Daily use common Malagasy Sentences and Phrases
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¤ Easy sentences¤ Hard sentences
¤ Difficult sentences
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To learn Malagasy language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Malagasy sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Malagasy translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Malagasy language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Malagasy language quickly and also play some Malagasy word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Malagasy.

Malagasy sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Malagasy language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | TONGA SOA |
Thanks | MISAOTRA |
Good | Tsara |
Enjoy | ANKAFIZO |
Fine | TSARA |
Congratulations | Arahabaina |
I hate you | halako ianao |
I love you | tiako ianao |
I’m in love | raiki-pitia aho |
I’m sorry | Miala tsiny aho |
I’m so sorry | tena miala tsiny aho |
I’m yours | anao aho |
Thanks again | mamerina ny fisaorana anao |
How are you | Manao ahoana ianao |
I am fine | salama aho |
Take care | Karakarao tsara ny tenanao |
I miss you | malahelo anao aho |
You're nice | Tsara ianao |
That’s terrible | Tena mahatsiravina izany |
That's too bad | Tena ratsy izany |
That's too much | Be loatra izany |
See you | Mandrapihaona |
Thank you | Misaotra anao |
Thank you sir | Misaotra tompoko |
Are you free | Afaka ve ianao |
No problem | Tsisy olana |
Get well soon | Mangatsiahatsiaha |
Very good | Tena tsara |
Well done | Vita tsara |
What’s up | Inona ny malaza |
I can't hear you | Tsy maheno anao aho |
I can't stop | Tsy afaka mijanona aho |
I know | fantatro |
Good bye | Veloma |
Good idea | Hevitra tsara |
Good luck | Mirary anao ho tsara vintana |
You are late | Tara ianao |
Who is next? | Iza no manaraka? |
Who is she? | Fa iza io? |
Who is that man? | Iza io lehilahy io? |
Who built it? | Iza no nanorina azy? |
They hurt | Naratra izy ireo |
She got angry | Tezitra izy |
She is a teacher | Mpampianatra izy |
She is aggressive | Mahery setra izy |
She is attractive | Mahasarika izy |
She is beautiful | Tsara tarehy izy |
She is crying | Mitomany izy |
She is happy | Faly izy |
No way! | Tsisy fika! |
No worries | Tsy misy ahiahy |
No, thank you | Tsia, misaotra |
I'm so happy | faly ery aho |
I'm hungry | noana Aho |
I'm able to run | Afaka mihazakazaka aho |
I agree | manaiky aho |
I can swim | Afaka milomano aho |
I can't come | tsy afaka tonga aho |
He got angry | Tezitra izy |
He was alone | Irery izy |
He was brave | Sahy izy |
He likes to swim | Tia milomano izy |
Don't be angry | Aza tezitra |
Don't be sad | Aza malahelo |
Don't cry | Aza mitomany |
Come in | Mandrosoa |
Come on | Eo moa |
Can you come? | Afaka tonga ve ianao? |
Can I help? | Afaka manampy ve aho? |
Can I eat this? | Afaka mihinana an'ity ve aho? |
Can I help you? | Afaka manampy anao ve aho? |
Can I see? | Ao hoe jereko? |
Are you going? | Handeha ve ianao? |
Are you hungry? | Noana ve ianao? |
Are you mad? | Tezitra angaha ianao? |
Are you serious? | Sao sangisanginao izany? |
Are you sleeping? | Matory ve ianao? |
Can you do this? | Azonao atao ve izany? |
Can you help me? | Afaka manampy ahy ve ianao? |
Can you tell me? | Afaka lazainao amiko ve? |
Come on tomorrow | Tongava rahampitso |
Come quickly | Avia faingana |
Could I help you? | Afaka manampy anao ve aho? |
Could you tell me? | Afaka milaza amiko ve ianao? |
Do not disturb! | Aza elingelenina! |
Do you hear me? | Henonao ve aho? |
Do you smoke? | Mifoka sigara ve ianao? |
Have you eaten? | Efa nisakafo ve ianao? |
Have you finished? | Efa vita ve ianao? |
He can run fast | Afaka mihazakazaka haingana izy |
He began to run | Nanomboka nihazakazaka izy |
He did not speak | Tsy niteny izy |
His eyes are blue | Manga ny masony |
His smile was good | Tsara ny tsikiny |
How is your life? | Ahoana ny fiainanao? |
How is your family? | Manao ahoana ny fianakavianao? |
I am a student | mpianatra aho |
I am going to study | Handeha hianatra aho |
I am not a teacher | Tsy mpampianatra aho |
I am sorry | miala tsiny aho |
I believe you | mino anao aho |
I can do this job | Afaka manao ity asa ity aho |
I can run faster | Afaka mihazakazaka haingana kokoa aho |
I can’t believe it | Tsy mino aho |
It happens | Mitranga izany |
It is new | Vaovao izany |
It is a long story | Tantara lava be io |
It looks like an bird | Toa vorona izy io |
It really takes time | Tena mila fotoana izany |
It was really cheap | Tena mora ilay izy |
It was so noisy | Nitabataba be ilay izy |
It was very difficult | Tena sarotra izany |
It wasn't expensive | Tsy lafo ilay izy |
It wasn't necessary | Tsy nilaina izany |
Let me check | Ao hoe jereko |
Let me say | Aleo hoy aho |
Let me see | Ao hoe jereko |
May I come in? | Afaka mandroso ve aho? |
May I help you? | Sao misy azoko anampiana anao? |
May I join you? | Afaka miaraka aminao ve aho? |
May I speak? | Afaka miteny ve aho? |
May I eat this? | Afaka mihinana an'ity ve aho? |
My father is tall | Lava ny raiko |
My sister has a job | Manana asa ny anabaviko |
My sister is famous | Malaza ny anabaviko |
My wife is a doctor | Dokotera ny vadiko |
No, I'll eat later | Tsia, hohaniko any aoriana |
Please come in | Midira azafady |
Please do that again | Mba ataovy indray izany |
Please give me | Mba omeo ahy |
She admired him | Nidera azy izy |
She avoids me | Manalavitra ahy izy |
She came last | Tonga farany izy |
She goes to school | Mandeha mianatra izy |
That house is big | Lehibe io trano io |
That is a good idea | Hevitra tsara izany |
That is my book | Izany no bokiko |
That is my son | Izany no zanako |
The dog is dead | Maty ilay alika |
The river is wide | Malalaka ny renirano |
There is no doubt | Tsy misy isalasalana |
They are playing | Milalao izy ireo |
They are pretty | Tsara tarehy izy ireo |
They got married | Nivady izy ireo |
They have few books | Vitsy ny boky izy ireo |
They stopped talking | Tsy niresaka intsony izy ireo |
This is my friend | Ity no namako |
This bird can't fly | Tsy afaka manidina io vorona io |
This decision is final | Ity fanapahan-kevitra ity dia farany |
This is my book | Ity no bokiko |
This is my brother | Ity no rahalahiko |
This is my daughter | Ity no zanako vavy |
This is not a joke | Tsy vazivazy izany |
This is surprising | Mahagaga izany |
This river is beautiful | Kanto ity renirano ity |
This story is true | Marina ity tantara ity |
We are happy | Faly izahay |
Will it rain today? | Hisy orana ve anio? |
Will you go on a trip? | Handeha hitsangatsangana ve ianao? |
Will she come? | Ho avy ve izy? |
Would you kill me? | Hovonoinao ve aho? |
Would you love me? | Ho tia ahy ve ianao? |
Would you come here? | Tonga eto ve ianao? |
You are a teacher | Mpampianatra ianao |
You are very beautiful | Tena tsara tarehy ianao |
You are very brave | Tena sahy ianao |
You broke the rules | Nandika ny fitsipika ianao |
You love me | Tia ahy ianao |
you love me or not | tia ahy ianao na tsia |
You make me happy | Mahasambatra ahy ianao |
You may go | Afaka mandeha ianao |
You should sleep | Tokony hatory ianao |
You must study hard | Mila mianatra mafy ianao |
Whose idea is this? | An'iza ity hevitra ity? |
Thanks for your help | Misaotra anao nanampy |
Thank you for coming | Misaotra anao tonga |
How about you | Ahoana ny hevitrao |
How is your family | Manao ahoana ny fianakavianao |
How to Say | Ahoana no fiteny |
Good morning | Salama |
Good afternoon | Salama |
Good evening | Salama |
Good night | Tafandria mandry |
Happy birthday | Tratry ny tsingerintaona nahaterahana |
Happy Christmas | Tratry ny Krismasy |
Happy new year | Tratry ny taona |
Good to see you | Mahafinaritra ny mahita anao |
I don't like it | tsy tiako |
I have no idea | Tsy manan-kevitra aho |
I know everything | Fantatro ny zava-drehetra |
I know something | mahalala zavatra aho |
Thank you so much | Misaotra anao indrindra |
Thanks a million | Misaotra an-tapitrisa |
See you later | Rehefa avy eo |
See you next week | Amin'ny herinandro ho avy |
See you next year | Amin'ny taona manaraka |
See you soon | Mandra-pihaona |
See you tomorrow | Rahampitso indray |
Sweet dreams | Manofisa mamy |
I’m crazy about you | Adala aminao aho |
I'm crazy with you | Adala aminao aho |
Nice to meet you | Faly mahalala anao |
It's very cheap | Tena mora |
Just a moment | Andraso kely |
Not necessarily | Tsy voatery |
That’s a good deal | Tsara izany |
You're beautiful | You're beautiful |
You're very nice | Mahafinaritra tokoa ianao |
You're very smart | Tena hendry ianao |
I really appreciate it | Tena mankasitraka izany aho |
I really miss you | tena manina anao aho |
Hard sentences
What is your name | Iza ny anaranao |
Which is correct? | Iza no marina? |
Will you please help me? | Afaka manampy ahy ve ianao, azafady? |
Will you stay at home? | Hijanona ao an-trano ve ianao? |
Do you need anything? | Mila zavatra ve ianao? |
Do you need this book? | Mila an'ity boky ity ve ianao? |
Are you feeling better? | Mihatsara ve ianao? |
Are you writing a letter? | Manoratra taratasy ve ianao? |
Come and see me now | Avia ary jereo izao |
Come with your family | Tongava miaraka amin'ny fianakavianao |
I'm very busy this week | Tena sahirana aho amin'ity herinandro ity |
There is a lot of money | Be ny vola |
They are good people | Olona tsara izy ireo |
We need some money | Mila vola izahay |
What is your destination? | Aiza ny toerana itodianao? |
What are you doing today? | Manao inona no ianao androany? |
What are you reading? | Inona no vakianao? |
What can I do for you? | Inona no azoko atao ho anao? |
What is the problem? | Inona no olana? |
What is the story? | Inona ny tantara? |
What is your problem? | Inona no olanao? |
What was that noise? | Inona izany tabataba izany? |
When can we eat? | Rahoviana isika no afaka mihinana? |
When do you study? | Rahoviana ianao no mianatra? |
When was it finished? | Oviana no vita? |
How about your family | Ahoana ny momba ny fianakavianao |
Do you understand? | Azonao ve? |
Do you love me? | Tia ahy ve ianao? |
Don't talk about work | Aza miresaka asa |
How can I help you? | Ahoana no ahafahako manampy anao? |
How deep is the lake? | Manao ahoana ny halalin'ny farihy? |
I'm not disturbing you | Tsy manelingelina anao aho |
I'm proud of my son | Reharehako ny zanako |
I'm sorry to disturb you | Miala tsiny aho manelingelina anao |
Is something wrong? | Misy zavatra tsy mety ve? |
May I open the door? | Afaka mamoha ny varavarana ve aho? |
Thanks for everything | Misaotra amin'ny zavatra rehetra |
This is very difficult | Tena sarotra izany |
This is very important | Tena zava-dehibe izany |
Where are you from | Avy aiza ianao |
Do you have any idea | Manana hevitra ve ianao |
I love you so much | tiako ery ianao |
I love you very much | tiako be ianao |
I’m in love with you | Raiki-pitia aminao aho |
I missed you so much | Tena nalahelo anao aho |
Let me think about it | Avelao aho hieritreritra izany |
Thank you very much | Misaotra indrindra anao |
I can't stop thinking | Tsy afa-mieritreritra aho |
Will you stop talking? | Tsy hiresaka intsony ve ianao? |
Would you like to go? | Te handeha ve ianao? |
Would you teach me? | Hampianatra ahy ve ianao? |
Where is your room? | Aiza ny efitranonao? |
Where should we go? | Aiza no tokony halehantsika? |
Where is your house? | Aiza ny tranonao? |
Please close the door | Hidio ny varavarana azafady |
She agreed to my idea | Nanaiky ny hevitro izy |
That boy is intelligent | Mahira-tsaina io zazalahy io |
It was a very big room | Efitrano lehibe be ilay izy |
He can swim very fast | Afaka milomano haingana izy |
He accepted my idea | Nanaiky ny hevitro izy |
They loved each other | Nifankatia izy ireo |
When will you reach? | Rahoviana ianao no ho tonga? |
Where are you from? | Avy aiza ianao? |
Where are you going? | Handeha ho aiza ianao? |
We love each other | Mifankatia izahay |
We obeyed the rules | Nankatò ny fitsipika izahay |
We started to walk | Nanomboka nandeha izahay |
We will never agree | Tsy hanaiky mihitsy isika |
We can make change | Afaka manao fiovana isika |
We cook everyday | Mahandro isan'andro izahay |
We enjoyed it | Nahafinaritra anay izany |
What about you? | Ahoana ny momba anao? |
What are you doing? | Manao inona ianao? |
What did you say? | Inona hoy ianao teo? |
What do you need? | Inona no ilainao? |
What do you think? | Inona ny hevitrao? |
What do you want? | Inona no tadiavinao? |
What happened? | Inona no nitranga? |
What is that? | Inona iny? |
When was she born? | Oviana izy no teraka? |
When will we arrive? | Rahoviana isika no ho tonga? |
Where are you? | Aiza ianao? |
Where does it hurt? | Aiza no maharary? |
Where is my book? | Aiza ny bokiko? |
Where is the river? | Aiza ny renirano? |
Who broke this? | Iza no namaky an'ity? |
Why are you crying? | Nahoana ianao no mitomany? |
I can't see anything | Tsy mahita na inona na inona aho |
I disagree with you | Tsy mitovy hevitra aminao aho |
I like it very much | tiako be |
I need more time | Mila fotoana bebe kokoa aho |
I want to sleep | Te-hatory aho |
I'm able to swim | Mahay milomano aho |
I'm not a doctor | Tsy dokotera aho |
I'm taller than you | Lava noho ianao aho |
I'm very sad | Tena malahelo aho |
Is he a teacher? | Mpampianatra ve izy? |
Is she married? | Manambady ve izy? |
Is this book yours? | Anao ve ity boky ity? |
Let's ask the teacher | Andeha hanontany ny mpampianatra |
Let's go out and eat | Andao hivoaka hisakafo |
Let's go to a movie | Andao handeha hijery sarimihetsika |
Difficult sentences
His opinion was not accepted | Tsy nekena ny heviny |
His proposals were adopted at the meeting | Lany tamin’ny fivoriana ny tolo-keviny |
How do you come to school? | Ahoana ny fandehanana any an-tsekoly? |
If I had money, I could buy it | Raha manam-bola aho dia afaka nividy izany |
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one | Raha mila pensilihazo ianao dia hampindramiko anao |
If he comes, ask him to wait | Raha tonga izy dia angataho izy hiandry |
If it rains, we will get wet | Raha avy ny orana dia ho lena isika |
If I studied, I would pass the exam | Raha nianatra aho dia afaka fanadinana |
My hair has grown too long | Lava loatra ny voloko |
My mother is always at home | Ao an-trano foana ny reniko |
There are many fish in this lake | Betsaka ny trondro ao amin'io farihy io |
There are many problems to solve | Betsaka ny olana tokony hovahana |
There are some books on the desk | Misy boky vitsivitsy eo ambony latabatra |
There is nothing wrong with him | Tsy misy maharatsy azy |
There was a sudden change in the weather | Nisy fiovana tampoka teo amin’ny toetr’andro |
There was nobody in the garden | Tsy nisy olona tao an-jaridaina |
There was nobody there | Tsy nisy olona tao |
There were five murders this month | Dimy ny vono olona tamin’ity volana ity |
They admire each other | Mifampidera izy ireo |
They agreed to work together | Nanaiky hiara-miasa izy ireo |
They are both good teachers | Mpampianatra mahay izy roa |
We want something new | Mila zava-baovao izahay |
We should be very careful | Tokony hitandrina tsara isika |
When can I see you next time? | Rahoviana aho no afaka mahita anao amin'ny manaraka? |
When did you finish the work? | Oviana ianao no nahavita ny asa? |
When will you harvest your wheat? | Rahoviana no hojinjainao ny varinao? |
Where do you want to go? | Aiza no tianao haleha? |
Where is the pretty girl? | Aiza ilay tovovavy tsara tarehy? |
Which food do you like? | Inona no sakafo tianao? |
Which is more important? | Inona no zava-dehibe kokoa? |
Which one is more expensive? | Iza no lafo kokoa? |
Which way is the nearest? | Aiza no lalana akaiky indrindra? |
Which is your favorite team? | Iza no ekipa tianao indrindra? |
Which languages do you speak? | Inona no fiteny ampiasainao? |
Which team will win the game? | Iza no ekipa handresy amin'ny lalao? |
Why are you drying your hair? | Nahoana ianao no manamainina ny volonao? |
Why are you late? | Nahoana ianao no tara? |
Why did you get so angry? | Nahoana ianao no tezitra be? |
Why did you quit? | Nahoana ianao no niala? |
Why don't you come in? | Nahoana ianao no tsy miditra? |
Why were you late this morning? | Nahoana ianao no tara androany maraina? |
Why are you so tired today? | Nahoana ianao no reraka be androany? |
Would you like to dance with me? | Te hiara-mandihy amiko ve ianao? |
Would you come tomorrow? | Ho avy ve ianao rahampitso? |
You are always complaining | Mitaraina foana ianao |
Thanks for your explanation | Misaotra tamin'ny fanazavanao |
Thanks for the compliment | Misaotra amin'ny fiderana |
Thanks for the information | Misaotra amin'ny fanazavana |
Thanks for your understanding | Misaotra noho ny fahatakaranao |
Thank you for supporting me | Misaotra anao nanohana ahy |
I really miss you so much | Tena malahelo anao tokoa aho |
Happy valentine’s day | Tsarà fetin'ny mpifankatia |
Whose decision was final? | Fanapahan-kevitr'iza no farany? |
Whose life is in danger? | Ain'iza no atahorana? |
You are a good teacher | Mpampianatra mahay ianao |
You can read this book | Afaka mamaky ity boky ity ianao |
You don't understand me | Tsy azonao aho |
You have to study hard | Mila mianatra mafy ianao |
Where do you have pain? | Aiza no misy fanaintainanao? |
They are both in the room | Samy ao anaty efitrano izy ireo |
That house is very small | Kely dia kely io trano io |
Please give me your hand | Mba omeo ahy ny tananao |
Please go to the school | Mandehana any an-tsekoly azafady |
Please sit here and wait | Mipetraha eto ary miandry |
Please speak more slowly | Mitenena moramora, azafady |
My father is in his room | Ao amin’ny efitranony ny raiko |
May I ask you something? | Afaka manontany anao ve aho? |
May I ask you a question? | Afaka hanontany anao ve aho? |
Is the job still available? | Mbola misy ve ny asa? |
I arrived there too early | Tonga aloha loatra aho |
Do you have a family? | Manana fianakaviana ve ianao? |
Do you have any problem? | Manana olana ve ianao? |
Do you have any idea? | Manana hevitra ve ianao? |
Did you finish the job? | Vitanao ve ny asa? |
Did you like the movie? | Tianao ve ilay sarimihetsika? |
Are we ready to go now? | Vonona ny handeha izao ve isika? |
Would you like to come? | Te ho avy ve ianao? |
I don't speak very well | Tsy mahay miteny aho |
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Malagasy Vocabulary