Daily use common Slovak Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Slovak language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Slovak sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Slovak translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Slovak language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Slovak language quickly and also play some Slovak word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Slovak.

Slovak sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Slovak language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Vitajte |
Thanks | Vďaka |
Good | Dobre |
Enjoy | Užite si to |
Fine | Dobre |
Congratulations | gratulujem |
I hate you | nenávidím ťa |
I love you | Ľúbim ťa |
I’m in love | som zamilovaný |
I’m sorry | Prepáč |
I’m so sorry | je mi to tak ľúto |
I’m yours | som tvoj |
Thanks again | Ešte raz ďakujem |
How are you | Ako sa máš |
I am fine | mám sa dobre |
Take care | opatruj sa |
I miss you | chýbaš mi |
You're nice | Si milý |
That’s terrible | To je hrozné |
That's too bad | To je príliš zlé |
That's too much | To je príliš veľa |
See you | Maj sa |
Thank you | Ďakujem |
Thank you sir | Vďaka, Pane |
Are you free | Si voľný |
No problem | Žiaden problém |
Get well soon | Čoskoro sa uzdrav |
Very good | Veľmi dobre |
Well done | Výborne |
What’s up | Čo sa deje |
I can't hear you | nepočujem ťa |
I can't stop | Nemôžem prestať |
I know | viem |
Good bye | Zbohom |
Good idea | Dobrý nápad |
Good luck | Veľa štastia |
You are late | Meškáš |
Who is next? | Kto je narade? |
Who is she? | Kto je ona? |
Who is that man? | Kto je ten muž? |
Who built it? | Kto to postavil? |
They hurt | Bolia |
She got angry | Nahnevala sa |
She is a teacher | Ona je učiteľkou |
She is aggressive | Je agresívna |
She is attractive | Je atraktívna |
She is beautiful | Ona je krasna |
She is crying | Ona plače |
She is happy | Ona je šťastná |
No way! | V žiadnom prípade! |
No worries | Žiaden strach |
No, thank you | Nie ďakujem |
It is new | je nový |
It is a long story | Je to dlhý príbeh |
It looks like an bird | Vyzerá ako vták |
It really takes time | Naozaj to chce čas |
It was really cheap | Bolo to naozaj lacné |
It was so noisy | Bolo to také hlučné |
It was very difficult | Bolo to veľmi ťažké |
It wasn't expensive | Nebolo to drahé |
It wasn't necessary | Nebolo to nutné |
Let me check | Nechajte ma skontrolovať |
Let me say | Nechaj ma povedať |
Let me see | Dovoľ mi pozrieť sa |
May I come in? | Môžem vojsť? |
May I help you? | Môžem ti pomôcť? |
May I join you? | Môžem sa pridať? |
May I speak? | Môžem hovoriť? |
May I eat this? | Môžem to jesť? |
My father is tall | Môj otec je vysoký |
My sister has a job | Moja sestra má prácu |
My sister is famous | Moja sestra je slávna |
My wife is a doctor | Moja žena je lekárka |
No, I'll eat later | Nie, budem jesť neskôr |
Please come in | Prosím poď ďalej |
Please do that again | Prosím, urobte to znova |
Please give me | Prosím daj mi |
She admired him | Obdivovala ho |
She avoids me | Vyhýba sa mi |
She came last | Prišla posledná |
She goes to school | Ona ide do školy |
That house is big | Ten dom je veľký |
That is a good idea | To je dobrý nápad |
That is my book | To je moja kniha |
That is my son | To je môj syn |
The dog is dead | Pes je mŕtvy |
The river is wide | Rieka je široká |
There is no doubt | Niet pochýb |
They are playing | Oni sa hraju |
They are pretty | Sú pekné |
They got married | Zobrali sa |
They have few books | Majú málo kníh |
They stopped talking | Prestali sa rozprávať |
This is my friend | Toto je môj priateľ |
This bird can't fly | Tento vták nevie lietať |
This decision is final | Toto rozhodnutie je konečné |
This is my book | Toto je moja kniha |
This is my brother | Toto je môj brat |
This is my daughter | Toto je moja dcéra |
This is not a joke | Toto nie je vtip |
This is surprising | To je prekvapujúce |
This river is beautiful | Táto rieka je krásna |
This story is true | Tento príbeh je pravdivý |
We are happy | Sme radi |
Will it rain today? | Bude dnes pršať? |
Will you go on a trip? | Pôjdete na výlet? |
Will she come? | Príde? |
Would you kill me? | Zabil by si ma? |
Would you love me? | Miloval by si ma? |
Would you come here? | Prišli by ste sem? |
You are a teacher | Si učiteľ |
You are very beautiful | Si veľmi krásna |
You are very brave | Si veľmi odvážny |
You broke the rules | Porušil si pravidlá |
You love me | Miluješ ma |
you love me or not | miluješ ma alebo nie |
You make me happy | Robíš ma šťastným |
You may go | Môžeš ísť |
You should sleep | Mal by si spať |
You must study hard | Musíte tvrdo študovať |
Whose idea is this? | Koho je to nápad? |
Thanks for your help | Vďaka za vašu pomoc |
Thank you for coming | Ďakujem, že ste prišli |
How about you | A čo ty |
How is your family | Ako sa má tvoja rodina |
How to Say | Ako to povedať |
Good morning | Dobré ráno |
Good afternoon | Dobrý deň |
Good evening | Dobrý večer |
Good night | Dobrú noc |
Happy birthday | Šťastné narodeniny |
Happy Christmas | Veselé Vianoce |
Happy new year | Šťastný nový rok |
Good to see you | Rád ťa vidím |
I don't like it | mne sa to nepaci |
I have no idea | netuším |
I know everything | viem všetko |
I know something | niečo viem |
Thank you so much | Ďakujem ti veľmi pekne |
Thanks a million | Tisíceré vďaka |
See you later | Vidíme sa neskôr |
See you next week | Uvidíme sa budúci týždeň |
See you next year | Vidíme sa budúci rok |
See you soon | Do skorého videnia |
See you tomorrow | Uvidíme sa zajtra |
Sweet dreams | Sladké sny |
I’m crazy about you | Som do teba blázon |
I'm crazy with you | Som do teba blázon |
Nice to meet you | Rád som ťa spoznal |
It's very cheap | Je to veľmi lacné |
Just a moment | Len chvílu |
Not necessarily | Nie nevyhnutne |
That’s a good deal | To je dobrý obchod |
You're beautiful | Si krásna |
You're very nice | Si veľmi milý |
You're very smart | Si veľmi šikovný |
I really appreciate it | Naozaj si toho vážim |
I really miss you | Naozaj mi chýbaš |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Slovak Vocabulary