Daily use common Hungarian Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Hungarian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Hungarian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Hungarian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Hungarian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Hungarian language quickly and also play some Hungarian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Hungarian.

Hungarian sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Hungarian language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Üdvözöljük |
Thanks | Köszönöm |
Good | Jó |
Enjoy | Élvezd |
Fine | Bírság |
Congratulations | Gratulálunk |
I hate you | utállak |
I love you | Szeretlek |
I’m in love | Szerelmes vagyok |
I’m sorry | sajnálom |
I’m so sorry | nagyon sajnálom |
I’m yours | A tiéd vagyok |
Thanks again | köszönöm mégegyszer |
How are you | Hogy vagy |
I am fine | jól vagyok |
Take care | Vigyázz magadra |
I miss you | hiányzol |
You're nice | Kedves vagy |
That’s terrible | Ez szörnyű |
That's too bad | Az túl rossz |
That's too much | Ez túl sok |
See you | Találkozunk |
Thank you | Köszönöm |
Thank you sir | Köszönöm, Uram |
Are you free | Ráérsz |
No problem | Nincs mit |
Get well soon | Jobbulást |
Very good | Nagyon jó |
Well done | Szép munka |
What’s up | Mi a helyzet |
I can't hear you | Nem halllak |
I can't stop | Nem állhatok meg |
I know | tudom |
Good bye | Viszontlátásra |
Good idea | Jó ötlet |
Good luck | Sok szerencsét |
You are late | késtél |
Who is next? | ki a következő? |
Who is she? | ki ő? |
Who is that man? | ki az az ember? |
Who built it? | ki építette? |
They hurt | bántanak |
She got angry | dühös lett |
She is a teacher | ő egy tanár |
She is aggressive | ő agresszív |
She is attractive | ő vonzó |
She is beautiful | ő szép |
She is crying | ő sír |
She is happy | boldog |
No way! | semmiképpen! |
No worries | semmi gond |
No, thank you | nem, köszönöm |
I'm so happy | olyan boldog vagyok |
I'm hungry | éhes vagyok |
I'm able to run | tudok futni |
I agree | Egyetértek |
I can swim | tudok úszni |
I can't come | nem tudok jönni |
He got angry | dühös lett |
He was alone | egyedül volt |
He was brave | bátor volt |
He likes to swim | szeret úszni |
Don't be angry | ne haragudj |
Don't be sad | ne légy szomorú |
Don't cry | ne sírj |
Come in | bejön |
Come on | Gyerünk |
Can you come? | Tudsz jönni? |
Can I help? | segíthetek? |
Can I eat this? | megehetem ezt? |
Can I help you? | segíthetek? |
Can I see? | láthatom? |
Are you going? | mész? |
Are you hungry? | Éhes vagy? |
Are you mad? | haragszol? |
Are you serious? | ezt most komolyan mondod? |
Are you sleeping? | alszol? |
Can you do this? | meg tudod ezt csinálni? |
Can you help me? | tudsz segíteni nekem? |
Can you tell me? | meg tudnád mondani? |
Come on tomorrow | gyere holnap |
Come quickly | Gyere gyorsan |
Could I help you? | segíthetek? |
Could you tell me? | meg tudná mondani? |
Do not disturb! | ne zavarj! |
Do you hear me? | hallasz? |
Do you smoke? | dohányzol? |
Have you eaten? | ettél már? |
Have you finished? | végeztél? |
He can run fast | gyorsan tud futni |
He began to run | futni kezdett |
He did not speak | nem beszélt |
His eyes are blue | a szemei kékek |
His smile was good | jó volt a mosolya |
How is your life? | milyen az életed? |
How is your family? | hogy van a családod? |
I am a student | tanuló vagyok |
I am going to study | tanulni fogok |
I am not a teacher | nem vagyok tanár |
I am sorry | sajnálom |
I believe you | hiszek neked |
I can do this job | meg tudom csinálni ezt a munkát |
I can run faster | gyorsabban tudok futni |
I can’t believe it | nem hiszem el |
It happens | megtörténik |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Hungarian Vocabulary