Daily use common Javanese Sentences and Phrases
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¤ Difficult sentences
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To learn Javanese language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Javanese sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Javanese translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Javanese language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Javanese language quickly and also play some Javanese word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Javanese.

Javanese sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Javanese language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Sugeng rawuh |
Thanks | Matur nuwun |
Good | Apik |
Enjoy | Seneng |
Fine | Apik wae |
Congratulations | Sugeng rawuh |
I hate you | Aku sengit karo sampeyan |
I love you | aku tresno karo kowe |
I’m in love | Aku lagi tresna |
I’m sorry | Nuwun sewu |
I’m so sorry | Nuwun sewu |
I’m yours | Aku sampeyan |
Thanks again | matur nuwun maneh |
How are you | Piye kabare |
I am fine | Aku ora apa-apa |
Take care | Ati-ati |
I miss you | Aku kangen kowe |
You're nice | Sampeyan apik |
That’s terrible | Elek banget |
That's too bad | Ala banget |
That's too much | Kuwi kakehan |
See you | Ketemu maneh |
Thank you | Matur nuwun |
Thank you sir | Matur nuwun pak |
Are you free | Apa sampeyan bebas |
No problem | Ora masalah |
Get well soon | Enggal mari |
Very good | Apik banget |
Well done | Wis rampung |
What’s up | Ana apa |
I can't hear you | Aku ora bisa ngrungokake sampeyan |
I can't stop | Aku ora bisa mandheg |
I know | Aku ngerti |
Good bye | Selamat tinggal |
Good idea | Gagasan apik |
Good luck | Muga-muga sukses |
You are late | kowe telat |
Who is next? | sapa sing sabanjure? |
Who is she? | sapa dheweke? |
Who is that man? | sapa wong iku? |
Who built it? | sapa sing mbangun? |
They hurt | padha lara |
She got angry | dheweke nesu |
She is a teacher | iku guru |
She is aggressive | dheweke agresif |
She is attractive | dheweke atraktif |
She is beautiful | dheweke ayu |
She is crying | dheweke nangis |
She is happy | dheweke seneng |
No way! | ora bisa! |
No worries | ora kuwatir |
No, thank you | ora, matur nuwun |
I'm so happy | aku seneng banget |
I'm hungry | aku luwe |
I'm able to run | aku bisa mlayu |
I agree | aku setuju |
I can swim | aku bisa nglangi |
I can't come | aku ora bisa teka |
He got angry | dheweke nesu |
He was alone | piyambakipun piyambakan |
He was brave | dheweke wani |
He likes to swim | dheweke seneng nglangi |
Don't be angry | aja nesu |
Don't be sad | aja susah |
Don't cry | aja nangis |
Come in | mlebu |
Come on | ayo |
Can you come? | bisa teka? |
Can I help? | aku bisa mbantu? |
Can I eat this? | aku bisa mangan iki? |
Can I help you? | aku bisa nulungi kowe? |
Can I see? | aku bisa ndeleng? |
Are you going? | kowe arep? |
Are you hungry? | kowe luwe? |
Are you mad? | kowe edan? |
Are you serious? | sampeyan serius? |
Are you sleeping? | kowe turu? |
Can you do this? | sampeyan bisa nindakake iki? |
Can you help me? | bisa nulungi aku? |
Can you tell me? | bisa ngomong? |
Come on tomorrow | ayo sesuk |
Come quickly | teka cepet |
Could I help you? | bisa aku nulungi sampeyan? |
Could you tell me? | bisa ngomong? |
Do not disturb! | ora ngganggu! |
Do you hear me? | kowe krungu aku? |
Do you smoke? | sampeyan ngrokok? |
Have you eaten? | wis mangan? |
Have you finished? | wis rampung? |
He can run fast | dheweke bisa mlayu kanthi cepet |
He began to run | dheweke wiwit mlayu |
He did not speak | dheweke ora ngomong |
His eyes are blue | mripate biru |
His smile was good | esemane apik |
How is your life? | piye uripmu? |
How is your family? | piye kabare keluargamu? |
I am a student | aku murid |
I am going to study | aku arep sinau |
I am not a teacher | aku dudu guru |
I am sorry | kula nyuwun pangapunten |
I believe you | aku percoyo kowe |
I can do this job | aku bisa nindakake pakaryan iki |
I can run faster | aku bisa mlaku luwih cepet |
I can’t believe it | aku ora ngandel |
It happens | mengkono |
Will she come? | dheweke bakal teka? |
Would you kill me? | arep mateni aku? |
Would you love me? | apa kowe tresna marang aku? |
Would you come here? | arep teka kene? |
You are a teacher | sampeyan guru |
You are very beautiful | sampeyan ayu banget |
You are very brave | kowe wani banget |
You broke the rules | sampeyan nglanggar aturan |
You love me | kowe tresna marang aku |
you love me or not | sampeyan tresna kula apa ora |
You make me happy | kowe gawe aku seneng |
You may go | sampeyan bisa pindhah |
You should sleep | sampeyan kudu turu |
You must study hard | sampeyan kudu sinau sing sregep |
Whose idea is this? | ide sapa iki? |
Thanks for your help | matur nuwun kanggo bantuan sampeyan |
Thank you for coming | matur nuwun sampun rawuh |
How about you | Kepiye sampeyan |
How is your family | Piye keluargane |
How to Say | Cara Ngomong |
Good morning | Sugeng enjang |
Good afternoon | Sugeng siang |
Good evening | Sugeng sonten |
Good night | Sugeng dalu |
Happy birthday | Sugeng ambal warsa |
Happy Christmas | Sugeng natal |
Happy new year | Sugeng warsa enggal |
Good to see you | Seneng ketemu kowe |
I don't like it | Aku ora seneng |
I have no idea | Aku ora ngerti |
I know everything | Aku ngerti kabeh |
I know something | Aku ngerti soko |
Thank you so much | Matur nuwun sanget |
Thanks a million | Matur sewu |
See you later | Mengko ketemu |
See you next week | Ketemu minggu ngarep |
See you next year | Nganti ketemu taun ngarep |
See you soon | Enggal ketemu |
See you tomorrow | Ketemu sesuk |
Sweet dreams | Impen manis |
I’m crazy about you | Aku edan karo kowe |
I'm crazy with you | aku edan karo kowe |
Nice to meet you | Seneng ketemu kowe |
It's very cheap | murah banget |
Just a moment | mung sedhela |
Not necessarily | ora kudu |
That’s a good deal | Iki menehi hasil apik |
You're beautiful | Sampeyan ayu |
You're very nice | Sampeyan apik banget |
You're very smart | Sampeyan pancen pinter |
I really appreciate it | Aku seneng tenan |
I really miss you | Aku kangen tenan karo kowe |
Hard sentences
What is your name | Sopo jenengmu |
Which is correct? | kang bener? |
Will you please help me? | kersa tulungi kula? |
Will you stay at home? | sampeyan bakal tetep ing omah? |
Do you need anything? | apa sampeyan butuh apa-apa? |
Do you need this book? | sampeyan butuh buku iki? |
Are you feeling better? | apa sampeyan krasa luwih apik? |
Are you writing a letter? | sampeyan nulis layang? |
Come and see me now | teka lan ndeleng kula saiki |
Come with your family | teka karo kulawarga |
I'm very busy this week | aku sibuk banget minggu iki |
There is a lot of money | ana akeh dhuwit |
They are good people | padha wong apik |
We need some money | kita butuh dhuwit |
What is your destination? | apa tujuanmu? |
What are you doing today? | apa sing sampeyan tindakake dina iki? |
What are you reading? | lagi maca apa? |
What can I do for you? | apa sing bisa daktindakake kanggo sampeyan? |
What is the problem? | apa masalahe? |
What is the story? | apa critane? |
What is your problem? | apa masalah sampeyan? |
What was that noise? | swara apa iku? |
When can we eat? | kapan kita bisa mangan? |
When do you study? | kapan sinau? |
When was it finished? | kapan rampunge? |
How about your family | Kepiye kulawarga sampeyan |
Do you understand? | sampeyan ngerti? |
Do you love me? | kowe tresna karo aku? |
Don't talk about work | aja ngomong bab karya |
How can I help you? | kepiye carane aku bisa nulungi sampeyan? |
How deep is the lake? | sepira jerone tlaga? |
I'm not disturbing you | Aku ora ngganggu sampeyan |
I'm proud of my son | aku bangga karo anakku |
I'm sorry to disturb you | nyuwun pangapunten ngganggu sampeyan |
Is something wrong? | ana sing salah? |
May I open the door? | aku bisa mbukak lawang? |
Thanks for everything | Matur nuwun kanggo kabeh |
This is very difficult | Iki angel banget |
This is very important | Iki penting banget |
Where are you from | Kowe saka ngendi |
Do you have any idea | Apa sampeyan duwe ide |
I love you so much | Aku tresna banget karo sampeyan |
I love you very much | Aku tresna banget karo sampeyan |
I’m in love with you | Aku gandrung karo kowe |
I missed you so much | aku kangen banget karo kowe |
Let me think about it | kula aturi mikir |
Thank you very much | Matur nuwun sanget |
I can't stop thinking | Aku ora bisa mandheg mikir |
Will you stop talking? | sampeyan bakal mandheg ngomong? |
Would you like to go? | arep lunga? |
Would you teach me? | arep ngajari aku? |
Where is your room? | kamarmu ngendi? |
Where should we go? | kita kudu menyang ngendi? |
Where is your house? | omahmu ngendi? |
Please close the door | mangga tutup lawang |
She agreed to my idea | dheweke setuju karo gagasanku |
That boy is intelligent | sing lanang iku pinter |
It was a very big room | iku kamar gedhe banget |
He can swim very fast | dheweke bisa nglangi kanthi cepet |
He accepted my idea | dheweke nampa gagasanku |
They loved each other | padha tresna-tinresnan |
When will you reach? | kapan kowe tekan? |
Where are you from? | sampeyan saka ngendi? |
Where are you going? | arep menyang ngendi? |
We love each other | kita padha tresna-tinresnan |
We obeyed the rules | kita manut aturan |
We started to walk | kita miwiti mlaku |
We will never agree | kita ora bakal setuju |
We can make change | kita bisa nggawe owah-owahan |
We cook everyday | kita masak saben dina |
We enjoyed it | kita sante |
What about you? | opo kowe? |
What are you doing? | lagi ngapa? |
What did you say? | kowe ngomong opo? |
What do you need? | apa sing sampeyan butuhake? |
What do you think? | piye menurutmu? |
What do you want? | arep opo? |
What happened? | ana apa? |
What is that? | opo iku? |
When was she born? | nalika dheweke lair? |
When will we arrive? | kapan kita bakal teka? |
Where are you? | kowe nang endi? |
Where does it hurt? | lara endi? |
Where is my book? | endi bukuku? |
Where is the river? | ngendi kali? |
Who broke this? | sopo sing ngrusak iki? |
Why are you crying? | kok nangis? |
I can't see anything | aku ora bisa ndeleng apa-apa |
I disagree with you | aku ora setuju karo sampeyan |
I like it very much | aku seneng banget |
I need more time | aku butuh wektu liyane |
I want to sleep | aku arep turu |
I'm able to swim | aku bisa nglangi |
I'm not a doctor | aku dudu dokter |
I'm taller than you | Aku luwih dhuwur tinimbang sampeyan |
I'm very sad | aku sedhih banget |
Is he a teacher? | iku guru? |
Is she married? | apa dheweke nikah? |
Is this book yours? | buku iki duwekmu? |
Let's ask the teacher | ayo takon marang guru |
Let's go out and eat | ayo padha metu mangan |
Let's go to a movie | ayo nonton wayang |
Difficult sentences
Why were you late this morning? | kok telat esuk iki? |
Why are you so tired today? | kok kesel banget dina iki? |
Would you like to dance with me? | apa kowe gelem nari karo aku? |
Would you come tomorrow? | arep teka sesuk? |
You are always complaining | kowe tansah sambat |
Thanks for your explanation | matur nuwun kanggo panjelasan sampeyan |
Thanks for the compliment | matur nuwun kanggo pujian |
Thanks for the information | matur nuwun kanggo informasi |
Thanks for your understanding | matur nuwun kanggo pangerten |
Thank you for supporting me | matur nuwun kanggo ndhukung kula |
I really miss you so much | Aku kangen banget karo kowe |
Happy valentine’s day | Sugeng dina valentine |
Whose decision was final? | keputusane sapa sing final? |
Whose life is in danger? | uripe sapa sing bebaya? |
You are a good teacher | sampeyan guru sing apik |
You can read this book | sampeyan bisa maca buku iki |
You don't understand me | kowe ora ngerti aku |
You have to study hard | kowe kudu sregep sinau |
Where do you have pain? | lara ngendi? |
They are both in the room | sakloron ing kamar |
That house is very small | omah iku cilik banget |
Please give me your hand | tulung tanganmu |
Please go to the school | mangga menyang sekolah |
Please sit here and wait | mangga lenggah ing kene lan ngenteni |
Please speak more slowly | monggo ngomong luwih alon |
My father is in his room | bapak ana ing kamar |
May I ask you something? | aku njaluk sampeyan soko? |
May I ask you a question? | aku bisa takon sampeyan? |
Is the job still available? | apa proyek isih kasedhiya? |
I arrived there too early | Aku teka ing kono banget awal |
Do you have a family? | sampeyan duwe kulawarga? |
Do you have any problem? | apa sampeyan duwe masalah? |
Do you have any idea? | apa sampeyan duwe gagasan? |
Did you finish the job? | sampeyan wis rampung proyek? |
Did you like the movie? | apa sampeyan seneng film? |
Are we ready to go now? | apa kita siap lunga saiki? |
Would you like to come? | arep teka? |
I don't speak very well | Aku ora bisa ngomong kanthi apik |
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Javanese Vocabulary