Daily use common Corsican Sentences and Phrases

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     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Corsican language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Corsican sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Corsican translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Corsican language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Corsican language quickly and also play some Corsican word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Corsican.

Daily use common Corsican Sentences and Phrases

Corsican sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Corsican language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

FineVa bè
I hate youTi odiu
I love youTi tengu caru
I’m in loveSò innamuratu
I’m sorryMi dispiace
I’m so sorryMi dispiace tantu
I’m yoursSò toiu
Thanks againGrazie di novu
How are youCumu si
I am fineSto bè
Take careAttenti
I miss youMi manchi
You're niceSiete simpaticu
That’s terribleHè terribili
That's too badHè troppu male
That's too muchHè troppu
See youA prestu
Thank youGrazie
Thank you sirGrazie signore
Are you freeSò liberu
No problemNisunu prublema
Get well soonGuarisci prestu
Very goodAssai bonu
Well doneBè fatta
What’s upChi ci hè di novu
I can't hear youÙn ti possu sente
I can't stopÙn possu piantà
I knowEiu sò
Good byeAvvedeci
Good ideaBona idea
Good luckBona Furtuna
You are lateSii tardi
Who is next?Quale hè u prossimu ?
Who is she?Quale hè ella ?
Who is that man?Quale hè quellu omu ?
Who built it?Quale hà custruitu ?
They hurtAnu ferite
She got angryS'hè arrabbiata
She is a teacherHè un maestru
She is aggressiveHè aggressiva
She is attractiveElla hè attrattiva
She is beautifulHè bella
She is cryingElla pienghje
She is happyElla hè felice
No way!Certamente nò!
No worriesMicca penseri
No, thank youInnò, grazie
I'm so happySò tantu cuntentu
I'm hungryAghju a fame
I'm able to runSò capace di curriri
I agreeSò d'accordu
I can swimPossu natà
I can't comeÙn possu micca vene
He got angryS'hè arrabbiatu
He was aloneEra solu
He was braveEra bravu
He likes to swimLi piace à natà
Don't be angryÙn esse arrabbiatu
Don't be sadÙn siate tristi
Don't cryÙn pienghje
Come inEntra
Come onAiò
Can you come?Pudete vene ?
Can I help?Puderaghju aiutà ?
Can I eat this?Puderaghju manghjà questu?
Can I help you?Possu aiutà ti?
Can I see?Possu vede ?
Are you going?Andate ?
Are you hungry?Avete fame ?
Are you mad?sì pazza ?
Are you serious?sì seriu ?
Are you sleeping?Dormi?
Can you do this?Pudete fà questu?
Can you help me?Mi poi aiutà?
Can you tell me?Mi pò dì ?
Come on tomorrowVenite dumane
Come quicklyVenite prestu
Could I help you?Puderaghju aiutà ?
Could you tell me?Puderi dì mi ?
Do not disturb!Ùn disturbate micca!
Do you hear me?mi senti ?
Do you smoke?tu fumi ?
Have you eaten?Avete manghjatu ?
Have you finished?Avete finitu ?
He can run fastPò curriri prestu
He began to runCuminciò à curriri
He did not speakÙn parlava micca
His eyes are blueI so ochji sò turchini
His smile was goodU so surrisu era bonu
How is your life?Cumu hè a vostra vita ?
How is your family?Cumu hè a vostra famiglia ?
I am a studentSò un studiente
I am going to studyAghju da studià
I am not a teacherÙn sò micca un maestru
I am sorryMi dispiace
I believe youti credu
I can do this jobPuderaghju fà stu travagliu
I can run fasterPossu corre più veloce
I can’t believe itÙn possu micca crede
It happensSi passa
It is newHè novu
It is a long storyHè una longa storia
It looks like an birdSembra un acellu
It really takes timeCi vole veramente tempu
It was really cheapEra veramente prezzu
It was so noisyEra tantu rumoroso
It was very difficultEra assai difficiule
It wasn't expensiveÙn era micca caru
It wasn't necessaryÙn era micca necessariu
Let me checkLasciami verificà
Let me sayLasciami dì
Let me seeLascia mi vede
May I come in?Possu entre ?
May I help you?Vi possu aiutà ?
May I join you?Possu unisce à voi?
May I speak?Possu parlà ?
May I eat this?Possu manghjà questu?
My father is tallU mo babbu hè altu
My sister has a jobA mo surella hà un travagliu
My sister is famousA mo surella hè famosa
My wife is a doctorA mo moglia hè duttore
No, I'll eat laterInnò, manghjaraghju dopu
Please come inPer piacè entra
Please do that againPer piacè fate dinò
Please give mePer piacè dammi
She admired himElla l'ammirava
She avoids meElla mi evita
She came lastHè ghjunta l'ultima
She goes to schoolElla va à a scola
That house is bigSta casa hè grande
That is a good ideaHè una bona idea
That is my bookQuestu hè u mo libru
That is my sonQuestu hè u mo figliolu
The dog is deadU cane hè mortu
The river is wideU fiumu hè largu
There is no doubtÙn ci hè dubbitu
They are playingSò ghjucati
They are prettySò belli
They got marriedSi sò maritati
They have few booksAnu pochi libri
They stopped talkingCessanu di parlà
This is my friendQuestu hè u mo amicu
This bird can't flyStu acellu ùn pò micca volà
This decision is finalSta decisione hè finale
This is my bookQuestu hè u mo libru
This is my brotherQuestu hè u mo fratellu
This is my daughterQuesta hè a mo figliola
This is not a jokeQuestu ùn hè micca un scherzu
This is surprisingQuestu hè surprisante
This river is beautifulStu fiume hè bellu
This story is trueSta storia hè vera
We are happySemu cuntenti
Will it rain today?Piove oghje ?
Will you go on a trip?Andate in viaghju ?
Will she come?Ella vene ?
Would you kill me?Mi ammazzaresti ?
Would you love me?Mi amassi ?
Would you come here?Vulete vene quì ?
You are a teacherSì un maestru
You are very beautifulSì propiu bellu
You are very braveSii assai bravu
You broke the rulesAvete violatu e regule
You love meMi ami
you love me or notmi amate o micca
You make me happyMi rendi felice
You may goPudete andà
You should sleepDuvete dorme
You must study hardDuvete studià duramente
Whose idea is this?Di quale hè questa idea?
Thanks for your helpGrazie per u vostru aiutu
Thank you for comingGrazie per esse venutu
How about youChì ne dici di
How is your familyCumu hè a vostra famiglia
How to SayCumu dì
Good morningBonghjornu
Good afternoonBonghjornu
Good eveningBona sera
Good nightBona notte
Happy birthdayFelice Anniversariu
Happy ChristmasBon Natale
Happy new yearBon annu
Good to see youHè bellu di vede
I don't like itÙn mi piace micca
I have no ideaÙn aghju micca idea
I know everythingSò tuttu
I know somethingSò qualcosa
Thank you so muchGrazie tante
Thanks a millionGrazie mille
See you laterA prestu
See you next weekCi si vede a settimana prossima
See you next yearCi si vede l'annu prossimu
See you soonA prestu
See you tomorrowCi vedemu dumane
Sweet dreamsBelli sonni
I’m crazy about youSò pazzo di tè
I'm crazy with youSò pazzo cun voi
Nice to meet youFelice di cunnosce vi
It's very cheapHè assai prezzu
Just a momentSolu un mumentu
Not necessarilyMicca necessariamente
That’s a good dealHè un bonu affare
You're beautifulSì bellu
You're very niceSò assai simpaticu
You're very smartSì assai intelligente
I really appreciate itAghju veramente apprezzatu
I really miss youMi manchi veramente

Hard sentences

What is your nameCumu hè u to nome
Which is correct?Quale hè currettu?
Will you please help me?Per piacè aiutami?
Will you stay at home?Restate in casa ?
Do you need anything?Avete bisognu di qualcosa ?
Do you need this book?Avete bisognu di stu libru ?
Are you feeling better?Ti senti megliu ?
Are you writing a letter?Scrivite una lettera ?
Come and see me nowVenite à vedemi avà
Come with your familyVenite cù a vostra famiglia
I'm very busy this weekSò assai occupatu sta settimana
There is a lot of moneyCi hè assai soldi
They are good peopleSò persone bè
We need some moneyAvemu bisognu di soldi
What is your destination?Chì ghjè a vostra destinazione ?
What are you doing today?Chì faci oghje ?
What are you reading?Chì leghje ?
What can I do for you?Chì possu fà per voi ?
What is the problem?Chì ghjè u prublema ?
What is the story?Chì ghjè a storia ?
What is your problem?Chì ghjè u vostru prublema ?
What was that noise?Chì era quellu rumore ?
When can we eat?Quandu pudemu manghjà?
When do you study?Quandu studia?
When was it finished?Quandu era finitu ?
How about your familyCume di a vostra famiglia
Do you understand?Capisci?
Do you love me?Mi teni caru?
Don't talk about workÙn parlate micca di u travagliu
How can I help you?Cumu ti possu aiutà?
How deep is the lake?Quantu hè prufonda u lavu?
I'm not disturbing youÙn vi disturbu micca
I'm proud of my sonSò fieru di u mo figliolu
I'm sorry to disturb youMi dispiace di disturbà vi
Is something wrong?Ci hè qualcosa di male?
May I open the door?Possu apre a porta ?
Thanks for everythingGrazie per tuttu
This is very difficultQuestu hè assai difficiule
This is very importantQuestu hè assai impurtante
Where are you fromDa induve si
Do you have any ideaAvete qualchì idea
I love you so muchTi amu tantu
I love you very muchTi amu assai
I’m in love with youSò innamuratu di tè
I missed you so muchMi mancassi tantu
Let me think about itLasciami pensà
Thank you very muchGrazie mille
I can't stop thinkingÙn possu micca piantà di pensà
Will you stop talking?Fermi di parlà ?
Would you like to go?Vulete andà ?
Would you teach me?M'insegneresti ?
Where is your room?Induve hè a to stanza ?
Where should we go?Induve duvemu andà ?
Where is your house?Induve hè a to casa ?
Please close the doorPer piacè chjude a porta
She agreed to my ideaElla accunsentì à a mo idea
That boy is intelligentDdu zitellu hè intelligente
It was a very big roomEra una stanza assai grande
He can swim very fastPò natà assai veloce
He accepted my ideaHà accettatu a mo idea
They loved each otherSi amavanu
When will you reach?Quandu ghjunghjerai ?
Where are you from?Da induve si?
Where are you going?Induve vai?
We love each otherCi amemu
We obeyed the rulesAvemu ubbiditu à e regule
We started to walkAvemu cuminciatu à marchjà
We will never agreeÙn seremu mai d'accordu
We can make changePudemu fà cambià
We cook everydayCucinemu ogni ghjornu
We enjoyed itAvemu piaciutu
What about you?Dimmi di tè?
What are you doing?Chi stai facendu?
What did you say?Chì avete dettu ?
What do you need?Chì avete bisognu?
What do you think?Chi pensi?
What do you want?Chi voli?
What happened?Chi hè successu?
What is that?Chi hè què?
When was she born?Quandu era nata ?
When will we arrive?Quandu ghjunghjeremu ?
Where are you?Induve si?
Where does it hurt?Induve fa male?
Where is my book?Induve hè u mo libru?
Where is the river?Induve hè u fiume ?
Who broke this?Quale hà rottu questu?
Why are you crying?Perchè pienghje ?
I can't see anythingÙn possu vede nunda
I disagree with youÙn sò d'accordu cun voi
I like it very muchMi piace assai
I need more timeAghju bisognu di più tempu
I want to sleepVogliu dorme
I'm able to swimSò capace di natà
I'm not a doctorÙn sò micca un duttore
I'm taller than youSò più altu chè tè
I'm very sadSò assai tristu
Is he a teacher?Hè un maestru ?
Is she married?Hè maritata ?
Is this book yours?Stu libru hè u vostru?
Let's ask the teacherDumandemu à u maestru
Let's go out and eatAndemu fora à manghjà
Let's go to a movieAndemu à un filmu

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedU so parè ùn hè statu accettatu
His proposals were adopted at the meetingE so pruposte sò state aduttate in a riunione
How do you come to school?Cumu vene à a scola ?
If I had money, I could buy itS'ellu avia soldi, puderia cumprà
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneSè vo vulete una matita, ti prestitu unu
If he comes, ask him to waitS'ellu vene, dumandate à aspittà
If it rains, we will get wetS'ellu piove, ci bagnaremu
If I studied, I would pass the examSe studiaraghju, passassi l'esame
My hair has grown too longI mo capelli sò cresciuti troppu longu
My mother is always at homeA mo mamma hè sempre in casa
There are many fish in this lakeCi sò assai pesci in stu lavu
There are many problems to solveCi hè parechje prublemi per risolve
There are some books on the deskCi sò qualchi libri nantu à a scrivania
There is nothing wrong with himÙn ci hè nunda di male cun ellu
There was a sudden change in the weatherCi hè statu un cambiamentu bruscu di u clima
There was nobody in the gardenÙn ci era nimu in u giardinu
There was nobody thereÙn ci era nimu
There were five murders this monthCi hè statu cinque omicidi stu mese
They admire each otherSi ammiranu
They agreed to work togetherAnu accunsentutu à travaglià inseme
They are both good teachersSò tramindui boni maestri
We want something newVulemu qualcosa di novu
We should be very carefulAvemu da esse assai attenti
When can I see you next time?Quandu vi possu vede a prossima volta ?
When did you finish the work?Quandu avete finitu u travagliu ?
When will you harvest your wheat?Quandu vi cuglierai u vostru granu ?
Where do you want to go?Induve vulete andà ?
Where is the pretty girl?Induve hè a bella zitella ?
Which food do you like?Chì cibu ti piace ?
Which is more important?Chì hè più impurtante?
Which one is more expensive?Quale hè più caru ?
Which way is the nearest?Quale hè u più vicinu?
Which is your favorite team?Quale hè a vostra squadra preferita ?
Which languages do you speak?Chì lingue parlate ?
Which team will win the game?Quale squadra vincerà a partita ?
Why are you drying your hair?Perchè secche i capelli?
Why are you late?Perchè site tardi ?
Why did you get so angry?Perchè tù sì cusì arrabbiatu ?
Why did you quit?Perchè avete lasciatu?
Why don't you come in?Perchè ùn entri ?

Why were you late this morning?Perchè site tardu sta mane ?
Why are you so tired today?Perchè site cusì stancu oghje ?
Would you like to dance with me?Vulete ballà cun mè ?
Would you come tomorrow?Veni dumane ?
You are always complainingVi lagnate sempre
Thanks for your explanationGrazie per a vostra spiegazione
Thanks for the complimentGrazie per u cumplimentu
Thanks for the informationGrazie per l'infurmazioni
Thanks for your understandingGrazie per a vostra comprensione
Thank you for supporting meGrazie per avè sustegnu
I really miss you so muchMi manchi veramente tantu
Happy valentine’s dayFelice ghjornu di San Valentinu
Whose decision was final?Quale hè a decisione finale ?
Whose life is in danger?Quale hè a vita in periculu ?
You are a good teacherSò un bonu maestru
You can read this bookPudete leghje stu libru
You don't understand meÙn mi capite micca
You have to study hardAvete da studià duramente
Where do you have pain?Induve avete u dulore ?
They are both in the roomSò tramindui in a stanza
That house is very smallSta casa hè assai chjuca
Please give me your handPer piacè dammi a manu
Please go to the schoolPer piacè andate à a scola
Please sit here and waitPer piacè siate quì è aspetta
Please speak more slowlyPer piacè parlate più pianu
My father is in his roomU mo babbu hè in a so stanza
May I ask you something?Possu dumandà qualcosa ?
May I ask you a question?Possu fà una dumanda ?
Is the job still available?U travagliu hè sempre dispunibule?
I arrived there too earlySò ghjuntu quì troppu prestu
Do you have a family?Avete una famiglia ?
Do you have any problem?Avete qualchì prublema ?
Do you have any idea?Avete qualchì idea ?
Did you finish the job?Avete finitu u travagliu ?
Did you like the movie?Vi piacia u filmu ?
Are we ready to go now?Semu pronti per andà avà ?
Would you like to come?Vulete vene ?
I don't speak very wellÙn parlu micca bè
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

Corsican Vocabulary
Corsican Dictionary