Daily use common Romanian Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Romanian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Romanian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Romanian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Romanian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Romanian language quickly and also play some Romanian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Romanian.

Romanian sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Romanian language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Bine ati venit |
Thanks | Mulțumiri |
Good | Bun |
Enjoy | Bucurați-vă |
Fine | Amenda |
Congratulations | Felicitări |
I hate you | Vă urăsc |
I love you | te iubesc |
I’m in love | Sunt îndrăgostit |
I’m sorry | Îmi pare rău |
I’m so sorry | Îmi pare atât de rău |
I’m yours | Sunt a ta |
Thanks again | mulțumesc din nou |
How are you | Ce mai faci |
I am fine | sunt bine |
Take care | Ai grijă |
I miss you | Mi-e dor de tine |
You're nice | Esti dragut |
That’s terrible | Asta e teribil |
That's too bad | Păcat |
That's too much | E prea mult |
See you | Te văd |
Thank you | Mulțumesc |
Thank you sir | Multumesc domnule |
Are you free | Ești liber |
No problem | Nici o problemă |
Get well soon | Fă-te bine cât mai curând |
Very good | Foarte bine |
Well done | Foarte bine |
What’s up | Care-i treaba |
I can't hear you | Nu te aud |
I can't stop | Nu mă pot opri |
I know | stiu |
Good bye | La revedere |
Good idea | Bună idee |
Good luck | Mult noroc |
You are late | ai intarziat |
Who is next? | Cine e urmatorul? |
Who is she? | cine este ea? |
Who is that man? | cine este acel om? |
Who built it? | cine l-a construit? |
They hurt | au durut |
She got angry | ea s-a supărat |
She is a teacher | ea este o profesoara |
She is aggressive | ea este agresiva |
She is attractive | ea este atrăgătoare |
She is beautiful | ea este frumoasa |
She is crying | ea plânge |
She is happy | ea este fericita |
No way! | în nici un caz! |
No worries | nu vă faceți griji |
No, thank you | nu, mulțumesc |
I'm so happy | Sunt atât de fericit |
I'm hungry | sunt infometat |
I'm able to run | sunt capabil să alerg |
I agree | sunt de acord |
I can swim | pot să înot |
I can't come | nu pot veni |
He got angry | el s-a enervat |
He was alone | era singur |
He was brave | era curajos |
He likes to swim | îi place să înoate |
Don't be angry | nu fi supărat |
Don't be sad | nu fi trist |
Don't cry | nu plânge |
Come in | Intrați |
Come on | Haide |
Can you come? | poti sa vii? |
Can I help? | Pot sa ajut? |
Can I eat this? | pot sa mananc asta? |
Can I help you? | Vă pot ajuta? |
Can I see? | pot vedea? |
Are you going? | te duci? |
Are you hungry? | iti este foame? |
Are you mad? | esti suparat? |
Are you serious? | vorbesti serios? |
Are you sleeping? | dormiți? |
Can you do this? | poti face asta? |
Can you help me? | mă puteți ajuta? |
Can you tell me? | poți să-mi spui? |
Come on tomorrow | hai mâine |
Come quickly | Vino repede |
Could I help you? | pot sa te ajut? |
Could you tell me? | ai putea sa imi spui? |
Do not disturb! | Nu deranjați! |
Do you hear me? | ma auzi? |
Do you smoke? | Fumați? |
Have you eaten? | ai mancat? |
Have you finished? | ai terminat? |
He can run fast | poate alerga repede |
He began to run | a început să alerge |
He did not speak | nu vorbea |
His eyes are blue | ochii lui sunt albaștri |
His smile was good | zâmbetul lui era bun |
How is your life? | cum este viața ta? |
How is your family? | Ce mai face familia ta? |
I am a student | Sunt un student |
I am going to study | mă duc să învăț |
I am not a teacher | nu sunt un profesor |
I am sorry | imi pare rau |
I believe you | Te cred |
I can do this job | pot face treaba asta |
I can run faster | pot alerga mai repede |
I can’t believe it | nu pot sa cred |
It happens | s-a întâmplat |
It is new | este nou |
It is a long story | este o poveste lungă |
It looks like an bird | arată ca o pasăre |
It really takes time | chiar ia timp |
It was really cheap | a fost chiar ieftin |
It was so noisy | era atât de zgomotos |
It was very difficult | a fost foarte dificil |
It wasn't expensive | nu a fost scump |
It wasn't necessary | nu era necesar |
Let me check | lasă-mă să verific |
Let me say | lasa-ma sa spun |
Let me see | stați să văd |
May I come in? | pot sa intru? |
May I help you? | pot sa te ajut? |
May I join you? | pot să mă alătur? |
May I speak? | pot să vorbesc? |
May I eat this? | pot sa mananc asta? |
My father is tall | tatăl meu este înalt |
My sister has a job | sora mea are de lucru |
My sister is famous | sora mea este faimoasă |
My wife is a doctor | sotia mea este medic |
No, I'll eat later | nu, voi mânca mai târziu |
Please come in | Te rog, intra |
Please do that again | te rog sa faci asta din nou |
Please give me | vă rog să-mi dai |
She admired him | ea îl admira |
She avoids me | ea mă evită |
She came last | ea a venit ultima |
She goes to school | ea merge la școală |
That house is big | casa aia e mare |
That is a good idea | este o idee bună |
That is my book | asta este cartea mea |
That is my son | acela e fiul meu |
The dog is dead | câinele este mort |
The river is wide | râul este lat |
There is no doubt | nu există nici o îndoială |
They are playing | ei se joaca |
They are pretty | ele sunt dragute |
They got married | s-au căsătorit |
They have few books | au puține cărți |
They stopped talking | au încetat să mai vorbească |
This is my friend | acesta este prietenul meu |
This bird can't fly | această pasăre nu poate zbura |
This decision is final | această decizie este definitivă |
This is my book | aceasta este cartea mea |
This is my brother | acesta este fratele meu |
This is my daughter | aceasta este fiica mea |
This is not a joke | Aceasta nu este o glumă |
This is surprising | acest lucru este surprinzător |
This river is beautiful | acest râu este frumos |
This story is true | această poveste este adevărată |
We are happy | suntem fericiți |
Will it rain today? | va ploua azi? |
Will you go on a trip? | vei pleca intr-o excursie? |
Will she come? | va veni ea? |
Would you kill me? | m-ai ucide? |
Would you love me? | m-ai iubi? |
Would you come here? | ai veni aici? |
You are a teacher | esti un profesor |
You are very beautiful | ești foarte frumoasă |
You are very brave | esti foarte curajos |
You broke the rules | ai încălcat regulile |
You love me | tu mă iubești |
you love me or not | mă iubești sau nu |
You make me happy | tu mă faci fericit |
You may go | poți pleca |
You should sleep | ar trebui să dormi |
You must study hard | trebuie să studiezi din greu |
Whose idea is this? | a cui este ideea asta? |
Thanks for your help | Vă mulțumim pentru ajutor |
Thank you for coming | multumesc ca ati venit |
How about you | Tu ce mai faci |
How is your family | Ce mai face familia ta |
How to Say | Cum să spun |
Good morning | Buna dimineata |
Good afternoon | Buna ziua |
Good evening | Bună seara |
Good night | Noapte bună |
Happy birthday | La multi ani |
Happy Christmas | Craciun fericit |
Happy new year | An Nou Fericit |
Good to see you | Ma bucur sa te vad |
I don't like it | Nu-mi place |
I have no idea | nu am nici o idee |
I know everything | Știu tot |
I know something | Știu ceva |
Thank you so much | Mulțumesc mult |
Thanks a million | Multumesc de un milion de ori |
See you later | Ne vedem mai tarziu |
See you next week | Ne vedem săptămâna viitoare |
See you next year | Ne vedem anul viitor |
See you soon | Ne vedem în curând |
See you tomorrow | Ne vedem mâine |
Sweet dreams | Vise plăcute |
I’m crazy about you | Sunt innebunit dupa tine |
I'm crazy with you | sunt nebun cu tine |
Nice to meet you | Încântat de cunoștință |
It's very cheap | este foarte ieftin |
Just a moment | o clipă |
Not necessarily | Nu neaparat |
That’s a good deal | Este o afacere bună |
You're beautiful | ești frumoasă |
You're very nice | Esti foarte dragut |
You're very smart | Ești foarte deștept |
I really appreciate it | chiar apreciez |
I really miss you | Mi-e foarte dor de tine |
Hard sentences
Where is your room? | unde este camera ta? |
Where should we go? | unde ar trebui sa mergem? |
Where is your house? | unde este casa ta? |
Please close the door | Te rog inchide usa |
She agreed to my idea | a fost de acord cu ideea mea |
That boy is intelligent | acel baiat este inteligent |
It was a very big room | era o cameră foarte mare |
He can swim very fast | poate înota foarte repede |
He accepted my idea | a acceptat ideea mea |
They loved each other | se iubeau |
When will you reach? | cand vei ajunge? |
Where are you from? | de unde ești? |
Where are you going? | Unde te duci? |
We love each other | ne iubim |
We obeyed the rules | ne-am supus regulilor |
We started to walk | am început să mergem |
We will never agree | nu vom fi niciodată de acord |
We can make change | putem face o schimbare |
We cook everyday | gătim în fiecare zi |
We enjoyed it | ne-am bucurat |
What about you? | și tu? |
What are you doing? | ce faci? |
What did you say? | ce ai spus? |
What do you need? | de ce ai nevoie? |
What do you think? | ce crezi? |
What do you want? | ce vrei? |
What happened? | Ce s-a întâmplat? |
What is that? | ce este asta? |
When was she born? | cand ea s-a nascut? |
When will we arrive? | cand vom ajunge? |
Where are you? | unde esti? |
Where does it hurt? | Unde te doare? |
Where is my book? | unde este cartea mea? |
Where is the river? | unde este raul? |
Who broke this? | cine a spart asta? |
Why are you crying? | de ce plângi? |
I can't see anything | nu pot vedea nimic |
I disagree with you | nu sunt de acord cu tine |
I like it very much | imi place foarte mult |
I need more time | am nevoie de mai mult timp |
I want to sleep | vreau sa dorm |
I'm able to swim | sunt capabil să înot |
I'm not a doctor | nu sunt doctor |
I'm taller than you | sunt mai înalt decât tine |
I'm very sad | Sunt foarte trist |
Is he a teacher? | este profesor? |
Is she married? | este ea maritată? |
Is this book yours? | aceasta carte este a ta? |
Let's ask the teacher | să-l întrebăm pe profesor |
Let's go out and eat | hai sa iesim si sa mancam |
Let's go to a movie | hai sa mergem la un film |
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Romanian Vocabulary