Daily use common Latvian Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Latvian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Latvian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Latvian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Latvian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Latvian language quickly and also play some Latvian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Latvian.
Latvian sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Latvian language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Laipni lūdzam |
Thanks | Paldies |
Good | Labi |
Enjoy | Izbaudi |
Fine | Labi |
Congratulations | Apsveicu |
I hate you | ES tevi ienīstu |
I love you | Es mīlu Tevi |
I’m in love | esmu iemīlējies |
I’m sorry | man žēl |
I’m so sorry | man ļoti žēl |
I’m yours | Es esmu tavs |
Thanks again | Vēlreiz paldies |
How are you | Kā tev iet |
I am fine | Man ir labi |
Take care | Rūpējies |
I miss you | man tevis pietrūkst |
You're nice | Tu esi jauks |
That’s terrible | Tas ir šausmīgi |
That's too bad | Tas ir pārāk slikti |
That's too much | Tas ir par daudz |
See you | Uz redzēšanos |
Thank you | Paldies |
Thank you sir | Paldies, Kungs |
Are you free | Vai tu esi brīvs |
No problem | Nekādu problēmu |
Get well soon | Atveseļojies drīz |
Very good | Ļoti labi |
Well done | Labi padarīts |
What’s up | Kas notiek |
I can't hear you | Es tevi nedzirdu |
I can't stop | Es nevaru apstāties |
I know | Es zinu |
Good bye | Ardievu |
Good idea | Laba ideja |
Good luck | Veiksmi |
You are late | Tu kavē |
Who is next? | Kurš ir nākamais? |
Who is she? | Kas viņa ir? |
Who is that man? | Kas ir tas vīrietis? |
Who built it? | Kas to uzcēla? |
They hurt | Viņi sāpēja |
She got angry | Viņa sadusmojās |
She is a teacher | Viņa ir skolotāja |
She is aggressive | Viņa ir agresīva |
She is attractive | Viņa ir pievilcīga |
She is beautiful | Viņa ir skaista |
She is crying | Viņa raud |
She is happy | Viņa ir laimīga |
No way! | Nevar būt! |
No worries | Neuztraucies |
No, thank you | Nē paldies |
I'm so happy | esmu tik laimīgs |
I'm hungry | esmu izsalcis |
I'm able to run | Es varu skriet |
I agree | ES piekrītu |
I can swim | ES varu peldēt |
I can't come | Es nevaru nākt |
He got angry | Viņš kļuva dusmīgs |
He was alone | Viņš bija viens |
He was brave | Viņš bija drosmīgs |
He likes to swim | Viņam patīk peldēt |
Don't be angry | Nedusmojies |
Don't be sad | Neskumstiet |
Don't cry | Neraudi |
Come in | Nāc iekšā |
Come on | Aiziet |
Can you come? | Vai vari nākt? |
Can I help? | Vai varu palīdzēt? |
Can I eat this? | Vai es varu šo ēst? |
Can I help you? | Vai es varu tev palīdzēt? |
Can I see? | Vai es varu apskatīt? |
Are you going? | Vai tu dosies? |
Are you hungry? | Vai tu esi izsalcis? |
Are you mad? | Vai tu esi traks? |
Are you serious? | Nopietni? |
Are you sleeping? | Vai tu guli? |
Can you do this? | Vai tu vari to izdarīt? |
Can you help me? | Vai varat man palīdzēt? |
Can you tell me? | Vai tu vari man pateikt? |
Come on tomorrow | Nāc rīt |
Come quickly | Nāc ātri |
Could I help you? | Vai es varētu jums palīdzēt? |
Could you tell me? | Jūs man varētu pateikt? |
Do not disturb! | Netraucēt! |
Do you hear me? | Vai tu mani dzirdi? |
Do you smoke? | Vai tu smēķē? |
Have you eaten? | Vai esi paēdis? |
Have you finished? | Vai tu esi pabeidzis? |
He can run fast | Viņš var skriet ātri |
He began to run | Viņš sāka skriet |
He did not speak | Viņš nerunāja |
His eyes are blue | Viņa acis ir zilas |
His smile was good | Viņa smaids bija labs |
How is your life? | Kā iet pa dzīvi? |
How is your family? | Kā iet tavai ģimenei? |
I am a student | ES esmu students |
I am going to study | Es studēšu |
I am not a teacher | Es neesmu skolotājs |
I am sorry | Es atvainojos |
I believe you | ES tev ticu |
I can do this job | Es varu darīt šo darbu |
I can run faster | Es varu skriet ātrāk |
I can’t believe it | Es nespēju noticēt |
It happens | Tas notiek |
It is new | Tas ir jauns |
It is a long story | Tas ir garš stāsts |
It looks like an bird | Tas izskatās pēc putna |
It really takes time | Tas tiešām prasa laiku |
It was really cheap | Tas bija patiešām lēts |
It was so noisy | Tas bija tik skaļš |
It was very difficult | Tas bija ļoti grūti |
It wasn't expensive | Tas nebija dārgi |
It wasn't necessary | Tas nebija vajadzīgs |
Let me check | Ļauj man pārbaudīt |
Let me say | Ļaujiet man teikt |
Let me see | Ļauj man paskatīties |
May I come in? | Vai drīkstu ienākt? |
May I help you? | Vai es varu jums palīdzēt? |
May I join you? | Vai drīkstu tev pievienoties? |
May I speak? | Vai drīkstu runāt? |
May I eat this? | Vai es drīkstu šo ēst? |
My father is tall | Mans tēvs ir garš |
My sister has a job | Manai māsai ir darbs |
My sister is famous | Mana māsa ir slavena |
My wife is a doctor | Mana sieva ir ārste |
No, I'll eat later | Nē, es ēdīšu vēlāk |
Please come in | Lūdzu ienākt |
Please do that again | Lūdzu, dariet to vēlreiz |
Please give me | Lūdzu dod man |
She admired him | Viņa viņu apbrīnoja |
She avoids me | Viņa izvairās no manis |
She came last | Viņa ieradās pēdējā |
She goes to school | Viņa iet uz skolu |
That house is big | Tā māja ir liela |
That is a good idea | Tā ir laba ideja |
That is my book | Tā ir mana grāmata |
That is my son | Tas ir mans dēls |
The dog is dead | Suns ir miris |
The river is wide | Upe ir plata |
There is no doubt | Bezšaubām |
They are playing | Viņi spēlē |
They are pretty | Viņi ir smuki |
They got married | Viņi apprecējās |
They have few books | Viņiem ir maz grāmatu |
They stopped talking | Viņi pārtrauca runāt |
This is my friend | Tas ir mans draugs |
This bird can't fly | Šis putns nevar lidot |
This decision is final | Šis lēmums ir galīgs |
This is my book | Šī ir mana grāmata |
This is my brother | Šis ir mans brālis |
This is my daughter | Šī ir mana meita |
This is not a joke | Tas nav joks |
This is surprising | Tas ir pārsteidzoši |
This river is beautiful | Šī upe ir skaista |
This story is true | Šis stāsts ir patiess |
We are happy | Mēs esam laimīgi |
Will it rain today? | Vai šodien līs? |
Will you go on a trip? | Vai dosies ceļojumā? |
Will she come? | Vai viņa nāks? |
Would you kill me? | Vai tu mani nogalinātu? |
Would you love me? | Vai tu mani mīlētu? |
Would you come here? | Vai jūs nāktu šeit? |
You are a teacher | Tu esi skolotājs |
You are very beautiful | Tu esi ļoti skaista |
You are very brave | Tu esi ļoti drosmīgs |
You broke the rules | Jūs pārkāpāt noteikumus |
You love me | Tu mīli mani |
you love me or not | tu mani mīli vai nē |
You make me happy | Tu padari mani laimīgu |
You may go | Vari iet |
You should sleep | Tev vajadzētu gulēt |
You must study hard | Jums cītīgi jāmācās |
Whose idea is this? | Kam šī ir ideja? |
Thanks for your help | Paldies par jūsu palīdzību |
Thank you for coming | Paldies par ierašanos |
How about you | Kā ar tevi |
How is your family | Kā iet tavai ģimenei |
How to Say | Kā pateikt |
Good morning | Labrīt |
Good afternoon | Labdien |
Good evening | Labvakar |
Good night | Ar labunakti |
Happy birthday | Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā |
Happy Christmas | Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus |
Happy new year | Laimīgu Jauno gadu |
Good to see you | Prieks tevi redzēt |
I don't like it | Man tas nepatīk |
I have no idea | man nav ne jausmas |
I know everything | ES zinu visu |
I know something | Es kaut ko zinu |
Thank you so much | Liels tev paldies |
Thanks a million | Miljons paldies |
See you later | Tiksimies vēlāk |
See you next week | Tiksimies nākamnedēļ |
See you next year | Tiksimies nākamgad |
See you soon | Uz drīzu redzēšanos |
See you tomorrow | Līdz rītam |
Sweet dreams | Saldus sapņus |
I’m crazy about you | Es esmu traks pēc tevis |
I'm crazy with you | Es esmu traks ar tevi |
Nice to meet you | Prieks iepazīties |
It's very cheap | Tas ir ļoti lēts |
Just a moment | Vienu mirkli |
Not necessarily | Nav nepieciešams |
That’s a good deal | Tas ir labs darījums |
You're beautiful | Tu esi skaista |
You're very nice | Tu esi ļoti jauks |
You're very smart | Tu esi ļoti gudrs |
I really appreciate it | ES to ļoti novērtēju |
I really miss you | Man tevis ļoti pietrūkst |
Hard sentences
What is your name | Kāds ir tavs vārds |
Which is correct? | Kura ir pareiza? |
Will you please help me? | Vai jūs, lūdzu, palīdziet man? |
Will you stay at home? | Vai paliksi mājās? |
Do you need anything? | Vai jums kaut ko vajag? |
Do you need this book? | Vai jums ir vajadzīga šī grāmata? |
Are you feeling better? | Tu jūties labāk? |
Are you writing a letter? | Vai tu raksti vēstuli? |
Come and see me now | Nāc un redzi mani tagad |
Come with your family | Nāc ar ģimeni |
I'm very busy this week | Šonedēļ esmu ļoti aizņemta |
There is a lot of money | Naudas ir daudz |
They are good people | Viņi ir labi cilvēki |
We need some money | Mums vajag naudu |
What is your destination? | Kāds ir jūsu galamērķis? |
What are you doing today? | Ko tu šodien dari? |
What are you reading? | Ko jūs lasāt? |
What can I do for you? | Ko es varu darīt jūsu labā? |
What is the problem? | Kāda ir problēma? |
What is the story? | Kāds ir stāsts? |
What is your problem? | Kas ir tava problēma? |
What was that noise? | Kas tas bija par troksni? |
When can we eat? | Kad mēs varam ēst? |
When do you study? | Kad tu mācies? |
When was it finished? | Kad tas bija pabeigts? |
How about your family | Kā ar tavu ģimeni |
Do you understand? | Vai tu saproti? |
Do you love me? | Vai tu mani mīli? |
Don't talk about work | Nerunājiet par darbu |
How can I help you? | Kā es varu Jums palīdzēt? |
How deep is the lake? | Cik dziļš ir ezers? |
I'm not disturbing you | Es tevi netraucēju |
I'm proud of my son | Es lepojos ar savu dēlu |
I'm sorry to disturb you | Atvainojos, ka traucēju |
Is something wrong? | Kaut kas nav kārtībā? |
May I open the door? | Vai drīkstu atvērt durvis? |
Thanks for everything | Paldies par visu |
This is very difficult | Tas ir ļoti grūti |
This is very important | Tas ir ļoti svarīgi |
Where are you from | No kurienes tu esi |
Do you have any idea | Vai jums ir kāda ideja |
I love you so much | ES tevi tik ļoti mīlu |
I love you very much | ES tevi ļoti mīlu |
I’m in love with you | Es esmu iemīlējusies tevī |
I missed you so much | man tevis tik ļoti pietrūka |
Let me think about it | Ļauj man par to padomāt |
Thank you very much | Liels paldies |
I can't stop thinking | Es nevaru beigt domāt |
Will you stop talking? | Vai beigsi runāt? |
Would you like to go? | Vai tu gribētu iet? |
Would you teach me? | Vai jūs mani iemācītu? |
Where is your room? | Kur ir tava istaba? |
Where should we go? | Kur mums jāiet? |
Where is your house? | Kur ir jūsu māja? |
Please close the door | Lūdzu, aizveriet durvis |
She agreed to my idea | Viņa piekrita manai idejai |
That boy is intelligent | Tas zēns ir inteliģents |
It was a very big room | Tā bija ļoti liela istaba |
He can swim very fast | Viņš var peldēt ļoti ātri |
He accepted my idea | Viņš pieņēma manu ideju |
They loved each other | Viņi mīlēja viens otru |
When will you reach? | Kad jūs sasniegsiet? |
Where are you from? | No kurienes tu esi? |
Where are you going? | Kur tu dosies? |
We love each other | Mēs mīlam viens otru |
We obeyed the rules | Mēs ievērojām noteikumus |
We started to walk | Mēs sākām staigāt |
We will never agree | Mēs nekad nepiekritīsim |
We can make change | Mēs varam veikt izmaiņas |
We cook everyday | Mēs gatavojam katru dienu |
We enjoyed it | Mēs to izbaudījām |
What about you? | Kā ar tevi? |
What are you doing? | Ko tu dari? |
What did you say? | Ko tu teici? |
What do you need? | Ko tev vajag? |
What do you think? | Ko tu domā? |
What do you want? | Ko tu gribi? |
What happened? | Kas notika? |
What is that? | Kas tas ir? |
When was she born? | Kad viņa piedzima? |
When will we arrive? | Kad mēs ieradīsimies? |
Where are you? | Kur tu esi? |
Where does it hurt? | Kur tas sāp? |
Where is my book? | Kur ir mana grāmata? |
Where is the river? | Kur ir upe? |
Who broke this? | Kurš to salauza? |
Why are you crying? | Kāpēc tu raudi? |
I can't see anything | Es neko neredzu |
I disagree with you | Es tev nepiekrītu |
I like it very much | Man ļoti patīk |
I need more time | Man vajag vairāk laika |
I want to sleep | ES gribu gulēt |
I'm able to swim | Es māku peldēt |
I'm not a doctor | Es neesmu ārsts |
I'm taller than you | Es esmu garāks par tevi |
I'm very sad | esmu ļoti noskumis |
Is he a teacher? | Vai viņš ir skolotājs? |
Is she married? | Vai viņa ir precējusies? |
Is this book yours? | Vai šī grāmata ir jūsu? |
Let's ask the teacher | Pajautāsim skolotājai |
Let's go out and eat | Iesim ārā ēst |
Let's go to a movie | Ejam uz filmu |
Difficult sentences
Why were you late this morning? | Kāpēc tu šorīt kavēji? |
Why are you so tired today? | Kāpēc tu šodien esi tik noguris? |
Would you like to dance with me? | Vai jūs vēlētos dejot ar mani? |
Would you come tomorrow? | Vai jūs nāktu rīt? |
You are always complaining | Jūs vienmēr sūdzaties |
Thanks for your explanation | Paldies par paskaidrojumu |
Thanks for the compliment | Paldies par komplimentu |
Thanks for the information | Paldies par informāciju |
Thanks for your understanding | Paldies par jūsu sapratni |
Thank you for supporting me | Paldies, ka atbalstāt mani |
I really miss you so much | Man tevis ļoti pietrūkst |
Happy valentine’s day | Priecīgu Valentīndienu |
Whose decision was final? | Kura lēmums bija galīgs? |
Whose life is in danger? | Kura dzīvība ir apdraudēta? |
You are a good teacher | Jūs esat labs skolotājs |
You can read this book | Jūs varat izlasīt šo grāmatu |
You don't understand me | Tu mani nesaproti |
You have to study hard | Jāmācās cītīgi |
Where do you have pain? | Kur tev sāp? |
They are both in the room | Viņi abi atrodas istabā |
That house is very small | Tā māja ir ļoti maza |
Please give me your hand | Lūdzu, sniedz man savu roku |
Please go to the school | Lūdzu, dodieties uz skolu |
Please sit here and wait | Lūdzu, apsēdieties šeit un gaidiet |
Please speak more slowly | Lūdzu, runājiet lēnāk |
My father is in his room | Mans tēvs ir savā istabā |
May I ask you something? | Vai drīkstu tev kaut ko pajautāt? |
May I ask you a question? | Vai es varu tev uzdot jautājumu? |
Is the job still available? | Vai darbs vēl ir pieejams? |
I arrived there too early | Es tur ierados pārāk agri |
Do you have a family? | Vai jums ir ģimene? |
Do you have any problem? | Vai jums ir kāda problēma? |
Do you have any idea? | Vai jums ir kāda ideja? |
Did you finish the job? | Vai pabeidzāt darbu? |
Did you like the movie? | Vai jums patika filma? |
Are we ready to go now? | Vai esam gatavi tagad doties? |
Would you like to come? | Jūs vēlētos nākt? |
I don't speak very well | Es nerunāju ļoti labi |
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Latvian Vocabulary