Daily use common Scots gaelic Sentences and Phrases

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To learn Scots gaelic language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Scots gaelic translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Scots gaelic language quickly and also play some Scots gaelic word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Scots gaelic.

Daily use common Scots gaelic Sentences and Phrases

Scots gaelic sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Scots gaelic language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

ThanksMòran taing
EnjoyGabh tlachd
FineGu math
CongratulationsMealaibh ur naidheachd
I hate youTha fuath agam dhut
I love youTha gaol agam ort
I’m in lovetha mi ann an gaol
I’m sorryTha mi duilich
I’m so sorrytha mi cho duilich
I’m yoursTha mi leatsa
Thanks againTaing a-rithist
How are youCiamar a tha thu
I am fineTha mi ceart gu leòr
Take careBi faiceallach
I miss youTha mi gad ionndrainn
You're niceTha thu snog
That’s terribleTha sin uamhasach
That's too badTha sin ro dhona
That's too muchTha sin cus
See youBidh mi gad fhaicinn
Thank youTapadh leat
Thank you sirTapadh leat sir
Are you freeA bheil thu saor
No problemChan eil duilgheadas ann
Get well soonAn dòchas gum bi thu nas fheàrr a dh’aithghearr
Very goodFìor mhath
Well doneS math a rinn thu
What’s upDè tha ceàrr
I can't hear youChan urrainn dhomh do chluinntinn
I can't stopChan urrainn dhomh stad
I knowTha fios agam
Good byeMar sin leat
Good ideaDeagh bheachd
Good luckBeannachd leat
You are lateTha thu fadalach
Who is next?Cò an ath rud?
Who is she?Cò i?
Who is that man?Cò e am fear sin?
Who built it?Cò thog e?
They hurtTha iad air an goirteachadh
She got angryDh’fhàs i feargach
She is a teacherTha i na tidsear
She is aggressiveTha i ionnsaigheach
She is attractiveTha i tarraingeach
She is beautifulTha i brèagha
She is cryingTha i a’ caoineadh
She is happyTha i toilichte
No way!Cha bhi idir!
No worriesGun dragh sam bith
No, thank youChan eil, tapadh leat
I'm so happytha mi cho toilichte
I'm hungryTha an t-acras orm
I'm able to runIs urrainn dhomh ruith
I agreeTha mi ag aontachadh
I can swimIs urrainn dhomh snàmh
I can't comeChan urrainn dhomh tighinn
He got angryDh’fhàs e feargach
He was aloneBha e na aonar
He was braveBha e treun
He likes to swimIs toil leis a bhith a’ snàmh
Don't be angryNa bi feargach
Don't be sadNa bi brònach
Don't cryNa bith a’ gul
Come inThig a-steach
Come onSiuthad
Can you come?Am faod thu tighinn?
Can I help?Am faod mi cuideachadh?
Can I eat this?Am faod mi seo ithe?
Can I help you?An urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh?
Can I see?Am faic mi?
Are you going?A bheil thu a'dol?
Are you hungry?A bheil an t-acras ort?
Are you mad?A bheil thu craicte?
Are you serious?A bheil thu trom?
Are you sleeping?A bheil thu nad chadal?
Can you do this?An urrainn dhut seo a dhèanamh?
Can you help me?An urrainn dhut mo chuideachadh?
Can you tell me?An urrainn dhut Innis dhomh?
Come on tomorrowThig a-màireach
Come quicklyThig gu sgiobalta
Could I help you?Am b' urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh?
Could you tell me?Am b’ urrainn dhut innse dhomh?
Do not disturb!Na cuir dragh ort!
Do you hear me?An cluinn thu mi?
Do you smoke?A bheil thu a' smocadh?
Have you eaten?An do dh'ith thu?
Have you finished?A bheil thu deiseil?
He can run fastFaodaidh e ruith gu luath
He began to runThòisich e air ruith
He did not speakCha do bhruidhinn e
His eyes are blueTha a shùilean gorm
His smile was goodBha a ghàire math
How is your life?Ciamar a tha do bheatha?
How is your family?Ciamar a tha do theaghlach?
I am a students e oileanach a th 'annam
I am going to studyTha mi a’ dol a sgrùdadh
I am not a teacherChan e tidsear a th’ annam
I am sorryTha mi duilich
I believe youTha mi gad chreidsinn
I can do this jobIs urrainn dhomh an obair seo a dhèanamh
I can run fasterIs urrainn dhomh ruith nas luaithe
I can’t believe itChan urrainn dhomh a chreidsinn
It happensBidh e a’ tachairt
It is newTha e ùr
It is a long storyIs e sgeulachd fhada a th’ ann
It looks like an birdTha e coltach ri eun
It really takes timeTha e dha-rìribh a’ toirt ùine
It was really cheapBha e gu math saor
It was so noisyBha e cho fuaimneach
It was very difficultBha e gu math duilich
It wasn't expensiveCha robh e daor
It wasn't necessaryCha robh feum air
Let me checkLeig dhomh sgrùdadh
Let me sayLeig leam a ràdh
Let me seeLeig dhomh faicinn
May I come in?Am faod mi tighinn a-staigh?
May I help you?Am faod mi do chuideachadh?
May I join you?Am faod mi tighinn còmhla ribh?
May I speak?Am faod mi bruidhinn?
May I eat this?Am faod mi seo ithe?
My father is tallTha m’ athair àrd
My sister has a jobTha obair aig mo phiuthar
My sister is famousTha mo phiuthar ainmeil
My wife is a doctorTha mo bhean na dotair
No, I'll eat laterChan e, ithidh mi nas fhaide air adhart
Please come inFeuch thigibh a-staigh
Please do that againFeuch an dèan thu sin a-rithist
Please give meThoir dhomh
She admired himBha meas aice air
She avoids meTha i gam sheachnadh
She came lastThàinig i mu dheireadh
She goes to schoolTha i a’ dol dhan sgoil
That house is bigTha an taigh sin mòr
That is a good ideaIs e deagh bheachd a tha sin
That is my bookSin an leabhar agam
That is my sonSin mo mhac
The dog is deadTha an cù marbh
The river is wideTha an abhainn farsaing
There is no doubtChan eil teagamh sam bith
They are playingTha iad a' cluich
They are prettyTha iad breagha
They got marriedPhòs iad
They have few booksTha beagan leabhraichean aca
They stopped talkingSguir iad a bhruidhinn
This is my friendSeo mo charaid
This bird can't flyChan urrainn dhan eun seo itealaich
This decision is finalTha an co-dhùnadh seo deireannach
This is my bookSeo mo leabhar
This is my brotherSeo mo bhràthair
This is my daughterSeo mo nighean
This is not a jokeChan e fealla-dhà a tha seo
This is surprisingTha seo na iongnadh
This river is beautifulTha an abhainn seo àlainn
This story is trueTha an sgeulachd seo fìor
We are happyTha sinn toilichte
Will it rain today?Am bi an t-uisge ann an-diugh?
Will you go on a trip?An tèid thu air turas?
Will she come?An tig i?
Would you kill me?Am marbhadh tu mi?
Would you love me?Am biodh gaol agad orm?
Would you come here?An tigeadh tu an seo?
You are a teacherTha thu nad thidsear
You are very beautifulTha thu air leth bòidheach
You are very braveTha thu gu math gaisgeil
You broke the rulesBhris thu na riaghailtean
You love meTha gaol agad orm
you love me or nottha gaol agad orm no nach eil
You make me happyTha thu gam fhàgail toilichte
You may goFaodaidh tu falbh
You should sleepBu chòir dhut cadal
You must study hardFeumaidh tu ionnsachadh gu cruaidh
Whose idea is this?Cò am beachd a tha seo?
Thanks for your helpTapadh leibh airson do chuideachadh
Thank you for comingTapadh leibh airson tighinn
How about youDè mu do dheidhinn fhèin
How is your familyCiamar a tha do theaghlach
How to SayCiamar a Chanainn
Good morningMadainn mhath
Good afternoonFeasgar math
Good eveningFeasgar math
Good nightOidhche mhath
Happy birthdayCo-là-breith math
Happy ChristmasNollaig Chridheil
Happy new yearBliadhna mhath ùr
Good to see youS math d'fhaicinn
I don't like itCha toil leam e
I have no ideaChan eil beachd sam bith agam
I know everythingTha fios agam air a h-uile càil
I know somethingTha fios agam air rudeigin
Thank you so muchMòran taing gu dearbh
Thanks a millionMòran taing
See you laterChì mi fhathast thu
See you next weekChì mi thu an ath sheachdain
See you next yearChì mi an ath-bhliadhna thu
See you soonChì mi thu a dh’ aithghearr
See you tomorrowChì mi thu a-màireach
Sweet dreamsCaidil gu dòigheil
I’m crazy about youTha mi craicte mu do dheidhinn
I'm crazy with youTha mi craicte leat
Nice to meet youMath coinneachadh riut
It's very cheapTha e gu math saor
Just a momentDìreach mionaid
Not necessarilyChan eil gu feum
That’s a good dealTha sin math
You're beautifulTha thu bòidheach
You're very niceTha thu gu math snog
You're very smartTha thu gu math spaideil
I really appreciate itTha mi a’ cur luach mòr air
I really miss youtha mi gad ionndrainn gu mòr

Hard sentences

What is your nameDè an t-ainm a th’ ort
Which is correct?Cò tha ceart?
Will you please help me?An cuidich thu mi le do thoil?
Will you stay at home?Am fuirich thu aig an taigh?
Do you need anything?A bheil dad a dhìth ort?
Do you need this book?A bheil feum agad air an leabhar seo?
Are you feeling better?A bheil thu a’ faireachdainn nas fheàrr?
Are you writing a letter?A bheil thu a’ sgrìobhadh litir?
Come and see me nowThig agus faic mi a-nis
Come with your familyThig còmhla ri do theaghlach
I'm very busy this weekTha mi gu math trang an t-seachdain seo
There is a lot of moneyTha tòrr airgid ann
They are good peopleTha iad nan daoine math
We need some moneyFeumaidh sinn beagan airgid
What is your destination?Dè an ceann-uidhe a th' agad?
What are you doing today?Dè tha thu a' dèanamh an-diugh?
What are you reading?Dè tha thu a' leughadh?
What can I do for you?Dè as urrainn dhomh a dhèanamh dhut?
What is the problem?Dè an duilgheadas a th’ ann?
What is the story?Dè an sgeulachd a th’ ann?
What is your problem?Dè an duilgheadas a th’ agad?
What was that noise?Dè an fhuaim a bha sin?
When can we eat?Cuin as urrainn dhuinn ithe?
When do you study?Cuin a bhios tu ag ionnsachadh?
When was it finished?Cuin a bha e deiseil?
How about your familyDè mu dheidhinn do theaghlach
Do you understand?A bheil thu a’ tuigsinn?
Do you love me?A bheil gaol agad orm?
Don't talk about workNa bruidhinn mu dheidhinn obair
How can I help you?Ciamar as urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh?
How deep is the lake?Dè cho domhainn 'sa tha an loch?
I'm not disturbing youChan eil mi a’ cur dragh ort
I'm proud of my sonTha mi moiteil às mo mhac
I'm sorry to disturb youTha mi duilich dragh a chuir ort
Is something wrong?A bheil rudeigin ceàrr?
May I open the door?Am faod mi an doras fhosgladh?
Thanks for everythingMòran taing airson a h-uile rud
This is very difficultTha seo gu math duilich
This is very importantTha seo glè chudromach
Where are you fromCò às a tha thu
Do you have any ideaA bheil beachd sam bith agad
I love you so muchTha gràdh cho mòr agam ort
I love you very muchTha gaol mòr agam ort
I’m in love with youTha mi ann an gaol leat
I missed you so muchBha mi gad ionndrainn gu mòr
Let me think about itLeig leam smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn
Thank you very muchMòran taing
I can't stop thinkingChan urrainn dhomh stad a bhith a’ smaoineachadh
Will you stop talking?An sguir thu de bhruidhinn?
Would you like to go?Am bu toil leat a dhol?
Would you teach me?An ionnsaich thu dhomh?
Where is your room?Càit a bheil an seòmar agad?
Where should we go?Càite am bu chòir dhuinn a dhol?
Where is your house?Càit a bheil an taigh agad?
Please close the doorFeuch an dùin thu an doras
She agreed to my ideaDh’ aontaich i ri mo bheachd
That boy is intelligentTha am balach sin tuigseach
It was a very big roomB’ e seòmar glè mhòr a bh’ ann
He can swim very fastFaodaidh e snàmh gu math luath
He accepted my ideaGhabh e ris a’ bheachd agam
They loved each otherBha gaol aca air a chèile
When will you reach?Cuin a ruigeas tu?
Where are you from?Cò às a tha thu?
Where are you going?Càite a bheil thu a’ dol?
We love each otherTha gaol againn air a chèile
We obeyed the rulesGhlèidh sinn ris na riaghailtean
We started to walkThòisich sinn air coiseachd
We will never agreeCha bhith sinn ag aontachadh gu bràth
We can make changeFaodaidh sinn atharrachadh a dhèanamh
We cook everydayBidh sinn a 'còcaireachd gach latha
We enjoyed itChòrd e rinn
What about you?Dè mu do dheidhinn fhèin?
What are you doing?Dè a tha thu a’ dèanamh?
What did you say?Dè thuirt thu?
What do you need?Dè tha a dhìth ort?
What do you think?Dè tha thu a’ smaoineachadh?
What do you want?Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?
What happened?Dè a thachair?
What is that?Dè a tha sin?
When was she born?Cuin a rugadh i?
When will we arrive?Cuin a ruigeas sinn?
Where are you?Càite a bheil thu?
Where does it hurt?Càite a bheil e ga ghoirteachadh?
Where is my book?Càite bheil an leabhar agam?
Where is the river?Càite bheil an abhainn?
Who broke this?Cò a bhris seo?
Why are you crying?Carson a tha thu a’ caoineadh?
I can't see anythingChan urrainn dhomh dad fhaicinn
I disagree with youChan eil mi ag aontachadh riut
I like it very muchTha e a’ còrdadh rium gu mòr
I need more timeFeumaidh mi barrachd ùine
I want to sleepTha mi ag iarraidh cadal
I'm able to swimIs urrainn dhomh snàmh
I'm not a doctorChan e dotair a th’ annam
I'm taller than youTha mi nas àirde na thu
I'm very sadTha mi gu math brònach
Is he a teacher?An e tidsear a th’ ann?
Is she married?A bheil i pòsta?
Is this book yours?An ann leatsa a tha an leabhar seo?
Let's ask the teacherIarraidh sinn air an tidsear
Let's go out and eatRachamaid a-mach agus ith sinn
Let's go to a movieRachamaid gu film

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedCha deach gabhail ris a bheachd
His proposals were adopted at the meetingChaidh gabhail ris na molaidhean aige aig a’ choinneimh
How do you come to school?Ciamar a thig thu dhan sgoil?
If I had money, I could buy itNam biodh airgead agam, b’ urrainn dhomh a cheannach
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneMa tha thu ag iarraidh peansail, bheir mi iasad dhut
If he comes, ask him to waitMa thig e, iarr air feitheamh
If it rains, we will get wetMa tha an t-uisge ann, bidh sinn fliuch
If I studied, I would pass the examNam bithinn ag ionnsachadh, bhithinn a’ dol seachad air an deuchainn
My hair has grown too longTha m’ fhalt air fàs ro fhada
My mother is always at homeTha mo mhàthair an-còmhnaidh aig an taigh
There are many fish in this lakeTha mòran iasg anns an loch seo
There are many problems to solveTha mòran dhuilgheadasan ri fhuasgladh
There are some books on the deskTha cuid de leabhraichean air an deasg
There is nothing wrong with himChan eil dad ceàrr air
There was a sudden change in the weatherThàinig atharrachadh gu h-obann air an aimsir
There was nobody in the gardenCha robh duine anns a’ ghàrradh
There was nobody thereCha robh duine ann
There were five murders this monthBha còig mort ann air a' mhìos seo chaidh
They admire each otherBidh iad a 'toirt meas air a chèile
They agreed to work togetherDh’aontaich iad obrachadh còmhla
They are both good teachersTha iad le chèile nan tidsearan math
We want something newTha sinn ag iarraidh rudeigin ùr
We should be very carefulBu chòir dhuinn a bhith gu math faiceallach
When can I see you next time?Cuin a chì mi thu an ath thuras?
When did you finish the work?Cuin a chrìochnaich thu an obair?
When will you harvest your wheat?Cuin a bhuaineas tu do chruithneachd?
Where do you want to go?Càit a bheil thu airson a dhol?
Where is the pretty girl?Càit a bheil an nighean bhòidheach?
Which food do you like?Dè am biadh as toil leat?
Which is more important?Dè tha nas cudromaiche?
Which one is more expensive?Dè am fear a tha nas daoire?
Which way is the nearest?Dè an dòigh as fhaisge?
Which is your favorite team?Dè an sgioba as fheàrr leat?
Which languages do you speak?Dè na cànanan a bhruidhneas tu?
Which team will win the game?Dè an sgioba a bhuannaicheas an geama?
Why are you drying your hair?Carson a tha thu a’ tiormachadh do fhalt?
Why are you late?Carson a tha thu fadalach?
Why did you get so angry?Carson a bha thu cho feargach?
Why did you quit?Carson a leig thu às?
Why don't you come in?Carson nach tig thu a-steach?

Why were you late this morning?Carson a bha thu fadalach sa mhadainn?
Why are you so tired today?Carson a tha thu cho sgìth an-diugh?
Would you like to dance with me?Am bu toil leat dannsa còmhla rium?
Would you come tomorrow?An tigeadh tu a-màireach?
You are always complainingTha thu an-còmhnaidh a 'gearan
Thanks for your explanationTapadh leibh airson do mhìneachadh
Thanks for the complimentTapadh leibh airson a 'mholadh
Thanks for the informationTapadh leibh airson an fhiosrachaidh
Thanks for your understandingTapadh leibh airson do thuigse
Thank you for supporting meTapadh leibh airson taic a thoirt dhomh
I really miss you so muchTha mi gad ionndrainn cho mòr
Happy valentine’s dayLatha Valentine sona dhut
Whose decision was final?Cò an co-dhùnadh a bha deireannach?
Whose life is in danger?Cò am beatha a tha ann an cunnart?
You are a good teacherTha thu nad thidsear math
You can read this bookFaodaidh tu an leabhar seo a leughadh
You don't understand meChan eil thu gam thuigsinn
You have to study hardFeumaidh tu ionnsachadh gu cruaidh
Where do you have pain?Càite a bheil pian ort?
They are both in the roomTha iad le chèile anns an rùm
That house is very smallTha an taigh sin glè bheag
Please give me your handFeuch an toir thu dhomh do làmh
Please go to the schoolFeuch gun tèid sibh dhan sgoil
Please sit here and waitFeuch an suidh thu an seo agus fuirich
Please speak more slowlyFeuch am bruidhinn thu nas slaodaich
My father is in his roomTha m’ athair anns an rùm aige
May I ask you something?Am faod mi rudeigin iarraidh ort?
May I ask you a question?Am faod mi ceist fhaighneachd dhut?
Is the job still available?A bheil an obair fhathast ri fhaighinn?
I arrived there too earlyRàinig mi sin ro thràth
Do you have a family?A bheil teaghlach agad?
Do you have any problem?A bheil duilgheadas sam bith agad?
Do you have any idea?A bheil beachd sam bith agad?
Did you finish the job?An do chrìochnaich thu an obair?
Did you like the movie?An do chòrd am film riut?
Are we ready to go now?A bheil sinn deiseil airson falbh a-nis?
Would you like to come?Am bu toil leat tighinn?
I don't speak very wellChan eil mi a’ bruidhinn glè mhath
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

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