Daily use common Latin Sentences and Phrases
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¤ Easy sentences¤ Hard sentences
¤ Difficult sentences
¤ Sentences start with
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To learn Latin language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Latin sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Latin translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Latin language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Latin language quickly and also play some Latin word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Latin.

Latin sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Latin language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | gratissimum |
Thanks | gratias |
Good | bonum |
Enjoy | fruor |
Fine | denique |
Congratulations | gratulationes |
I hate you | Odi te |
I love you | te amo |
I’m in love | Táim i ngrá |
I’m sorry | Paenitet |
I’m so sorry | Ita paenitet me |
I’m yours | Tuus sum |
Thanks again | iterum gratias |
How are you | Quid agis |
I am fine | bene sum |
Take care | Curae |
I miss you | te desidero |
You're nice | Tu nimium grata |
That’s terrible | Quod suus tremenda |
That's too bad | Quo malus est |
That's too much | Quod suus 'nimis |
See you | Te videre |
Thank you | Gratias tibi |
Thank you sir | Tibi gratias ago tibi domine |
Are you free | Liber es |
No problem | Non forsit |
Get well soon | Get tam cito |
Very good | ipsum bonum |
Well done | Bene factum |
What’s up | Quid novi |
I can't hear you | Non possum te audiunt |
I can't stop | Ego potest non prohibere |
I know | Scio |
Good bye | Vale |
Good idea | Cogitatio bona |
Good luck | Benediximus |
You are late | tu nuper |
Who is next? | qui proximus est? |
Who is she? | quae est illa? |
Who is that man? | quis est ille homo? |
Who built it? | quis aedificavit eam? |
They hurt | laedunt |
She got angry | illa got iratus |
She is a teacher | ipsa est magister |
She is aggressive | est infestantibus |
She is attractive | est amabilius |
She is beautiful | Ea pulchra est |
She is crying | est clamor |
She is happy | est beatus |
No way! | nullo modo! |
No worries | nulla sollicitudine |
No, thank you | non gratias tibi aget |
I'm so happy | Magne laetus sum |
I'm hungry | esurio |
I'm able to run | i potest currere |
I agree | i conveniunt |
I can swim | i potest natare |
I can't come | non possum venire |
He got angry | iratus est |
He was alone | ipse est solus |
He was brave | fortis erat |
He likes to swim | vult natare |
Don't be angry | ne irascaris |
Don't be sad | nolite contristari |
Don't cry | nolite flere |
Come in | venient in |
Come on | veni |
Can you come? | potestis venire? |
Can I help? | i potest auxilium? |
Can I eat this? | hoc possum manducare? |
Can I help you? | te adiuvare possum? |
Can I see? | videre possum? |
Are you going? | uadis? |
Are you hungry? | esurisne? |
Are you mad? | Esne irata? |
Are you serious? | es adverisne? |
Are you sleeping? | dormis? |
Can you do this? | hoc facere potes? |
Can you help me? | Potesne me iuvare? |
Can you tell me? | potesne mihi dicere? |
Come on tomorrow | venit cras |
Come quickly | veni cito |
Could I help you? | te adiuvare possum? |
Could you tell me? | posse dicitis ad me? |
Do not disturb! | non perturbare! |
Do you hear me? | tu exaudies me? |
Do you smoke? | tu fumigant? |
Have you eaten? | comedis? |
Have you finished? | perfecisti? |
He can run fast | potest celeriter currere |
He began to run | currere coepit |
He did not speak | non loqui |
His eyes are blue | oculi caerulei |
His smile was good | in risu esset bona |
How is your life? | quid est enim vita tua? |
How is your family? | quomodo tua est? |
I am a student | discipulus sum |
I am going to study | ego sum iens studere |
I am not a teacher | ego non sum doctorem |
I am sorry | doleo |
I believe you | Tibi credo |
I can do this job | ego potest hoc facere officium |
I can run faster | i potest currere velocius |
I can’t believe it | non possum credere |
It happens | accidit |
It is new | sit novum |
It is a long story | Longum est |
It looks like an bird | spectat sicut avis |
It really takes time | hoc vere sumit tempus |
It was really cheap | fuit vere cheap |
It was so noisy | factum est ita aes |
It was very difficult | erat difficillimum |
It wasn't expensive | non erat pretiosa |
It wasn't necessary | non erat necessarium |
Let me check | inveni me |
Let me say | Dicam |
Let me see | videam |
May I come in? | potest venire in i? |
May I help you? | te adiuvare possum? |
May I join you? | ut ego te iungere? |
May I speak? | ut loquar? |
May I eat this? | ut ego hoc manducare? |
My father is tall | pater alta |
My sister has a job | soror habet officium |
My sister is famous | Soror mea est celebre |
My wife is a doctor | uxor mea est medicus |
No, I'll eat later | non ego te manducare postea |
Please come in | veni igitur in |
Please do that again | placet facere iterum |
Please give me | da mihi, quaeso |
She admired him | mirabatur eum |
She avoids me | vitat me |
She came last | venit tandem |
She goes to school | venit ad scholam |
That house is big | illa domus magna est |
That is a good idea | quod utilem |
That is my book | hoc est liber |
That is my son | hoc est filium meum |
The dog is dead | canis mortuus est |
The river is wide | flumen latum |
There is no doubt | non est dubium |
They are playing | ludunt |
They are pretty | sunt pulchellus |
They got married | ipsi duxerunt uxorem |
They have few books | paucos libros habent |
They stopped talking | cessaverunt loqui |
This is my friend | iste est amicus meus |
This bird can't fly | Haec avis potest volare |
This decision is final | hoc consilium est finalis |
This is my book | Hic est liber meus |
This is my brother | hic, frater meus |
This is my daughter | haec est filia mea |
This is not a joke | hoc non est iocus |
This is surprising | hoc mirum est |
This river is beautiful | Hoc flumen pulchrum est |
This story is true | Haec fabula vera |
We are happy | beati simus |
Will it rain today? | pluet hodie? |
Will you go on a trip? | ibis in iter? |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Latin Vocabulary