Daily use common Spanish Sentences and Phrases
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¤ Easy sentences¤ Hard sentences
¤ Difficult sentences
¤ Sentences start with
¤ 1000 words
¤ Picture Dictionary
To learn Spanish language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Spanish sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Spanish translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Spanish language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Spanish language quickly and also play some Spanish word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Spanish.

Spanish sentences and phrases
The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Spanish language with their pronunciation in English.
Easy sentences
Welcome | Bienvenido |
Thanks | Gracias |
Good | Bueno |
Enjoy | Disfrutar |
Fine | Multa |
Congratulations | Felicidades |
I hate you | te odio |
I love you | Te quiero |
I’m in love | Estoy enamorado |
I’m sorry | Lo siento |
I’m so sorry | lo siento mucho |
I’m yours | Soy tuyo |
Thanks again | gracias de nuevo |
How are you | Cómo estás |
I am fine | Estoy bien |
Take care | Cuídate |
I miss you | Te echo de menos |
You're nice | Eres agradable |
That’s terrible | Eso es terrible |
That's too bad | Eso es muy malo |
That's too much | Eso es demasiado |
See you | Nos vemos |
Thank you | Gracias |
Thank you sir | Gracias Señor |
Are you free | Estás libre |
No problem | No hay problema |
Get well soon | Mejorate pronto |
Very good | Muy bueno |
Well done | Bien hecho |
What’s up | Qué pasa |
I can't hear you | No puedo escucharte |
I can't stop | No puedo parar |
I know | sé |
Good bye | Adiós |
Good idea | Buena idea |
Good luck | Buena suerte |
You are late | llegas tarde |
Who is next? | quién es el siguiente? |
Who is she? | quien es ella? |
Who is that man? | Quien es ese hombre? |
Who built it? | quien lo construyó? |
They hurt | duelen |
She got angry | ella se enojó |
She is a teacher | ella es una maestra |
She is aggressive | ella es agresiva |
She is attractive | ella es atractiva |
She is beautiful | ella es hermosa |
She is crying | ella está llorando |
She is happy | ella es feliz |
No way! | de ninguna manera! |
No worries | no hay problema |
No, thank you | no gracias |
I'm so happy | Estoy tan feliz |
I'm hungry | tengo hambre |
I'm able to run | puedo correr |
I agree | estoy de acuerdo |
I can swim | puedo nadar |
I can't come | no puedo venir |
He got angry | El se pusó enojado |
He was alone | él estaba solo |
He was brave | el fue valiente |
He likes to swim | a El legusta nadar |
Don't be angry | no te enojes |
Don't be sad | no estés triste |
Don't cry | no llores |
Come in | Adelante |
Come on | vamos |
Can you come? | puedes venir? |
Can I help? | puedo ayudar? |
Can I eat this? | Puedo comer esto? |
Can I help you? | puedo ayudarte? |
Can I see? | Puedo ver? |
Are you going? | Vas a ir? |
Are you hungry? | tienes hambre? |
Are you mad? | estas loco? |
Are you serious? | Hablas en serio? |
Are you sleeping? | Duermes? |
Can you do this? | puedes hacer esto? |
Can you help me? | me puedes ayudar? |
Can you tell me? | Usted pude decirme? |
Come on tomorrow | vamos mañana |
Come quickly | ven rápido |
Could I help you? | podria ayudarte? |
Could you tell me? | Podría decirme? |
Do not disturb! | No molestar! |
Do you hear me? | Me escuchas? |
Do you smoke? | Fuma usted? |
Have you eaten? | Has comido? |
Have you finished? | Has terminado? |
He can run fast | Él puede correr rápido |
He began to run | el empezó a correr |
He did not speak | el no hablo |
His eyes are blue | sus ojos son azules |
His smile was good | su sonrisa era buena |
How is your life? | cómo es su vida? |
How is your family? | Cómo está tu familia? |
I am a student | soy un estudiante |
I am going to study | voy a estudiar |
I am not a teacher | Yo no soy un maestro |
I am sorry | Lo siento |
I believe you | Te creo |
I can do this job | puedo hacer este trabajo |
I can run faster | puedo correr más rápido |
I can’t believe it | no puedo creerlo |
It happens | Sucede |
It is new | es nuevo |
It is a long story | es una larga historia |
It looks like an bird | parece un pájaro |
It really takes time | realmente lleva tiempo |
It was really cheap | era realmente barato |
It was so noisy | era tan ruidoso |
It was very difficult | fue muy difícil |
It wasn't expensive | no fue caro |
It wasn't necessary | no era necesario |
Let me check | permítame verificar |
Let me say | déjame decir |
Let me see | déjeme ver |
May I come in? | Puedo pasar? |
May I help you? | Puedo ayudarlo? |
May I join you? | puedo unirme a ustedes? |
May I speak? | puedo hablar? |
May I eat this? | puedo comer esto? |
My father is tall | mi padre es alto |
My sister has a job | mi hermana tiene un trabajo |
My sister is famous | mi hermana es famosa |
My wife is a doctor | Mi esposa es doctora |
No, I'll eat later | no, comeré más tarde |
Please come in | Por favor entra |
Please do that again | por favor haz eso de nuevo |
Please give me | por favor dame |
She admired him | ella lo admiraba |
She avoids me | ella me evita |
She came last | ella fue la última |
She goes to school | ella va a la escuela |
That house is big | esa casa es grande |
That is a good idea | eso es una buena idea |
That is my book | éste es mi libro |
That is my son | ese es mi hijo |
The dog is dead | el perro esta muerto |
The river is wide | el río es ancho |
There is no doubt | no hay duda |
They are playing | ellos están jugando |
They are pretty | ellos son bonitos |
They got married | se casaron |
They have few books | tienen pocos libros |
They stopped talking | dejaron de hablar |
This is my friend | este es mi amigo |
This bird can't fly | este pájaro no puede volar |
This decision is final | esta decisión es final |
This is my book | este es mi libro |
This is my brother | este es mi hermano |
This is my daughter | esta es mi hija |
This is not a joke | Esto no es una broma |
This is surprising | esto es sorprendente |
This river is beautiful | este río es hermoso |
This story is true | esta historia es verdad |
We are happy | estamos felices |
Will it rain today? | lloverá hoy? |
Will you go on a trip? | Irás de viaje? |
Will she come? | ella vendrá |
Would you kill me? | me matarias |
Would you love me? | me amarías? |
Would you come here? | vendrias aqui |
You are a teacher | tu eres maestra |
You are very beautiful | eres muy hermosa |
You are very brave | eres muy valiente |
You broke the rules | rompiste las reglas |
You love me | me amas |
you love me or not | me amas o no |
You make me happy | me haces feliz |
You may go | tu puedes ir |
You should sleep | deberías dormir |
You must study hard | tu debes estudiar duro |
Whose idea is this? | de quien es esta idea? |
Thanks for your help | Gracias por tu ayuda |
Thank you for coming | gracias por venir |
How about you | Y tú |
How is your family | Cómo está tu familia |
How to Say | Cómo decir |
Good morning | Buenos dias |
Good afternoon | Buena tarde |
Good evening | Buenas noches |
Good night | Buenas noches |
Happy birthday | Feliz cumpleaños |
Happy Christmas | Feliz Navidad |
Happy new year | Feliz año nuevo |
Good to see you | Que bueno verte |
I don't like it | No me gusta |
I have no idea | No tengo ni idea |
I know everything | lo se todo |
I know something | Sé algo |
Thank you so much | Muchas gracias |
Thanks a million | Un millón de gracias |
See you later | Hasta luego |
See you next week | Te veo la proxima semana |
See you next year | Te veo el próximo año |
See you soon | Nos vemos pronto |
See you tomorrow | Nos vemos mañana |
Sweet dreams | Dulces sueños |
I’m crazy about you | Estoy loco por ti |
I'm crazy with you | Estoy loco contigo |
Nice to meet you | Encantado de conocerte |
It's very cheap | Es muy barato |
Just a moment | sólo un momento |
Not necessarily | no necesariamente |
That’s a good deal | Es un buen trato |
You're beautiful | Eres hermoso |
You're very nice | Es usted muy agradable |
You're very smart | Eres muy listo |
I really appreciate it | Realmente lo aprecio |
I really miss you | Realmente te extraño |
Hard sentences
Where is your room? | Dónde está tu habitación? |
Where should we go? | dónde debemos ir? |
Where is your house? | Donde esta tu casa? |
Please close the door | por favor cierra la puerta |
She agreed to my idea | ella estuvo de acuerdo con mi idea |
That boy is intelligent | ese chico es inteligente |
It was a very big room | era una habitacion muy grande |
He can swim very fast | el puede nadar muy rapido |
He accepted my idea | aceptó mi idea |
They loved each other | ellos se aman |
When will you reach? | cuando vas a llegar |
Where are you from? | de donde eres? |
Where are you going? | adónde vas? |
We love each other | nos amamos |
We obeyed the rules | obedecimos las reglas |
We started to walk | empezamos a caminar |
We will never agree | nunca estaremos de acuerdo |
We can make change | podemos hacer un cambio |
We cook everyday | cocinamos todos los días |
We enjoyed it | lo disfrutamos |
What about you? | Y usted? |
What are you doing? | Que estas haciendo? |
What did you say? | qué dijiste? |
What do you need? | que necesitas? |
What do you think? | Qué piensas? |
What do you want? | Qué quieres? |
What happened? | Qué sucedió? |
What is that? | que es eso? |
When was she born? | cuando nació ella? |
When will we arrive? | cuando llegaremos |
Where are you? | Dónde estás? |
Where does it hurt? | Dónde le duele? |
Where is my book? | donde esta mi libro? |
Where is the river? | donde esta el rio |
Who broke this? | quien rompio esto? |
Why are you crying? | Por qué estás llorando? |
I can't see anything | no puedo ver nada |
I disagree with you | No estoy de acuerdo contigo |
I like it very much | me gusta mucho |
I need more time | necesito más tiempo |
I want to sleep | Quiero dormir |
I'm able to swim | puedo nadar |
I'm not a doctor | no soy un doctor |
I'm taller than you | soy mas alto que tu |
I'm very sad | estoy muy triste |
Is he a teacher? | Es él un profesor? |
Is she married? | está casada? |
Is this book yours? | Es este libro tuyo? |
Let's ask the teacher | Vamos a preguntarle al maestro |
Let's go out and eat | salgamos a comer |
Let's go to a movie | vamos al cine |
Difficult sentences
Why were you late this morning? | Por qué llegaste tarde esta mañana? |
Why are you so tired today? | Por qué estás tan cansado hoy? |
Would you like to dance with me? | te gustaría bailar conmigo? |
Would you come tomorrow? | vendrias mañana? |
You are always complaining | siempre te estás quejando |
Thanks for your explanation | Gracias por tu explicación |
Thanks for the compliment | gracias por el cumplido |
Thanks for the information | gracias por la información |
Thanks for your understanding | gracias por su comprensión |
Thank you for supporting me | gracias por apoyarme |
I really miss you so much | de verdad te extraño mucho |
Happy valentine’s day | Feliz día de San Valentín |
Whose decision was final? | cuya decisión fue definitiva? |
Whose life is in danger? | cuya vida está en peligro? |
You are a good teacher | eres un buen maestro |
You can read this book | puedes leer este libro |
You don't understand me | no me entiendes |
You have to study hard | tienes que estudiar duro |
Where do you have pain? | donde tienes dolor |
They are both in the room | ambos están en la habitación |
That house is very small | esa casa es muy pequeña |
Please give me your hand | por favor dame tu mano |
Please go to the school | por favor ve a la escuela |
Please sit here and wait | por favor siéntate aquí y espera |
Please speak more slowly | Por favor, hable más despacio |
My father is in his room | mi padre esta en su cuarto |
May I ask you something? | puedo preguntarte algo? |
May I ask you a question? | puedo hacerte una pregunta? |
Is the job still available? | El trabajo todavía está disponible? |
I arrived there too early | llegué allí demasiado temprano |
Do you have a family? | tienes familia? |
Do you have any problem? | tienes algún problema? |
Do you have any idea? | Tienes alguna idea? |
Did you finish the job? | terminaste el trabajo? |
Did you like the movie? | Te gustó la película? |
Are we ready to go now? | Estamos listos para irnos ahora? |
Would you like to come? | le gustaría venir? |
I don't speak very well | No hablo muy bien |
Sentences start with
English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.
• Can sentences
• Come sentences
• Could sentences
• Did sentences
• Do sentences
• Don't sentences
• Have sentences
• He sentences
• His sentences
• How sentences
• I sentences
• If sentences
• I'm sentences
• Is sentences
• It sentences
• Let sentences
• May sentences
• My sentences
• No sentences
• She sentences
• Thank sentences
• That sentences
• The sentences
• There sentences
• They sentences
• This sentences
• We sentences
• What sentences
• When sentences
• Where sentences
• Which sentences
• Who sentences
• Whose sentences
• Why sentences
• Will sentences
• Would sentences
• You sentences
• All grammar
Spanish Vocabulary