Daily use common Maltese Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Maltese language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Maltese sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Maltese translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Maltese language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Maltese language quickly and also play some Maltese word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Maltese.
Maltese sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Maltese language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Merħba |
Thanks | Grazzi |
Good | Tajjeb |
Enjoy | Igawdu |
Fine | Multa |
Congratulations | Prosit |
I hate you | nobgħodok |
I love you | inħobbok |
I’m in love | Jien inħobb |
I’m sorry | Jiddispjaċini |
I’m so sorry | Jiddispjaċini ħafna |
I’m yours | Jien tiegħek |
Thanks again | grazzi mill-ġdid |
How are you | Kif int |
I am fine | jien tajjeb |
Take care | Ħu ħsieb |
I miss you | nimmissjak |
You're nice | Int sabiħ |
That’s terrible | Dak huwa terribbli |
That's too bad | Dak ħażin wisq |
That's too much | Dak hu wisq |
See you | Narawkom |
Thank you | Grazzi |
Thank you sir | Grazzi Sir |
Are you free | Għandek x'tagħmel |
No problem | Mhux problema |
Get well soon | Fieq malajr |
Very good | Tajjeb ħafna |
Well done | Proset |
What’s up | X'għandna |
I can't hear you | Ma nistax nisimgħek |
I can't stop | Ma nistax nieqaf |
I know | naf |
Good bye | Adieu |
Good idea | Idea tajba |
Good luck | Ix-xorti t-tajba |
You are late | int tard |
Who is next? | min imiss? |
Who is she? | min hi? |
Who is that man? | min hu dak ir-ragel? |
Who built it? | min bena? |
They hurt | iweġġgħu |
She got angry | rrabjat |
She is a teacher | hi għalliema |
She is aggressive | hi aggressiva |
She is attractive | hija attraenti |
She is beautiful | hija sabiħa |
She is crying | hi qed tibki |
She is happy | hi kuntenta |
No way! | bl-ebda mod! |
No worries | tinkwetax |
No, thank you | le grazzi |
It is new | huwa ġdid |
It is a long story | hija storja twila |
It looks like an bird | qisu għasfur |
It really takes time | verament jieħu ż-żmien |
It was really cheap | kien verament irħis |
It was so noisy | kien tant storbjuż |
It was very difficult | kien diffiċli ħafna |
It wasn't expensive | ma kienx għali |
It wasn't necessary | ma kienx meħtieġ |
Let me check | ħalluni niċċekkja |
Let me say | ħalli ngħid |
Let me see | ħa nara |
May I come in? | nista nidhol? |
May I help you? | nista 'ngħinek? |
May I join you? | nista' ningħaqad miegħek? |
May I speak? | nista nitkellem? |
May I eat this? | nista' niekol dan? |
My father is tall | missieri huwa għoli |
My sister has a job | oħti għandha xogħol |
My sister is famous | oħti hija famuża |
My wife is a doctor | marti hija tabiba |
No, I'll eat later | le, niekol aktar tard |
Please come in | jekk jogħġbok idħol |
Please do that again | jekk jogħġbok erġa' agħmel dan |
Please give me | jekk jogħġbok agħtini |
She admired him | hi ammirajtu |
She avoids me | hi tevitani |
She came last | ġiet l-aħħar |
She goes to school | hi tmur l-iskola |
That house is big | dik id-dar hija kbira |
That is a good idea | dik hija idea tajba |
That is my book | dak huwa l-ktieb tiegħi |
That is my son | dak hu ibni |
The dog is dead | il-kelb huwa mejjet |
The river is wide | ix-xmara hija wiesgħa |
There is no doubt | m'hemmx dubju |
They are playing | qed jilagħbu |
They are pretty | huma pjuttost |
They got married | iżżewġu |
They have few books | għandhom ftit kotba |
They stopped talking | waqfu jitkellmu |
This is my friend | dan huwa ħabib tiegħi |
This bird can't fly | dan l-għasfur ma jistax itir |
This decision is final | din id-deċiżjoni hija finali |
This is my book | dan huwa l-ktieb tiegħi |
This is my brother | dan hu ħu |
This is my daughter | din hi binti |
This is not a joke | din mhix ċajta |
This is surprising | dan huwa sorprendenti |
This river is beautiful | din ix-xmara hija sabiħa |
This story is true | din l-istorja hija vera |
We are happy | aħna kuntenti |
Will it rain today? | se tagħmel ix-xita llum? |
Will you go on a trip? | se tmur fuq vjaġġ? |
Will she come? | se tiġi? |
Would you kill me? | toqtolni? |
Would you love me? | tħobbni? |
Would you come here? | inti tiġi hawn? |
You are a teacher | inti għalliem |
You are very beautiful | int sabiha hafna |
You are very brave | inti kuraġġuż ħafna |
You broke the rules | kisret ir-regoli |
You love me | int tħobbni |
you love me or not | tħobbni jew le |
You make me happy | inti tagħmilni kuntent |
You may go | tista’ tmur |
You should sleep | għandek torqod |
You must study hard | trid tistudja iebes |
Whose idea is this? | ta min hi din l-idea? |
Thanks for your help | grazzi għall-għajnuna tiegħek |
Thank you for coming | grazzi talli ġejt |
How about you | U inti |
How is your family | Kif inhi familtek |
How to Say | Kif Tgħid |
Good morning | Bongu |
Good afternoon | Il-waranofsinhar it-tajjeb |
Good evening | Il-lejla t-tajba |
Good night | Il-lejl it-tajjeb |
Happy birthday | Is-sena t-tajba |
Happy Christmas | Il-Milied it-tajjeb |
Happy new year | Is-Sena t-Tajba |
Good to see you | Tajjeb li narak |
I don't like it | Ma togħġobnix |
I have no idea | m'għandix ideja |
I know everything | Naf kollox |
I know something | Naf xi ħaġa |
Thank you so much | Grazzi ħafna |
Thanks a million | Grazzi miljun |
See you later | Narak iktar tard |
See you next week | Narak il-Ġimgħa d-dieħla |
See you next year | Narawna s-sena d-dieħla |
See you soon | Narak dalwaqt |
See you tomorrow | Narak ghada |
Sweet dreams | Ħolm ħelu |
I’m crazy about you | Jien miġnun dwarek |
I'm crazy with you | Jien miġnun miegħek |
Nice to meet you | Għandi pjaċir |
It's very cheap | Huwa rħis ħafna |
Just a moment | Tini ċans |
Not necessarily | Mhux neċessarjament |
That’s a good deal | Dak hu negozju tajjeb |
You're beautiful | Int sabiħa |
You're very nice | Int sabiħ ħafna |
You're very smart | Int intelliġenti ħafna |
I really appreciate it | Napprezzaha ħafna |
I really miss you | Tassew nimmissjak |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Why were you late this morning? | għaliex dalgħodu kont tard? |
Why are you so tired today? | għaliex inti tant għajjien illum? |
Would you like to dance with me? | tixtieq tiżfen miegħi? |
Would you come tomorrow? | ġejt għada? |
You are always complaining | int dejjem tilmenta |
Thanks for your explanation | grazzi għall-ispjegazzjoni tiegħek |
Thanks for the compliment | grazzi tal-kumpliment |
Thanks for the information | grazzi għall-informazzjoni |
Thanks for your understanding | grazzi għall-fehim tiegħek |
Thank you for supporting me | grazzi talli appoġġajtni |
I really miss you so much | Tassew nimmissjak ħafna |
Happy valentine’s day | Jum San Valentinu t-tajjeb |
Whose decision was final? | li d-deċiżjoni ta’ min kienet finali? |
Whose life is in danger? | li ħajtu tinsab fil-periklu? |
You are a good teacher | int għalliem tajjeb |
You can read this book | tista’ taqra dan il-ktieb |
You don't understand me | ma tifhimniex |
You have to study hard | trid tistudja iebes |
Where do you have pain? | fejn għandek uġigħ? |
They are both in the room | huma t-tnejn fil-kamra |
That house is very small | dik id-dar hija żgħira ħafna |
Please give me your hand | jekk jogħġbok agħtini idejk |
Please go to the school | jekk jogħġbok mur l-iskola |
Please sit here and wait | jekk jogħġbok poġġi hawn u stenna |
Please speak more slowly | jekk jogħġbok kellem aktar bil-mod |
My father is in his room | missieri qiegħed fil-kamra tiegħu |
May I ask you something? | nista’ nistaqsik xi ħaġa? |
May I ask you a question? | nista' nistaqsik mistoqsija? |
Is the job still available? | ix-xogħol għadu disponibbli? |
I arrived there too early | Wasalt hemm kmieni wisq |
Do you have a family? | għandek familja? |
Do you have any problem? | għandek xi problema? |
Do you have any idea? | għandek xi idea? |
Did you finish the job? | spiċċajt ix-xogħol? |
Did you like the movie? | għoġbok il-film? |
Are we ready to go now? | lesti li mmorru issa? |
Would you like to come? | tixtieq tiġi? |
I don't speak very well | Ma nitkellimx tajjeb ħafna |
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Maltese Vocabulary