Daily use common Galician Sentences and Phrases

Table of content

     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Galician language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Galician sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Galician translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Galician language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Galician language quickly and also play some Galician word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Galician.

Daily use common Galician Sentences and Phrases

Galician sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Galician language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

I hate youódiote
I love youQuérote
I’m in loveestou namorado
I’m sorrySíntoo
I’m so sorrySíntoo moito
I’m yoursSon teu
Thanks againGrazas de novo
How are youComo estás
I am fineestou ben
Take careCóidate
I miss youExtráñote
You're niceEstás agradable
That’s terribleIso é terrible
That's too badIso é moi malo
That's too muchIso é demasiado
See youVémonos
Thank youGrazas
Thank you sirGrazas Señor
Are you freeEstás libre
No problemSen problema
Get well soonPonte bo pronto
Very goodMoi ben
Well doneBen feito
What’s upQué hai
I can't hear youNon podo escoitarte
I can't stopNon podo parar
I knowsei
Good byeAdeus
Good ideaBoa idea
Good luckMoita sorte
You are lateChegas tarde
Who is next?Quen é o seguinte?
Who is she?Quen é ela?
Who is that man?Quen é ese home?
Who built it?Quen o construíu?
They hurtDoen
She got angryEla enfadouse
She is a teacherEla é mestra
She is aggressiveEla é agresiva
She is attractiveEla é atractiva
She is beautifulEla é fermosa
She is cryingEla está chorando
She is happyEla está feliz
No way!De ningún xeito!
No worriesSen preocupacións
No, thank youNon grazas
I'm so happyEstou moi feliz
I'm hungryTeño fame
I'm able to runSon capaz de correr
I agreeEstou de acordo
I can swimPodo nadar
I can't comeNon podo vir
He got angryEnfadouse
He was aloneEstaba só
He was braveEra valente
He likes to swimGústalle nadar
Don't be angryNon te enfades
Don't be sadNon esteas triste
Don't cryNon chores
Come inEntre
Come onVeña
Can you come?Podes vir?
Can I help?Podo axudar?
Can I eat this?Podo comer isto?
Can I help you?Podo axudarte?
Can I see?Podo ver?
Are you going?Estás indo?
Are you hungry?Tes fame?
Are you mad?Estás tolo?
Are you serious?Estás en serio?
Are you sleeping?Estás durmindo?
Can you do this?Podes facer isto?
Can you help me?Podes axudarme?
Can you tell me?Podes decirme?
Come on tomorrowVeña mañá
Come quicklyVeña axiña
Could I help you?Poderíache axudar?
Could you tell me?Poderías dicirmo?
Do not disturb!Non molestar!
Do you hear me?Escóitame?
Do you smoke?Fumas?
Have you eaten?Comiches?
Have you finished?Remataches?
He can run fastPode correr rápido
He began to runComezou a correr
He did not speakNon falaba
His eyes are blueOs seus ollos son azuis
His smile was goodO seu sorriso era bo
How is your life?Como é a túa vida?
How is your family?Como está a túa familia?
I am a studentson un estudante
I am going to studyVou estudar
I am not a teacherNon son profesor
I am sorrySíntoo
I believe youcréote
I can do this jobPodo facer este traballo
I can run fasterPodo correr máis rápido
I can’t believe itNon o podo crer
It happensOcorre
It is newÉ novo
It is a long storyÉ unha longa historia
It looks like an birdParece un paxaro
It really takes timeRealmente leva tempo
It was really cheapEra moi barato
It was so noisyEra tan ruidoso
It was very difficultFoi moi difícil
It wasn't expensiveNon era caro
It wasn't necessaryNon era necesario
Let me checkDéixame comprobar
Let me sayDéixame dicir
Let me seeDéixame ver
May I come in?Podo entrar?
May I help you?Podo axudarche?
May I join you?Podo unirme a ti?
May I speak?Podo falar?
May I eat this?Podo comer isto?
My father is tallMeu pai é alto
My sister has a jobA miña irmá ten traballo
My sister is famousA miña irmá é famosa
My wife is a doctorA miña muller é doutora
No, I'll eat laterNon, vou comer máis tarde
Please come inPor favor, entra
Please do that againFaino de novo
Please give mePor favor, dáme
She admired himEla admirabao
She avoids meEla evítame
She came lastEla chegou a última
She goes to schoolEla vai á escola
That house is bigEsa casa é grande
That is a good ideaEsa é unha boa idea
That is my bookEse é o meu libro
That is my sonEse é o meu fillo
The dog is deadO can está morto
The river is wideO río é ancho
There is no doubtNon hai dúbida
They are playingEstán xogando
They are prettySon bonitas
They got marriedCasaron
They have few booksTeñen poucos libros
They stopped talkingDeixaron de falar
This is my friendEste é o meu amigo
This bird can't flyEste paxaro non pode voar
This decision is finalEsta decisión é definitiva
This is my bookEste é o meu libro
This is my brotherEste é o meu irmán
This is my daughterEsta é a miña filla
This is not a jokeIsto non é unha broma
This is surprisingIsto é sorprendente
This river is beautifulEste río é fermoso
This story is trueEsta historia é verdade
We are happyEstamos felices
Will it rain today?Choverá hoxe?
Will you go on a trip?Irás de viaxe?
Will she come?Virá ela?
Would you kill me?Mataríasme?
Would you love me?Queríasme?
Would you come here?Virías aquí?
You are a teacherVostede é un profesor
You are very beautifulEres moi fermosa
You are very braveSodes moi valentes
You broke the rulesRompeches as regras
You love meQuéresme
you love me or notqueresme ou non
You make me happyFasme feliz
You may goPodes ir
You should sleepDeberías durmir
You must study hardDebes estudar moito
Whose idea is this?De quen é esta idea?
Thanks for your helpGrazas pola axuda
Thank you for comingGrazas por vir
How about youQue tal ti
How is your familyComo está a túa familia
How to SayComo dicir
Good morningBos días
Good afternoonBoas tardes
Good eveningBoas tardes
Good nightBoas noites
Happy birthdayFeliz Aniversario
Happy ChristmasFeliz Nadal
Happy new yearFeliz aninovo
Good to see youQue bo verte
I don't like itNon me gusta
I have no ideanon teño nin idea
I know everythingSeino todo
I know somethingSei algo
Thank you so muchMoitas grazas
Thanks a millionUn millón de grazas
See you laterAta despois
See you next weekVémonos a próxima semana
See you next yearVémonos o ano que ven
See you soonAta pronto
See you tomorrowAta mañá
Sweet dreamsDoces soños
I’m crazy about youEstou tolo por ti
I'm crazy with youEstou tolo contigo
Nice to meet youEncantado de coñecerte
It's very cheapÉ moi barato
Just a momentSó un momento
Not necessarilyNon necesariamente
That’s a good dealIso é un bo negocio
You're beautifulEs preciosa
You're very niceEs moi agradable
You're very smartEs moi intelixente
I really appreciate itAgradézoo moito
I really miss youBótote moito de menos

Hard sentences

What is your nameComo te chamas
Which is correct?Cal é correcto?
Will you please help me?Axúdame por favor?
Will you stay at home?Quedarás na casa?
Do you need anything?Necesitas algo?
Do you need this book?Necesitas este libro?
Are you feeling better?Estás a sentirte mellor?
Are you writing a letter?Estás escribindo unha carta?
Come and see me nowVen a verme agora
Come with your familyVen coa túa familia
I'm very busy this weekEstou moi ocupado esta semana
There is a lot of moneyHai moito diñeiro
They are good peopleSon boa xente
We need some moneyNecesitamos algo de diñeiro
What is your destination?Cal é o teu destino?
What are you doing today?Que estás a facer hoxe?
What are you reading?Que estás lendo?
What can I do for you?Que podo facer por ti?
What is the problem?Cal é o problema?
What is the story?Cal é a historia?
What is your problem?Cal é o teu problema?
What was that noise?Cal era ese ruído?
When can we eat?Cando podemos comer?
When do you study?Cando estudas?
When was it finished?Cando se rematou?
How about your familyQue tal a túa familia
Do you understand?Entendes?
Do you love me?Quéresme?
Don't talk about workNon fales de traballo
How can I help you?Como podo axudarche?
How deep is the lake?Que profundidade ten o lago?
I'm not disturbing youNon te estou molestando
I'm proud of my sonEstou orgulloso do meu fillo
I'm sorry to disturb youSinto molestarte
Is something wrong?Algo está mal?
May I open the door?Podo abrir a porta?
Thanks for everythingGrazas por todo
This is very difficultIsto é moi difícil
This is very importantIsto é moi importante
Where are you fromDe onde es
Do you have any ideaTes algunha idea
I love you so muchQuérote moito
I love you very muchQuérote moito
I’m in love with youestou namorado de ti
I missed you so muchBoteime moito de menos
Let me think about itDéixame pensar niso
Thank you very muchMoitas grazas
I can't stop thinkingNon podo deixar de pensar
Will you stop talking?Vai deixar de falar?
Would you like to go?Gustaríache ir?
Would you teach me?Ensinaríasme?
Where is your room?Onde está o teu cuarto?
Where should we go?Onde debemos ir?
Where is your house?Onde está a túa casa?
Please close the doorPor favor, pecha a porta
She agreed to my ideaEla aceptou a miña idea
That boy is intelligentEse rapaz é intelixente
It was a very big roomEra unha sala moi grande
He can swim very fastPode nadar moi rápido
He accepted my ideaAceptou a miña idea
They loved each otherQueríanse
When will you reach?Cando chegarás?
Where are you from?De onde es?
Where are you going?Onde vas?
We love each otherQuerémonos
We obeyed the rulesCumprimos as regras
We started to walkComezamos a camiñar
We will never agreeNunca estaremos de acordo
We can make changePodemos facer o cambio
We cook everydayCociñamos todos os días
We enjoyed itDisfrutamos
What about you?E ti?
What are you doing?Que estás facendo?
What did you say?Que dixeches?
What do you need?Que necesitas?
What do you think?Que opinas?
What do you want?Que queres?
What happened?Que pasou?
What is that?Qué e iso?
When was she born?Cando naceu?
When will we arrive?Cando chegaremos?
Where are you?Onde estás?
Where does it hurt?Onde lle doe?
Where is my book?Onde está o meu libro?
Where is the river?Onde está o río?
Who broke this?Quen rompeu isto?
Why are you crying?Por que estás a chorar?
I can't see anythingNon podo ver nada
I disagree with youNon estou de acordo contigo
I like it very muchGústame moito
I need more timeNecesito máis tempo
I want to sleepquero durmir
I'm able to swimSon capaz de nadar
I'm not a doctorNon son doutor
I'm taller than youSon máis alto ca ti
I'm very sadEstou moi triste
Is he a teacher?É profesor?
Is she married?¿Está casada?
Is this book yours?Este libro é teu?
Let's ask the teacherPreguntámoslle ao profesor
Let's go out and eatSaímos a comer
Let's go to a movieImos ao cine

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedA súa opinión non foi aceptada
His proposals were adopted at the meetingAs súas propostas foron adoptadas na reunión
How do you come to school?Como chegas á escola?
If I had money, I could buy itSe tivese diñeiro, podería mercalo
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneSe queres un lapis, prestoche un
If he comes, ask him to waitSe vén, pídelle que agarde
If it rains, we will get wetSe chove, mollarémonos
If I studied, I would pass the examSe estudase, aprobaría o exame
My hair has grown too longO meu cabelo medrou demasiado
My mother is always at homeA miña nai está sempre na casa
There are many fish in this lakeNeste lago hai moitos peixes
There are many problems to solveHai moitos problemas que resolver
There are some books on the deskHai uns libros na mesa
There is nothing wrong with himNon hai nada de malo con el
There was a sudden change in the weatherHoubo un cambio brusco de tempo
There was nobody in the gardenNon había ninguén no xardín
There was nobody thereNon había ninguén alí
There were five murders this monthHoubo cinco asasinatos este mes
They admire each otherAdmíranse mutuamente
They agreed to work togetherAcordaron traballar xuntos
They are both good teachersAmbos son bos profesores
We want something newQueremos algo novo
We should be very carefulDebemos ter moito coidado
When can I see you next time?Cando podo verte a próxima vez?
When did you finish the work?Cando remataches o traballo?
When will you harvest your wheat?Cando collerás o teu trigo?
Where do you want to go?Onde queres ir?
Where is the pretty girl?Onde está a rapaza bonita?
Which food do you like?Que comida che gusta?
Which is more important?Cal é máis importante?
Which one is more expensive?Cal é máis caro?
Which way is the nearest?Cal é o camiño máis próximo?
Which is your favorite team?Cal é o teu equipo favorito?
Which languages do you speak?Que linguas falas?
Which team will win the game?Que equipo gañará o partido?
Why are you drying your hair?Por que estás secando o teu cabelo?
Why are you late?Por que chegas tarde?
Why did you get so angry?Por que te enfadaches tanto?
Why did you quit?Por que deixaches?
Why don't you come in?Por que non entras?

Why were you late this morning?Por que chegaches tarde esta mañá?
Why are you so tired today?Por que estás tan canso hoxe?
Would you like to dance with me?Queres bailar comigo?
Would you come tomorrow?Virías mañá?
You are always complainingSempre te queixas
Thanks for your explanationGrazas pola túa explicación
Thanks for the complimentGrazas polo eloxio
Thanks for the informationGrazas pola información
Thanks for your understandingGrazas pola súa comprensión
Thank you for supporting meGrazas por apoiarme
I really miss you so muchRealmente te boto moito de menos
Happy valentine’s dayFeliz día de San Valentín
Whose decision was final?A decisión de quen foi definitiva?
Whose life is in danger?A vida de quen corre perigo?
You are a good teacherEs un bo profesor
You can read this bookPodes ler este libro
You don't understand meNon me entendes
You have to study hardHai que estudar moito
Where do you have pain?Onde tes dor?
They are both in the roomAmbos están na sala
That house is very smallEsa casa é moi pequena
Please give me your handPor favor, dáme a túa man
Please go to the schoolPor favor, vai á escola
Please sit here and waitSenta aquí e espera
Please speak more slowlyPor favor, fala máis amodo
My father is in his roomMeu pai está no seu cuarto
May I ask you something?Podo preguntarche algo?
May I ask you a question?Podo facerche unha pregunta?
Is the job still available?Aínda está dispoñible o traballo?
I arrived there too earlyCheguei alí demasiado cedo
Do you have a family?Tes unha familia?
Do you have any problem?Tes algún problema?
Do you have any idea?Tes algunha idea?
Did you finish the job?Remataches o traballo?
Did you like the movie?Gustouche a película?
Are we ready to go now?Estamos listos para ir agora?
Would you like to come?Gustaríache vir?
I don't speak very wellNon falo moi ben
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

Galician Vocabulary
Galician Dictionary