Daily use common Czech Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Czech language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Czech sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Czech translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Czech language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Czech language quickly and also play some Czech word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Czech.

Czech sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Czech language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Vítejte |
Thanks | dík |
Good | Dobrý |
Enjoy | Užívat si |
Fine | Pokuta |
Congratulations | Gratulujeme |
I hate you | nesnáším tě |
I love you | Miluji tě |
I’m in love | jsem zamilovaný |
I’m sorry | omlouvám se |
I’m so sorry | Je mi to moc líto |
I’m yours | Jsem tvůj |
Thanks again | ještě jednou děkuji |
How are you | Jak se máte |
I am fine | jsem v pohodě |
Take care | Opatruj se |
I miss you | chybíš mi |
You're nice | Jsi milej |
That’s terrible | To je strašné |
That's too bad | To je špatné |
That's too much | To je příliš |
See you | Uvidíme se |
Thank you | Děkuji |
Thank you sir | Děkuji pane |
Are you free | Jsi volný |
No problem | Žádný problém |
Get well soon | Brzy se uzdrav |
Very good | Velmi dobře |
Well done | Výborně |
What’s up | Co se děje |
I can't hear you | Neslyším tě |
I can't stop | Nemůžu přestat |
I know | vím |
Good bye | Ahoj |
Good idea | Dobrý nápad |
Good luck | Hodně štěstí |
You are late | máš zpoždění |
Who is next? | kdo je na řadě? |
Who is she? | kdo je ona? |
Who is that man? | kdo je ten muž? |
Who built it? | kdo to postavil? |
They hurt | bolí je |
She got angry | zlobila se |
She is a teacher | ona je učitelkou |
She is aggressive | je agresivní |
She is attractive | je atraktivní |
She is beautiful | je krásná |
She is crying | ona brečí |
She is happy | ona je šťastná |
No way! | v žádném případě! |
No worries | bez obav |
No, thank you | ne, děkuji |
It is new | to je nové |
It is a long story | je to dlouhý příběh |
It looks like an bird | vypadá to jako pták |
It really takes time | opravdu to chce čas |
It was really cheap | bylo to opravdu levné |
It was so noisy | bylo to tak hlučné |
It was very difficult | Bylo to velmi obtížné |
It wasn't expensive | nebylo to drahé |
It wasn't necessary | nebylo to nutné |
Let me check | nech mě zkontrolovat |
Let me say | dovol mi říct |
Let me see | nech mě vidět |
May I come in? | můžu jít dovnitř? |
May I help you? | mohu vám pomoci? |
May I join you? | můžu se k vám přidat? |
May I speak? | můžu mluvit? |
May I eat this? | můžu to jíst? |
My father is tall | můj otec je vysoký |
My sister has a job | moje sestra má práci |
My sister is famous | moje sestra je slavná |
My wife is a doctor | moje žena je lékařka |
No, I'll eat later | ne, budu jíst později |
Please come in | prosím Vstupte |
Please do that again | prosím udělejte to znovu |
Please give me | prosím dej mi |
She admired him | obdivovala ho |
She avoids me | vyhýbá se mi |
She came last | přišla poslední |
She goes to school | chodí do školy |
That house is big | ten dům je velký |
That is a good idea | to je dobrý nápad |
That is my book | to je moje kniha |
That is my son | to je můj syn |
The dog is dead | pes je mrtvý |
The river is wide | řeka je široká |
There is no doubt | není pochyb |
They are playing | hrají si |
They are pretty | jsou krásní |
They got married | vzali se |
They have few books | mají málo knih |
They stopped talking | přestali mluvit |
This is my friend | tohle je můj přítel |
This bird can't fly | tento pták nemůže létat |
This decision is final | toto rozhodnutí je konečné |
This is my book | to je moje kniha |
This is my brother | tohle je můj bratr |
This is my daughter | toto je moje dcera |
This is not a joke | to není vtip |
This is surprising | to je překvapivé |
This river is beautiful | tato řeka je krásná |
This story is true | tento příběh je pravdivý |
We are happy | Jsme rádi |
Will it rain today? | bude dnes pršet? |
Will you go on a trip? | pojedeš na výlet? |
Will she come? | ona přijde? |
Would you kill me? | zabil bys mě? |
Would you love me? | miloval bys mě? |
Would you come here? | přišel bys sem? |
You are a teacher | jsi učitel |
You are very beautiful | jsi velmi krásná |
You are very brave | jsi velmi statečný |
You broke the rules | porušil jsi pravidla |
You love me | miluješ mě |
you love me or not | miluješ mě nebo ne |
You make me happy | děláš mě šťastným |
You may go | Můžeš jít |
You should sleep | měl bys spát |
You must study hard | musíš tvrdě studovat |
Whose idea is this? | čí je to nápad? |
Thanks for your help | díky za vaši pomoc |
Thank you for coming | Děkuji, že jste přišli |
How about you | Co ty |
How is your family | Jak se má tvá rodina |
How to Say | Jak to říct |
Good morning | Dobré ráno |
Good afternoon | Dobré odpoledne |
Good evening | Dobrý večer |
Good night | Dobrou noc |
Happy birthday | Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám |
Happy Christmas | Veselé Vánoce |
Happy new year | Šťastný nový rok |
Good to see you | Rád tě vidím |
I don't like it | Nelíbí se mi to |
I have no idea | nemám ponětí |
I know everything | vím vše |
I know something | Něco vím |
Thank you so much | Děkuji mnohokrát |
Thanks a million | Milionkrát díky |
See you later | Uvidíme se později |
See you next week | Uvidíme se příští týden |
See you next year | Uvidíme se příští rok |
See you soon | Brzy se uvidíme |
See you tomorrow | Uvidíme se zítra |
Sweet dreams | Sladké sny |
I’m crazy about you | Jsem do tebe blázen |
I'm crazy with you | Jsem do tebe blázen |
Nice to meet you | Rád vás poznávám |
It's very cheap | Je to velmi levné |
Just a moment | Jenom chvilku |
Not necessarily | Ne nutně |
That’s a good deal | To je dobrý obchod |
You're beautiful | Jsi nádherná |
You're very nice | Jsi velmi milý |
You're very smart | Jsi velmi chytrý |
I really appreciate it | Opravdu si toho vážím |
I really miss you | opravdu mi chybíš |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Czech Vocabulary



















