Daily use common Bosnian Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Bosnian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Bosnian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Bosnian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Bosnian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Bosnian language quickly and also play some Bosnian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Bosnian.

Bosnian sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Bosnian language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Dobrodošli |
Thanks | Hvala |
Good | Dobro |
Enjoy | Uživajte |
Fine | redu |
Congratulations | Čestitam |
I hate you | mrzim te |
I love you | volim te |
I’m in love | zaljubljen sam |
I’m sorry | Žao mi je |
I’m so sorry | Tako mi je žao |
I’m yours | ja sam tvoj |
Thanks again | Hvala još jednom |
How are you | Kako si |
I am fine | dobro sam |
Take care | Čuvaj se |
I miss you | Nedostaješ mi |
You're nice | Ti si fin |
That’s terrible | To je užasno |
That's too bad | To je šteta |
That's too much | To je previše |
See you | Vidimo se |
Thank you | Hvala ti |
Thank you sir | Hvala Vam gospodine |
Are you free | Jesi li slobodan |
No problem | Nema problema |
Get well soon | Ozdravi brzo |
Very good | Veoma dobro |
Well done | Dobro urađeno |
What’s up | Šta ima |
I can't hear you | Ne čujem te |
I can't stop | Ne mogu prestati |
I know | Znam |
Good bye | Zbogom |
Good idea | Dobra ideja |
Good luck | Sretno |
You are late | Kasnis |
Who is next? | ko je sljedeći? |
Who is she? | Ko je ona? |
Who is that man? | Ko je taj čovjek? |
Who built it? | Ko ga je izgradio? |
They hurt | Bole |
She got angry | Ona se naljutila |
She is a teacher | Ona je učiteljica |
She is aggressive | Ona je agresivna |
She is attractive | Ona je privlačna |
She is beautiful | Ona je lijepa |
She is crying | Ona plače |
She is happy | Ona je sretna |
No way! | Nema šanse! |
No worries | Bez brige |
No, thank you | Ne hvala |
I'm so happy | tako sam sretan |
I'm hungry | gladan sam |
I'm able to run | Ja sam u stanju da trčim |
I agree | slažem se |
I can swim | znam plivati |
I can't come | Ne mogu doći |
He got angry | Naljutio se |
He was alone | Bio je sam |
He was brave | Bio je hrabar |
He likes to swim | Voli da pliva |
Don't be angry | Ne ljuti se |
Don't be sad | Ne budi tužan |
Don't cry | Ne plači |
Come in | Ući |
Come on | Hajde |
Can you come? | Možete li doći? |
Can I help? | Mogu li pomoći? |
Can I eat this? | Mogu li jesti ovo? |
Can I help you? | Mogu li vam pomoći? |
Can I see? | Mogu li vidjeti? |
Are you going? | Ides li? |
Are you hungry? | Jesi li gladan? |
Are you mad? | Jesi li ljuta? |
Are you serious? | Jesi li ozbiljan? |
Are you sleeping? | Spavaš li? |
Can you do this? | Mozes li uraditi ovo? |
Can you help me? | Mozes li mi pomoci? |
Can you tell me? | Možeš li mi reći? |
Come on tomorrow | Hajde sutra |
Come quickly | Dođi brzo |
Could I help you? | Mogu li vam pomoći? |
Could you tell me? | Možete li mi reći? |
Do not disturb! | Ne ometaj! |
Do you hear me? | Da li me čuješ? |
Do you smoke? | Da li pušite? |
Have you eaten? | Jesi li jeo? |
Have you finished? | Jesi li završio? |
He can run fast | Može brzo da trči |
He began to run | Počeo je da beži |
He did not speak | Nije govorio |
His eyes are blue | Oči su mu plave |
His smile was good | Njegov osmeh je bio dobar |
How is your life? | kakav je tvoj život? |
How is your family? | Kako je tvoja porodica? |
I am a student | ja sam student |
I am going to study | Idem da učim |
I am not a teacher | Ja nisam učitelj |
I am sorry | zao mi je |
I believe you | vjerujem ti |
I can do this job | Mogu da radim ovaj posao |
I can run faster | Mogu trčati brže |
I can’t believe it | Ne mogu vjerovati |
It happens | Dešava se |
It is new | Novo je |
It is a long story | To je duga priča |
It looks like an bird | Izgleda kao ptica |
It really takes time | Zaista treba vremena |
It was really cheap | Bilo je stvarno jeftino |
It was so noisy | Bilo je tako bučno |
It was very difficult | Bilo je veoma teško |
It wasn't expensive | Nije bilo skupo |
It wasn't necessary | Nije bilo potrebno |
Let me check | Pusti me da provjerim |
Let me say | Da kazem |
Let me see | Da vidim |
May I come in? | Mogu li ući? |
May I help you? | Mogu li vam pomoći? |
May I join you? | Mogu li vam se pridružiti? |
May I speak? | Mogu li govoriti? |
May I eat this? | Mogu li jesti ovo? |
My father is tall | Moj otac je visok |
My sister has a job | Moja sestra ima posao |
My sister is famous | Moja sestra je poznata |
My wife is a doctor | Moja žena je doktor |
No, I'll eat later | Ne, jest ću kasnije |
Please come in | Molim vas uđite |
Please do that again | Molim vas, uradite to ponovo |
Please give me | Molim te daj mi |
She admired him | Ona mu se divila |
She avoids me | Ona me izbegava |
She came last | Došla je zadnja |
She goes to school | Ona ide u školu |
That house is big | Ta kuća je velika |
That is a good idea | To je dobra ideja |
That is my book | To je moja knjiga |
That is my son | To je moj sin |
The dog is dead | Pas je mrtav |
The river is wide | Reka je široka |
There is no doubt | Nema sumnje |
They are playing | Oni igraju |
They are pretty | Lijepe su |
They got married | Vjenčali su se |
They have few books | Imaju malo knjiga |
They stopped talking | Prestali su da pričaju |
This is my friend | Ovo je moj prijatelj |
This bird can't fly | Ova ptica ne može da leti |
This decision is final | Ova odluka je konačna |
This is my book | Ovo je moja knjiga |
This is my brother | Ovo je moj brat |
This is my daughter | Ovo je moja ćerka |
This is not a joke | Ovo nije šala |
This is surprising | Ovo je iznenađujuće |
This river is beautiful | Ova rijeka je predivna |
This story is true | Ova priča je istinita |
We are happy | Mi smo sretni |
Will it rain today? | Hoće li padati kiša danas? |
Will you go on a trip? | Hoćeš li ići na put? |
Will she come? | Hoće li doći? |
Would you kill me? | Da li bi me ubio? |
Would you love me? | Da li bi me voleo? |
Would you come here? | Da li bi došao ovamo? |
You are a teacher | Vi ste učitelj |
You are very beautiful | Veoma si lepa |
You are very brave | Veoma ste hrabri |
You broke the rules | Prekršio si pravila |
You love me | Ti me voliš |
you love me or not | voliš li me ili ne |
You make me happy | Činiš me sretnim |
You may go | Možeš ići |
You should sleep | Trebao bi spavati |
You must study hard | Moraš vrijedno učiti |
Whose idea is this? | čija je ovo ideja? |
Thanks for your help | Hvala na pomoći |
Thank you for coming | Hvala vam što ste došli |
How about you | A ti |
How is your family | Kako je tvoja porodica |
How to Say | Kako da kažem |
Good morning | Dobro jutro |
Good afternoon | Dobar dan |
Good evening | Dobro veče |
Good night | Laku noc |
Happy birthday | Sretan rođendan |
Happy Christmas | Sretan božić |
Happy new year | Sretna Nova godina |
Good to see you | Dobro je vidjeti te |
I don't like it | Ne sviđa mi se |
I have no idea | Nemam pojma |
I know everything | ja znam sve |
I know something | Znam nešto |
Thank you so much | Hvala ti puno |
Thanks a million | Hvala milion |
See you later | Vidimo se kasnije |
See you next week | Vidimo se sledeće sedmice |
See you next year | Vidimo se iduće godine |
See you soon | Vidimo se uskoro |
See you tomorrow | Vidimo se sutra |
Sweet dreams | Slatki snovi |
I’m crazy about you | Ja sam lud za tobom |
I'm crazy with you | Ja sam luda sa tobom |
Nice to meet you | Drago mi je što smo se upoznali |
It's very cheap | Veoma je jeftino |
Just a moment | Samo momenat |
Not necessarily | Nije nužno |
That’s a good deal | To je dobar posao |
You're beautiful | Lijepa si |
You're very nice | Veoma si fin |
You're very smart | Veoma ste pametni |
I really appreciate it | Zaista to cijenim |
I really miss you | zaista mi nedostaješ |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Bosnian Vocabulary