirua banu, eros nezake
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneArkatza nahi baduzu, maileguan emango dizut
If he comes, ask him to waitEtortzen bada, itxaroteko eskatu
If it rains, we will get wetEuria egiten badu, busti egingo gara
If I studied, I would pass the examIkasketak egingo banu, azterketa gaindituko nuke
My hair has grown too longIlea luzeegia egin zait
My mother is always at homeNire ama beti etxean dago
There are many fish in this lakeLaku honetan arrain asko daude
There are many problems to solveArazo asko daude konpontzeko
There are some books on the deskLiburu batzuk daude mahaian
There is nothing wrong with himEz dago ezer gaizki
There was a sudden change in the weatherEguraldi aldaketa bat-batean egon zen
There was nobody in the gardenEz zegoen inor lorategian
There was nobody thereHan ez zegoen inor
There were five murders this monthHilabete honetan bost hilketa izan dira
They admire each otherElkar miresten dute
They agreed to work togetherElkarrekin lan egitea adostu zuten
They are both good teachersIrakasle onak dira biak
We want something newZerbait berria nahi dugu
We should be very carefulKontuz ibili beharko genuke
When can I see you next time?Noiz ikusiko zaitut hurrengoan?
When did you finish the work?Noiz bukatu zenuen lana?
When will you harvest your wheat?Noiz bilduko duzu garia?
Where do you want to go?Nora joan nahi duzu?
Where is the pretty girl?Non dago neska polita?
Which food do you like?Zein janari gustatzen zaizu?
Which is more important?Zein da garrantzitsuena?
Which one is more expensive?Zein da garestiagoa?
Which way is the nearest?Zein bide da hurbilen?
Which is your favorite team?Zein da zure talderik gogokoena?
Which languages do you speak?Zein hizkuntzatan hitz egiten duzu?
Which team will win the game?Zein taldek irabaziko du partida?
Why are you drying your hair?Zergatik ari zara ilea lehortzen?
Why are you late?Zergatik berandu zara?
Why did you get so angry?Zergatik haserretu zinen hain?
Why did you quit?Zergatik utzi zenuen?
Why don't you come in?Zergatik ez zara sartzen?

Why were you late this morning?Zergatik iritsi zara gaur goizean berandu?
Why are you so tired today?Zergatik zaude hain nekatuta gaur?
Would you like to dance with me?Nirekin dantzatu nahiko zenuke?
Would you come tomorrow?Bihar etorriko zinateke?
You are always complainingBeti kexatzen ari zara
Thanks for your explanationEskerrik asko zure azalpenagatik
Thanks for the complimentEskerrik asko piropoagatik
Thanks for the informationEskerrik asko informazioagatik
Thanks for your understandingEskerrik asko zure ulermenagatik
Thank you for supporting meEskerrik asko ni laguntzeagatik
I really miss you so muchBenetan asko botatzen zaitut faltan
Happy valentine’s daySan Valentin egun zoriontsua
Whose decision was final?Noren erabakia izan zen behin betikoa?
Whose life is in danger?Noren bizitza dago arriskuan?
You are a good teacherIrakasle ona zara
You can read this bookLiburu hau irakur dezakezu
You don't understand meEz nauzu ulertzen
You have to study hardGogor ikasi behar duzu
Where do you have pain?Non daukazu mina?
They are both in the roomGelan daude biak
That house is very smallEtxe hori oso txikia da
Please give me your handMesedez, emadazu eskua
Please go to the schoolMesedez, joan eskolara
Please sit here and waitMesedez, eseri hemen eta itxaron
Please speak more slowlyMesedez, hitz egin polikiago
My father is in his roomNire aita bere gelan dago
May I ask you something?Zerbait galde al dizut?
May I ask you a question?Galdera bat egin al dizut?
Is the job still available?Lana erabilgarri al dago oraindik?
I arrived there too earlyGoizegi heldu nintzen bertara
Do you have a family?Familiarik al duzu?
Do you have any problem?Arazorik al duzu?
Do you have any idea?Ideiarik ba al duzu?
Did you finish the job?Bukatu al duzu lana?
Did you like the movie?Gustatu al zaizu filma?
Are we ready to go now?Prest al gaude orain joateko?
Would you like to come?Etortzea gustatuko litzaizuke?
I don't speak very wellEz dut oso ondo hitz egiten
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

Basque Vocabulary
Basque Dictionary