Daily use common Galician Sentences and Phrases
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¤ Difficult sentences
¤ Sentences start with
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To learn Galician language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Galician sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Galician translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Galician language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Galician language quickly and also play some Galician word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Galician.

Galician sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Galician language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Benvido |
Thanks | Grazas |
Good | Ben |
Enjoy | Goza |
Fine | Ben |
Congratulations | Parabéns |
I hate you | ódiote |
I love you | Quérote |
I’m in love | estou namorado |
I’m sorry | Síntoo |
I’m so sorry | Síntoo moito |
I’m yours | Son teu |
Thanks again | Grazas de novo |
How are you | Como estás |
I am fine | estou ben |
Take care | Cóidate |
I miss you | Extráñote |
You're nice | Estás agradable |
That’s terrible | Iso é terrible |
That's too bad | Iso é moi malo |
That's too much | Iso é demasiado |
See you | Vémonos |
Thank you | Grazas |
Thank you sir | Grazas Señor |
Are you free | Estás libre |
No problem | Sen problema |
Get well soon | Ponte bo pronto |
Very good | Moi ben |
Well done | Ben feito |
What’s up | Qué hai |
I can't hear you | Non podo escoitarte |
I can't stop | Non podo parar |
I know | sei |
Good bye | Adeus |
Good idea | Boa idea |
Good luck | Moita sorte |
You are late | Chegas tarde |
Who is next? | Quen é o seguinte? |
Who is she? | Quen é ela? |
Who is that man? | Quen é ese home? |
Who built it? | Quen o construíu? |
They hurt | Doen |
She got angry | Ela enfadouse |
She is a teacher | Ela é mestra |
She is aggressive | Ela é agresiva |
She is attractive | Ela é atractiva |
She is beautiful | Ela é fermosa |
She is crying | Ela está chorando |
She is happy | Ela está feliz |
No way! | De ningún xeito! |
No worries | Sen preocupacións |
No, thank you | Non grazas |
I'm so happy | Estou moi feliz |
I'm hungry | Teño fame |
I'm able to run | Son capaz de correr |
I agree | Estou de acordo |
I can swim | Podo nadar |
I can't come | Non podo vir |
He got angry | Enfadouse |
He was alone | Estaba só |
He was brave | Era valente |
He likes to swim | Gústalle nadar |
Don't be angry | Non te enfades |
Don't be sad | Non esteas triste |
Don't cry | Non chores |
Come in | Entre |
Come on | Veña |
Can you come? | Podes vir? |
Can I help? | Podo axudar? |
Can I eat this? | Podo comer isto? |
Can I help you? | Podo axudarte? |
Can I see? | Podo ver? |
Are you going? | Estás indo? |
Are you hungry? | Tes fame? |
Are you mad? | Estás tolo? |
Are you serious? | Estás en serio? |
Are you sleeping? | Estás durmindo? |
Can you do this? | Podes facer isto? |
Can you help me? | Podes axudarme? |
Can you tell me? | Podes decirme? |
Come on tomorrow | Veña mañá |
Come quickly | Veña axiña |
Could I help you? | Poderíache axudar? |
Could you tell me? | Poderías dicirmo? |
Do not disturb! | Non molestar! |
Do you hear me? | Escóitame? |
Do you smoke? | Fumas? |
Have you eaten? | Comiches? |
Have you finished? | Remataches? |
He can run fast | Pode correr rápido |
He began to run | Comezou a correr |
He did not speak | Non falaba |
His eyes are blue | Os seus ollos son azuis |
His smile was good | O seu sorriso era bo |
How is your life? | Como é a túa vida? |
How is your family? | Como está a túa familia? |
I am a student | son un estudante |
I am going to study | Vou estudar |
I am not a teacher | Non son profesor |
I am sorry | Síntoo |
I believe you | créote |
I can do this job | Podo facer este traballo |
I can run faster | Podo correr máis rápido |
I can’t believe it | Non o podo crer |
It happens | Ocorre |
It is new | É novo |
It is a long story | É unha longa historia |
It looks like an bird | Parece un paxaro |
It really takes time | Realmente leva tempo |
It was really cheap | Era moi barato |
It was so noisy | Era tan ruidoso |
It was very difficult | Foi moi difícil |
It wasn't expensive | Non era caro |
It wasn't necessary | Non era necesario |
Let me check | Déixame comprobar |
Let me say | Déixame dicir |
Let me see | Déixame ver |
May I come in? | Podo entrar? |
May I help you? | Podo axudarche? |
May I join you? | Podo unirme a ti? |
May I speak? | Podo falar? |
May I eat this? | Podo comer isto? |
My father is tall | Meu pai é alto |
My sister has a job | A miña irmá ten traballo |
My sister is famous | A miña irmá é famosa |
My wife is a doctor | A miña muller é doutora |
No, I'll eat later | Non, vou comer máis tarde |
Please come in | Por favor, entra |
Please do that again | Faino de novo |
Please give me | Por favor, dáme |
She admired him | Ela admirabao |
She avoids me | Ela evítame |
She came last | Ela chegou a última |
She goes to school | Ela vai á escola |
That house is big | Esa casa é grande |
That is a good idea | Esa é unha boa idea |
That is my book | Ese é o meu libro |
That is my son | Ese é o meu fillo |
The dog is dead | O can está morto |
The river is wide | O río é ancho |
There is no doubt | Non hai dúbida |
They are playing | Están xogando |
They are pretty | Son bonitas |
They got married | Casaron |
They have few books | Teñen poucos libros |
They stopped talking | Deixaron de falar |
This is my friend | Este é o meu amigo |
This bird can't fly | Este paxaro non pode voar |
This decision is final | Esta decisión é definitiva |
This is my book | Este é o meu libro |
This is my brother | Este é o meu irmán |
This is my daughter | Esta é a miña filla |
This is not a joke | Isto non é unha broma |
This is surprising | Isto é sorprendente |
This river is beautiful | Este río é fermoso |
This story is true | Esta historia é verdade |
We are happy | Estamos felices |
Will it rain today? | Choverá hoxe? |
Will you go on a trip? | Irás de viaxe? |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Galician Vocabulary