Daily use common Chinese Sentences and Phrases

Table of content

     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Chinese language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Chinese sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Chinese translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Chinese language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Chinese language quickly and also play some Chinese word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Chinese.

Daily use common Chinese Sentences and Phrases

Chinese sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Chinese language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

Welcome欢迎 Huanying
Thanks谢谢 Xiexie
Good好的 Hao de
Enjoy享受 Xiangshòu
Fine美好的 Meihao de
Congratulations恭喜啦 Gongxi la
I hate you我恨你 Wo hen ni
I love you我爱你 Wo ai ni
I’m in love我恋爱了 Wo lianaile
I’m sorry抱歉 Baoqian
I’m so sorry我很抱歉 Wo hen baoqian
I’m yours我是你的 Wo shi ni de
Thanks again再次感谢 zaici ganxie
How are you你好吗 Ni hao ma
I am fine我没事 Wo meishi
Take care小心 Xiaoxin
I miss you我想念你 Wo xiangnian ni
You're nice你人很好 Ni ren hen hao
That’s terrible这太可怕了 Zhe tai kepale
That's too bad这太糟糕了 Zhe tai zaogaole
That's too much这太多了 Zhe tai duole
See you再见 Zaijian
Thank you谢谢 Xiexie
Thank you sir谢谢你,先生 Xiexie ni, xiansheng
Are you free你有空吗 Ni you kòng ma
No problem没问题 Mei wenti
Get well soon快点好起来 Kuai dian hao qilai
Very good非常好 Feichang hao
Well done做得好 Zuò de hao
What’s up这是怎么回事 Zhe shi zenme hui shi
I can't hear you我听不到你的声音 Wo ting bu dao ni de shengyin
I can't stop我停不下来 Wo ting bu xialai
I know我知道 Wo zhidao
Good bye再见 Zaijian
Good idea好主意 Hao zhuyi
Good luck祝你好运 Zhu ni hao yun
You are late你晚了 ni wanle
Who is next?谁是下一个? shei shi xia yige?
Who is she?她是谁? ta shi shei?
Who is that man?那个男生是谁? Nage nansheng shi shei?
Who built it?谁建造的? shei jianzao de?
They hurt他们伤害了 tamen shanghaile
She got angry她生气了 ta shengqile
She is a teacher她是一名教师 ta shi yi ming jiaoshi
She is aggressive她很有攻击性 ta hen you gongji xing
She is attractive她很有吸引力 ta hen you xiyin li
She is beautiful她很漂亮 ta hen piaoliang
She is crying她正在哭 ta zhengzai ku
She is happy她很高兴 ta hen gaoxing
No way!没门! meimen!
No worries不用担心 Buyong danxin
No, thank you不,谢谢 bu, xiexie
I'm so happy我太高兴了 wo tai gaoxingle
I'm hungry我饿了 wo ele
I'm able to run我能跑 wo neng pao
I agree我同意 wo tongyi
I can swim我会游泳 wo hui youyong
I can't come我不能来 wo buneng lai
He got angry他生气了 ta shengqile
He was alone他独自一人 ta duzi yiren
He was brave他很勇敢 ta hen yonggan
He likes to swim他喜欢游泳 ta xihuan youyong
Don't be angry不要生气 buyao shengqi
Don't be sad不要难过 buyao nanguo
Don't cry不要哭 buyao ku
Come in进来 jinlai
Come on来吧 lai ba
Can you come?你能来么? Ni neng lai me?
Can I help?我能提供帮助吗? Wo neng tigong bangzhu ma?
Can I eat this?我可以吃这个吗? Wo keyi chi zhege ma?
Can I help you?我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma?
Can I see?我可以看吗? Wo keyi kan ma?
Are you going?你要去吗? Ni yao qu ma?
Are you hungry?你饿了吗? Ni ele ma?
Are you mad?你疯了? Ni fengle?
Are you serious?你是认真的吗? Ni shi renzhen de ma?
Are you sleeping?你正在睡觉吗? Ni zhengzai shuijiao ma?
Can you do this?你能做这个吗? Ni neng zuo zhege ma?
Can you help me?你能帮助我吗? ni neng bangzhu wo ma?
Can you tell me?你能告诉我吗? Ni neng gaosu wo ma?
Come on tomorrow明天来吧 mingtian lai ba
Come quickly快来 kuai lai
Could I help you?有什么可以帮到你吗? You she me keyi bang dao ni ma?
Could you tell me?你能不能告诉我? Ni neng buneng gaosu wo?
Do not disturb!请勿打扰! Qing wu darao!
Do you hear me?你听到我了吗? Ni ting dao wole ma?
Do you smoke?你抽烟吗? Ni chouyan ma?
Have you eaten?你吃过了吗? Ni chiguole ma?
Have you finished?你完成了吗? Ni wanchengle ma?
He can run fast他跑得很快 ta pao de hen kuai
He began to run他开始跑 ta kaishi pao
He did not speak他没有说话 ta meiyou shuohua
His eyes are blue他的眼睛是蓝色的 ta de yanjing shi lan se de
His smile was good他的笑容很好 ta de xiaorong hen hao
How is your life?你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang?
How is your family?你的家人好吗? Ni de jiaren hao ma?
I am a student我是学生 wo shi xuesheng
I am going to study我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi
I am not a teacher我不是老师 wo bushi laoshi
I am sorry对不起 duibuqi
I believe you我相信你 wo xiangxin ni
I can do this job我能胜任这份工作 wo neng sheng ren zhe fen gongzuo
I can run faster我可以跑得更快 Wo keyi pao de geng kuai
I can’t believe it我不敢相信 wo bu gan xiangxin
It happens它发生 ta fasheng
It is new它是新的 ta shi xin de
It is a long story这是一个很长的故事 zhe shi yige hen zhang de gushi
It looks like an bird它看起来像一只鸟 ta kan qilai xiang yi zhi niao
It really takes time这真的需要时间 zhe zhen de xuyao shijian
It was really cheap真的很便宜 zhen de hen pianyi
It was so noisy太吵了 tai chaole
It was very difficult这很困难 zhe hen kunnan
It wasn't expensive不贵 bu gui
It wasn't necessary没有必要 meiyou biyao
Let me check让我检查一下 rang wo jiancha yixia
Let me say让我说 rang wo shuo
Let me see让我看看 rang wo kan kan
May I come in?我可以进来吗? Wo keyi jinlai ma?
May I help you?我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma?
May I join you?我能够加入你(们)吗? Wo nenggou jiaru ni (men) ma?
May I speak?我能说? Wo neng shuo?
May I eat this?我可以吃这个吗? Wo keyi chi zhege ma?
My father is tall我父亲很高 wo fuqin hen gao
My sister has a job我姐姐有工作 wo jiejie you gongzuo
My sister is famous我姐姐很有名 wo jiejie hen youming
My wife is a doctor我的妻子是一名医生 wo de qizi shi yi ming yisheng
No, I'll eat later不,我晚点吃 bu, wo wandian chi
Please come in请进来 qing jinlai
Please do that again请再做一次 qing zai zuo yici
Please give me请给我 qing gei wo
She admired him她钦佩他 ta qinpei ta
She avoids me她避开我 ta bi kai wo
She came last她最后来了 ta zuihou laile
She goes to school她去学校 ta qu xuexiao
That house is big那房子很大 na fangzi hen da
That is a good idea那是一个好主意 na shi yige hao zhuyi
That is my book那是我的书 na shi wo de shu
That is my son那是我儿子 na shi wo erzi
The dog is dead狗死了 gou sile
The river is wide河很宽 he hen kuan
There is no doubt毫无疑问 hao wu yiwen
They are playing他们正在玩 tamen zhengzai wan
They are pretty她们漂亮 tamen piaoliang
They got married他们结了婚 tamen jiele hun
They have few books他们的书很少 tamen de shu hen shao
They stopped talking他们不再说话 tamen bu zai shuohua
This is my friend这是我的朋友 zhe shi wo de pengyou
This bird can't fly这只鸟不会飞 zhe zhi niao bu hui fei
This decision is final此决定为最终决定 ci jueding wei zuizhong jueding
This is my book这是我的书 zhe shi wo de shu
This is my brother这是我的兄弟 zhe shi wo de xiongdi
This is my daughter这是我的女儿 zhe shi wo de nu'er
This is not a joke这不是一个玩笑 zhe bushi yige wanxiao
This is surprising这令人惊讶 zhe ling ren jingya
This river is beautiful这条河很美 zhe tiao he hen mei
This story is true这个故事是真的 zhege gushi shi zhen de
We are happy我们很开心 women hen kaixin
Will it rain today?今天会下雨吗? Jintian hui xia yu ma?
Will you go on a trip?你会去旅行吗? Ni hui qu luxing ma?
Will she come?她会来吗? ta hui lai ma?
Would you kill me?你会杀了我吗? Ni hui shale wo ma?
Would you love me?你会爱我吗? Ni hui ai wo ma?
Would you come here?你会来这里吗? Ni hui lai zheli ma?
You are a teacher你是老师 Ni shi laoshi
You are very beautiful你非常漂亮 ni feichang piaoliang
You are very brave你很勇敢 ni hen yonggan
You broke the rules你违反了规则 ni weifanle guize
You love me你爱我 ni ai wo
you love me or not你爱不爱我 ni ai bu ai wo
You make me happy你让我快乐 ni rang wo kuaile
You may go你可以走了 ni keyi zoule
You should sleep你应该睡觉 ni yinggai shuijiao
You must study hard你必须努力学习 ni bixu nuli xuexi
Whose idea is this?这是谁的主意? Zhe shi shei de zhuyi?
Thanks for your help感谢您的帮助 ganxie nin de bangzhu
Thank you for coming谢谢你的到来 xiexie ni de daolai
How about you你呢 Ni ne
How is your family你的家人好吗 Ni de jiaren hao ma
How to Say怎么说 Zenme shuo
Good morning早上好 Zaoshang hao
Good afternoon下午好 Xiawu hao
Good evening晚上好 Wanshang hao
Good night晚安 Wanan
Happy birthday生日快乐 Shengri kuaile
Happy Christmas圣诞快乐 Shengdan kuaile
Happy new year新年快乐 Xinnian kuaile
Good to see you很高兴见到你 Hen gaoxing jian dao ni
I don't like it我不喜欢 Wo bu xihuan
I have no idea我不知道 Wo bu zhidao
I know everything我知道所有的东西 Wo zhidao suoyou de dongxi
I know something我知道一点 Wo zhidao yidian
Thank you so much太感谢了 Tai ganxiele
Thanks a million太感谢了 Tai ganxiele
See you later回头见 Huitou jian
See you next week下周见 Xia zhou jian
See you next year明年再见 Mingnian zaijian
See you soon再见 Zaijian
See you tomorrow明天见 Mingtian jian
Sweet dreams甜蜜的梦 Tianmi de meng
I’m crazy about you我为你而疯狂 Wo wei ni er fengkuang
I'm crazy with you我为你疯狂 Wo wei ni fengkuang
Nice to meet you很高兴见到你 Hen gaoxing jian dao ni
It's very cheap很便宜 Hen pianyi
Just a moment一会儿 Yihuier
Not necessarily不必要 Bu biyao
That’s a good deal很好 Hen hao
You're beautiful你非常美 Ni feichang mei
You're very nice您非常友善 Nin feichang youshan
You're very smart你很聪明 Ni hen congming
I really appreciate it对此,我真的非常感激 Dui ci, wo zhen de feichang ganji
I really miss you我真的好想你 Wo zhen de hao xiang ni

Hard sentences

What is your name你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi
Which is correct?哪个是对的? Nage shi dui de?
Will you please help me?你能帮我吗? Ni neng bang wo ma?
Will you stay at home?你会待在家里吗? Ni hui dai zai jiali ma?
Do you need anything?您需要什么吗? Nin xuyao shenme ma?
Do you need this book?你需要这本书吗? Ni xuyao zhe ben shu ma?
Are you feeling better?你感觉好些了吗? Ni ganjue haoxiele ma?
Are you writing a letter?你在写信吗? Ni zai xie xin ma?
Come and see me now现在来看我 xianzailai kan wo
Come with your family和家人一起来 he jiaren yi qilai
I'm very busy this week这周我很忙 zhe zhou wo hen mang
There is a lot of money有很多钱 you henduo qian
They are good people他们是好人 tamen shi haoren
We need some money我们需要一些钱 women xuyao yixie qian
What is your destination?你的目的地是哪里? ni de mudi de shi nali?
What are you doing today?今天你在做什么? Jintian ni zai zuo shenme?
What are you reading?你在读什么? Ni zaidu shenme?
What can I do for you?我能为你做什么? Wo neng wei ni zuo shenme?
What is the problem?问题是什么? Wenti shi shenme?
What is the story?故事是什么? Gushi shi shenme?
What is your problem?你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti?
What was that noise?那是什么声音? Na shi shenme shengyin?
When can we eat?我们什么时候可以吃饭? Women shenme shihou keyi chifan?
When do you study?你什么时候学习? Ni shenme shihou xuexi?
When was it finished?什么时候完成的? shenme shihou wancheng de?
How about your family你的家人如何 Ni de jiaren ruhe
Do you understand?你明白吗? Ni mingbai ma?
Do you love me?你爱我吗? Ni ai wo ma?
Don't talk about work不要谈工作 buyao tan gongzuo
How can I help you?我怎么帮你? Wo zenme bang ni?
How deep is the lake?湖有多深? Hu you duo shen?
I'm not disturbing you我不打扰你 wo bu darao ni
I'm proud of my son我为我的儿子感到骄傲 wo wei wo de erzi gandao jiao'ao
I'm sorry to disturb you很抱歉打扰你 hen baoqian darao ni
Is something wrong?有什么问题吗? You she me wenti ma?
May I open the door?我可以开门吗? Wo keyi kaimen ma?
Thanks for everything谢谢你所做的一切 Xiexie ni suo zuò de yiqie
This is very difficult这很难 Zhe hen nan
This is very important这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao
Where are you from你从哪里来 Ni cong nali lai
Do you have any idea你有什么主意吗 Ni you she me zhuyi ma
I love you so much我真的很爱你 Wo zhen de hen ai ni
I love you very much我非常爱你 Wo feichang ai ni
I’m in love with you我爱上了你 Wo ai shangle ni
I missed you so much我很想你 Wo hen xiang ni
Let me think about it让我想想 Rang wo xiang xiang
Thank you very much非常感谢你 Feichang ganxie ni
I can't stop thinking我不能停止思考 Wo buneng tingzhi sikao
Will you stop talking?你会停止说话吗? Ni hui tingzhi shuohua ma?
Would you like to go?你想去吗? Ni xiang qu ma?
Would you teach me?你会教我吗? Ni hui jiao wo ma?
Where is your room?你的房间在哪里? Ni de fangjian zai nali?
Where should we go?我们应该去哪里? Women yinggai qu nali?
Where is your house?你的房子在哪里? Ni de fangzi zai nali?
Please close the door请关门 qing guanmen
She agreed to my idea她同意了我的想法 ta tongyile wo de xiangfa
That boy is intelligent那个男孩很聪明 nage nanhai hen congming
It was a very big room这是一个非常大的房间 zhe shi yige feichang da de fangjian
He can swim very fast他游得很快 ta you de hen kuai
He accepted my idea他接受了我的想法 ta jieshoule wo de xiangfa
They loved each other他们彼此相爱 tamen bici xiang'ai
When will you reach?你什么时候到达? Ni shenme shihou daoda?
Where are you from?你从哪里来? Ni cong nali lai?
Where are you going?你要去哪里? Ni yao qu nali?
We love each other我们爱彼此 women ai bici
We obeyed the rules我们遵守规则 women zunshou guize
We started to walk我们开始走路 women kaishi zoulu
We will never agree我们永远不会同意 women yongyuan bu hui tongyi
We can make change我们可以做出改变 women keyi zuo chu gaibian
We cook everyday我们每天做饭 women meitian zuo fan
We enjoyed it我们很喜欢 women hen xihuan
What about you?你呢? Ni ne?
What are you doing?你在做什么? Ni zai zuo shenme?
What did you say?你说什么? Ni shuo shenme?
What do you need?你需要什么? Ni xuyao shenme?
What do you think?你怎么看? Ni zenme kan?
What do you want?你想要什么? Ni xiang yao shenme?
What happened?发生了什么? Fashengle shenme?
What is that?那是什么? Na shi shenme?
When was she born?她什么时候出生的? ta shenme shihou chusheng de?
When will we arrive?我们什么时候到? Women shenme shihou dao?
Where are you?你在哪里? Ni zai nali?
Where does it hurt?哪里疼? Nali teng?
Where is my book?我的书在哪里? Wo de shu zai nali?
Where is the river?河在哪里? He zai nali?
Who broke this?谁打破了这个? shei dapole zhege?
Why are you crying?你怎么哭了? Ni zenme kule?
I can't see anything我什么也看不见 wo shenme ye kan bujian
I disagree with you恕我不能赞同 shu wo buneng zantong
I like it very much我非常喜欢它 wo feichang xihuan ta
I need more time我需要更多的时间 wo xuyao geng duo de shijian
I want to sleep我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao
I'm able to swim我会游泳 wo hui youyong
I'm not a doctor我不是医生 wo bushi yisheng
I'm taller than you我比你高 wo bi ni gao
I'm very sad我好伤心 wo hao shangxin
Is he a teacher?他是一位教师吗? ta shi yi wei jiaoshi ma?
Is she married?她结婚了吗? ta jiehunle ma?
Is this book yours?这本书是你的吗? Zhe ben shu shi ni de ma?
Let's ask the teacher我们问问老师 women wen wen laoshi
Let's go out and eat我们出去吃饭吧 women chuqu chifan ba
Let's go to a movie我们去看电影吧 women qu kan dianying ba

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not accepted他的意见没有被接受 ta de yijian meiyou bei jieshou
His proposals were adopted at the meeting他的提议在会议上获得通过 ta de tiyi zai huiyi shang huode tongguo
How do you come to school?你怎么来学校? Ni zenme lai xuexiao?
If I had money, I could buy it如果我有钱,我可以买 ruguo wo you qian, wo keyi mai
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one如果你想要一支铅笔,我就借给你一支 ruguo ni xiang yao yi zhi qianbi, wo jiu jie gei ni yi zhi
If he comes, ask him to wait如果他来了,请他等一下 ruguo ta laile, qing ta deng yixia
If it rains, we will get wet如果下雨,我们会被淋湿 ruguo xia yu, women hui bei lin shi
If I studied, I would pass the exam如果我学习,我会通过考试 ruguo wo xuexi, wo hui tongguo kaoshi
My hair has grown too long我的头发长得太长了 wo de toufa zhang de tai zhangle
My mother is always at home我妈妈总是在家 wo mama zong shi zaijia
There are many fish in this lake这个湖里有很多鱼 zhege hu li you henduo yu
There are many problems to solve有很多问题需要解决 you henduo wenti xuyao jiejue
There are some books on the desk桌子上有一些书 zhuozi shang you yixie shu
There is nothing wrong with him他没有错 ta meiyou cuo
There was a sudden change in the weather天气突然变了 tianqi turan bianle
There was nobody in the garden花园里没有人 huayuan li meiyou ren
There was nobody there那里没有人 nali meiyou ren
There were five murders this month本月发生了五起谋杀案 ben yue fashengle wu qi mousha an
They admire each other他们互相欣赏 tamen huxiang xinshang
They agreed to work together他们同意一起工作 tamen tongyi yiqi gongzuo
They are both good teachers他们都是好老师 tamen dou shi hao laoshi
We want something new我们想要新的东西 women xiang yao xin de dongxi
We should be very careful我们应该非常小心 women yinggai feichang xiaoxin
When can I see you next time?我下次什么时候可以见到你? Wo xia ci shenme shihou keyi jian dao ni?
When did you finish the work?你什么时候完成的工作? Ni shenme shihou wancheng de gongzuo?
When will you harvest your wheat?你什么时候收割你的小麦? Ni shenme shihou shouge ni de xiaomai?
Where do you want to go?你想去哪里? Ni xiang qu nali?
Where is the pretty girl?漂亮的女孩在哪里? Piaoliang de nuhai zai nali?
Which food do you like?你喜欢什么食物? Ni xihuan shenme shiwu?
Which is more important?哪个更重要? Nage geng zhongyao?
Which one is more expensive?哪个更贵? Nage geng gui?
Which way is the nearest?哪条路最近? Na tiao lu zuijin?
Which is your favorite team?你最喜欢哪支球队? Ni zui xihuan na zhi qiu dui?
Which languages do you speak?你会说哪些语言? Ni hui shuo naxie yuyan?
Which team will win the game?哪支球队会赢得比赛? Na zhi qiu dui hui yingde bisai?
Why are you drying your hair?你为什么要吹头发? Ni weisheme yao chui toufa?
Why are you late?你为什么迟到? Ni weisheme chidao?
Why did you get so angry?你为什么这么生气? Ni weisheme zheme shengqi?
Why did you quit?你为什么辞职? Ni weisheme cizhi?
Why don't you come in?你为什么不进来? Ni weisheme bu jinlai?

Why were you late this morning?你今天早上怎么迟到了? Ni jintian zaoshang zenme chidaole?
Why are you so tired today?你今天怎么这么累? Ni jintian zenme zheme lei?
Would you like to dance with me?你想跟我跳舞吗? Ni xiang gen wo tiaowu ma?
Would you come tomorrow?你明天来吗? Ni mingtian lai ma?
You are always complaining你总是抱怨 ni zong shi baoyuan
Thanks for your explanation谢谢你的解释 xiexie ni de jieshi
Thanks for the compliment谢谢你的赞美 xiexie ni de zanmei
Thanks for the information谢谢你的信息 xiexie ni de xinxi
Thanks for your understanding谢谢你的理解 xiexie ni de lijie
Thank you for supporting me谢谢你支持我 xiexie ni zhichi wo
I really miss you so much我真的好想你 Wo zhen de hao xiang ni
Happy valentine’s day情人节快乐 Qingren jie kuaile
Whose decision was final?谁的决定是最终的? shei de jueding shi zuizhong de?
Whose life is in danger?谁有生命危险? shei you shengming weixian?
You are a good teacher你是一位好老师 ni shi yi wei hao laoshi
You can read this book你可以读这本书 ni keyi du zhe ben shu
You don't understand me你不明白我 ni bu mingbai wo
You have to study hard你必须努力学习 ni bixu nuli xuexi
Where do you have pain?你哪里痛? Ni nali tong?
They are both in the room他们都在房间里 tamen dou zai fangjian li
That house is very small那房子很小 na fangzi hen xiao
Please give me your hand请把手给我 qing bashou gei wo
Please go to the school请去学校 qing qu xuexiao
Please sit here and wait请坐在这里等待 qing zuo zai zheli dengdai
Please speak more slowly请说得慢一点 qing shuo de man yidian
My father is in his room我父亲在他的房间里 wo fuqin zai ta de fangjian li
May I ask you something?我可以问你一些事情吗? Wo keyi wen ni yixie shiqing ma?
May I ask you a question?我可以问你一个问题? Wo keyi wen ni yige wenti?
Is the job still available?工作还在吗? Gongzuo hai zai ma?
I arrived there too early我到的太早了 wo dao de tai zaole
Do you have a family?你有家人吗? Ni you jiaren ma?
Do you have any problem?有问题吗? You wenti ma?
Do you have any idea?你有什么主意吗? Ni you she me zhuyi ma?
Did you finish the job?你完成工作了吗? Ni wancheng gongzuole ma?
Did you like the movie?这电影你喜欢吗? Zhe dianying ni xihuan ma?
Are we ready to go now?我们现在准备好了吗? Women xianzai zhunbei haole ma?
Would you like to come?你想不想来? Ni xiang buxiang lai?
I don't speak very well我说得不太好 Wo shuo de bu tai hao
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

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