Daily use common Slovenian Sentences and Phrases
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To learn Slovenian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Slovenian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Slovenian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Slovenian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Slovenian language quickly and also play some Slovenian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Slovenian.

Slovenian sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Slovenian language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | dobrodošli |
Thanks | hvala |
Good | Dobro |
Enjoy | Uživajte |
Fine | Globa |
Congratulations | čestitke |
I hate you | sovražim te |
I love you | Ljubim te |
I’m in love | zaljubljen sem |
I’m sorry | žal mi je |
I’m so sorry | Zelo mi je žal |
I’m yours | tvoj sem |
Thanks again | Hvala še enkrat |
How are you | kako si |
I am fine | v redu sem |
Take care | pazi nase |
I miss you | pogrešam te |
You're nice | Prijazen si |
That’s terrible | To je grozno |
That's too bad | To je pa res škoda |
That's too much | To je preveč |
See you | Se vidiva |
Thank you | Hvala vam |
Thank you sir | Hvala, gospod |
Are you free | Ali si prost |
No problem | Brez težav |
Get well soon | Kmalu ozdravi |
Very good | Zelo dobro |
Well done | Dobro opravljeno |
What’s up | Kaj se dogaja |
I can't hear you | Ne slišim te |
I can't stop | Ne morem nehati |
I know | Vem |
Good bye | adijo |
Good idea | Dobra ideja |
Good luck | Vso srečo |
You are late | Pozen si |
Who is next? | Kdo je naslednji? |
Who is she? | Kdo je ona? |
Who is that man? | Kdo je tisti človek? |
Who built it? | Kdo ga je zgradil? |
They hurt | Bolijo |
She got angry | Razjezila se je |
She is a teacher | Ona je učiteljica |
She is aggressive | Je agresivna |
She is attractive | Privlačna je |
She is beautiful | Ona je lepa |
She is crying | ona joka |
She is happy | Srečna je |
No way! | Ni šans! |
No worries | Brez skrbi |
No, thank you | Ne, hvala |
I'm so happy | Tako sem srečna |
I'm hungry | lačen sem |
I'm able to run | Lahko tečem |
I agree | strinjam se |
I can swim | znam plavati |
I can't come | Ne morem priti |
He got angry | Razjezil se je |
He was alone | Bil je sam |
He was brave | Bil je pogumen |
He likes to swim | Rad plava |
Don't be angry | Ne bodi jezna |
Don't be sad | Ne bodi žalosten |
Don't cry | ne joči |
Come in | Vstopi |
Come on | pridi no |
Can you come? | Lahko prideš? |
Can I help? | Lahko pomagam? |
Can I eat this? | Ali lahko to jem? |
Can I help you? | Ti lahko pomagam? |
Can I see? | Lahko vidim? |
Are you going? | Ali greš? |
Are you hungry? | Si lačen? |
Are you mad? | Si jezen? |
Are you serious? | misliš resno |
Are you sleeping? | Ali spiš? |
Can you do this? | Ali lahko to storiš? |
Can you help me? | Mi lahko pomagaš? |
Can you tell me? | Mi lahko poveš? |
Come on tomorrow | Pridi jutri |
Come quickly | Pridi hitro |
Could I help you? | Vam lahko pomagam? |
Could you tell me? | Mi lahko poveste? |
Do not disturb! | Ne moti! |
Do you hear me? | Ali me slišiš? |
Do you smoke? | Ali kadiš? |
Have you eaten? | Si jedel? |
Have you finished? | Ali si končal? |
He can run fast | Lahko teče hitro |
He began to run | Začel je bežati |
He did not speak | Ni spregovoril |
His eyes are blue | Njegove oči so modre |
His smile was good | Njegov nasmeh je bil dober |
How is your life? | Kako je tvoje življenje? |
How is your family? | Kako je tvoja družina? |
I am a student | jaz sem študent |
I am going to study | grem študirat |
I am not a teacher | Nisem učitelj |
I am sorry | žal mi je |
I believe you | verjamem ti |
I can do this job | Lahko opravljam to delo |
I can run faster | Lahko tečem hitreje |
I can’t believe it | Ne morem verjeti |
It happens | Zgodi se |
It is new | Je nov |
It is a long story | To je dolga zgodba |
It looks like an bird | Videti je kot ptica |
It really takes time | Res zahteva čas |
It was really cheap | Bilo je res poceni |
It was so noisy | Bilo je tako hrupno |
It was very difficult | Bilo je zelo težko |
It wasn't expensive | Ni bilo drago |
It wasn't necessary | Ni bilo potrebno |
Let me check | Naj preverim |
Let me say | Naj povem |
Let me see | Naj pogledam |
May I come in? | Smem vstopiti? |
May I help you? | Ti lahko pomagam? |
May I join you? | Se vam lahko pridružim? |
May I speak? | Lahko govorim? |
May I eat this? | Ali lahko to pojem? |
My father is tall | Moj oče je visok |
My sister has a job | Moja sestra ima službo |
My sister is famous | Moja sestra je znana |
My wife is a doctor | Moja žena je zdravnica |
No, I'll eat later | Ne, jedel bom kasneje |
Please come in | Naprej, prosim |
Please do that again | Prosim, ponovi to |
Please give me | Prosim daj mi |
She admired him | Občudovala ga je |
She avoids me | Ona se me izogiba |
She came last | Prišla je zadnja |
She goes to school | Hodi v šolo |
That house is big | Ta hiša je velika |
That is a good idea | To je dobra ideja |
That is my book | To je moja knjiga |
That is my son | To je moj sin |
The dog is dead | Pes je mrtev |
The river is wide | Reka je široka |
There is no doubt | Ni dvoma |
They are playing | Oni se igrajo |
They are pretty | Lepe so |
They got married | Poročila sta se |
They have few books | Imajo malo knjig |
They stopped talking | Nehala sta govoriti |
This is my friend | To je moj prijatelj |
This bird can't fly | Ta ptica ne more leteti |
This decision is final | Ta odločba je dokončna |
This is my book | To je moja knjiga |
This is my brother | To je moj brat |
This is my daughter | To je moja hči |
This is not a joke | To ni šala |
This is surprising | To je presenetljivo |
This river is beautiful | Ta reka je lepa |
This story is true | Ta zgodba je resnična |
We are happy | Srečni smo |
Will it rain today? | Bo danes deževalo? |
Will you go on a trip? | Boste šli na izlet? |
Hard sentences
Difficult sentences
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Slovenian Vocabulary