Daily use common Uzbek Sentences and Phrases

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     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Uzbek language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Uzbek sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Uzbek translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Uzbek language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Uzbek language quickly and also play some Uzbek word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Uzbek.

Daily use common Uzbek Sentences and Phrases

Uzbek sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Uzbek language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

WelcomeXush kelibsiz
I hate yousendan nafratlanaman
I love youMen sizni sevaman
I’m in loveMen sevib qoldim
I’m sorryUzr so'rayman
I’m so sorryMen juda afsusdaman
I’m yoursMen senikiman
Thanks againyana bir bor rahmat
How are youQalaysiz
I am fineMen yaxshiman
Take careQayg'urmoq; o'zini ehtiyot qilmoq
I miss yousizni sog'indim
You're niceSiz yaxshisiz
That’s terribleBu dahshatli
That's too badBu juda yomon
That's too muchBu juda ko'p
See youKo'rishguncha
Thank yourahmat
Thank you sirRahmat Janob
Are you freeBo'shmisiz
No problemHammasi joyida
Get well soonTezroq tuzalib keting
Very goodJuda yaxshi
Well doneJuda qoyil
What’s upNima gaplar
I can't hear youMen sizni eshitmayapman
I can't stopMen to'xtata olmayman
I knowbilaman
Good byeXayr. Salomat bo'ling
Good ideaYaxshi fikr
Good luckOmad
You are lateSiz kechikdingiz
Who is next?Keyingi kim?
Who is she?Kim u?
Who is that man?Bu odam kim?
Who built it?Uni kim qurgan?
They hurtUlar og'riydilar
She got angryUning jahli chiqdi
She is a teacherU o‘qituvchi
She is aggressiveU tajovuzkor
She is attractiveU jozibali
She is beautifulU go'zal
She is cryingU yig'layapti
She is happyU baxtli
No way!Bo'lishi mumkin emas!
No worriesHech qisi yo'q; tashvishga o'rin yo'q
No, thank youRahmat kerak emas
I'm so happyMen juda ham baxtliman
I'm hungryqornim ochdi
I'm able to runMen yugurishga qodirman
I agreeMen roziman
I can swimMen suzishni bilaman
I can't comeMen kela olmayman
He got angryU jahli chiqdi
He was aloneU yolg'iz edi
He was braveU jasur edi
He likes to swimU suzishni yaxshi ko'radi
Don't be angryG'azablanmang
Don't be sadXafa bo'lmang
Don't cryYig'lama
Come inKiring
Come onQo'ysangchi; qani endi
Can you come?kela olasizmi?
Can I help?Men yordam bera olamanmi?
Can I eat this?Men buni yeyishim mumkinmi?
Can I help you?Sizga yordam kerakmi?
Can I see?Ko'rsam bo'ladimi?
Are you going?Ketyapsanmi?
Are you hungry?Qorning ochmi?
Are you mad?Jaxlingiz chiqdimi?
Are you serious?Siz jiddiy gapirdingizmi?
Are you sleeping?Uxlayapsizmi?
Can you do this?Buni qila olasizmi?
Can you help me?Menga yordam bera olasizmi?
Can you tell me?Menga ayta olasizmi?
Come on tomorrowErtaga keling
Come quicklyTez kel
Could I help you?Men sizga yordam bera olamanmi?
Could you tell me?Ayta olasizmi?
Do not disturb!Bezovta qilmang!
Do you hear me?Meni eshityapsizmi?
Do you smoke?Siz chekasizmi?
Have you eaten?Ovqatlandingmi?
Have you finished?Siz tugatdingizmi?
He can run fastU tez yugura oladi
He began to runU yugura boshladi
He did not speakU gapirmadi
His eyes are blueUning ko'zlari ko'k
His smile was goodUning tabassumi yaxshi edi
How is your life?Hayoting qanday?
How is your family?Oila-a'zolaringiz yaxshimilar?
I am a studentMen talabaman
I am going to studyMen o'qishga ketyapman
I am not a teacherMen o'qituvchi emasman
I am sorryMen afsusdaman
I believe yousenga ishonaman
I can do this jobMen bu ishni qila olaman
I can run fasterMen tezroq yugura olaman
I can’t believe itMen ishonmayman
It happensBo'lib turadi
It is newBu yangi
It is a long storyBu uzoq hikoya
It looks like an birdBu qushga o'xshaydi
It really takes timeBu haqiqatan ham vaqt talab etadi
It was really cheapBu haqiqatan ham arzon edi
It was so noisyBu juda shovqinli edi
It was very difficultBu juda qiyin edi
It wasn't expensiveBu qimmat emas edi
It wasn't necessaryBu kerak emas edi
Let me checkTekshirishga ruxsat bering
Let me sayAytmoqchiman
Let me seeQani ko'raychi
May I come in?Kirsam bo'ladimi?
May I help you?Sizga yordam kerakmi?
May I join you?Sizga qo'shilsam maylimi?
May I speak?Gapirsam maylimi?
May I eat this?Buni yesam maylimi?
My father is tallOtam baland
My sister has a jobSinglimning ishi bor
My sister is famousMening singlim mashhur
My wife is a doctorXotinim shifokor
No, I'll eat laterYo'q, keyin ovqatlanaman
Please come inIltimos kiring
Please do that againIltimos, buni yana qiling
Please give meIltimos, menga bering
She admired himU unga qoyil qoldi
She avoids meU mendan qochadi
She came lastU oxirgi keldi
She goes to schoolU maktabga boradi
That house is bigBu uy katta
That is a good ideaBu yaxshi fikr
That is my bookBu mening kitobim
That is my sonBu mening o'g'lim
The dog is deadIt o'lgan
The river is wideDaryo keng
There is no doubtHech qanday shubha yo'q
They are playingUlar o'ynashmoqda
They are prettyUlar chiroyli
They got marriedUlar turmush qurishdi
They have few booksUlarning kitoblari kam
They stopped talkingUlar gaplashishni to'xtatdilar
This is my friendBu mening do'stim
This bird can't flyBu qush ucha olmaydi
This decision is finalBu qaror yakuniy hisoblanadi
This is my bookBu mening kitobim
This is my brotherBu mening akam
This is my daughterBu mening qizim
This is not a jokeBu hazil emas
This is surprisingBu ajablanarli
This river is beautifulBu daryo go'zal
This story is trueBu hikoya haqiqat
We are happyBiz baxtlimiz
Will it rain today?Bugun yomg'ir yog'adimi?
Will you go on a trip?Sayohatga chiqasizmi?
Will she come?U keladimi?
Would you kill me?Meni o'ldirasizmi?
Would you love me?Meni sevasizmi?
Would you come here?Bu yerga kelasizmi?
You are a teacherSiz o'qituvchisiz
You are very beautifulSiz juda go'zalsiz
You are very braveSiz juda jasursiz
You broke the rulesSiz qoidalarni buzdingiz
You love meMeni sevasanmi
you love me or notmeni sevasizmi yoki yo'qmisiz
You make me happySiz meni baxtiyor qilyapsiz
You may goSiz ketishingiz mumkin
You should sleepSiz uxlashingiz kerak
You must study hardSiz qattiq o'rganishingiz kerak
Whose idea is this?Bu kimning fikri?
Thanks for your helpYordamingiz uchun katta rahmat
Thank you for comingKelganingiz uchun rahmat
How about youSizchi
How is your familyOila-a'zolaringiz yaxshimilar
How to SayQanday aytish kerak
Good morningXayrli tong
Good afternoonHayrli kun
Good eveningHayrli kech
Good nightHayrli tun
Happy birthdayTug'ilgan kun muborak bo'lsin
Happy ChristmasRojdestvo bayrami bilan
Happy new yearYangi Yil muborak
Good to see youSeni ko'rganimdan xursandman
I don't like itBu menga yoqmaydi
I have no ideaUmuman xabarim yo'q
I know everythingMen hamma narsani bilaman
I know somethingMen bir narsani bilaman
Thank you so muchsizga katta rahmat
Thanks a millionBir million rahmat
See you laterKo'rishguncha
See you next weekKeyingi hafta ko'rishguncha
See you next yearKeyingi yil ko'rishguncha
See you soonKo'rishguncha
See you tomorrowErtaga ko'rishguncha
Sweet dreamsShirin tushlar
I’m crazy about youMen senga aqldan ozganman
I'm crazy with youMen sen bilan aqldan ozganman
Nice to meet youSiz bilan tanishganimdan xursandman
It's very cheapBu juda arzon
Just a momentHozir bir daqiqa
Not necessarilyMajburiy emas
That’s a good dealBu yaxshi shartnoma
You're beautifulSiz go'zalsiz
You're very niceSiz juda yaxshisiz
You're very smartSiz juda aqllisiz
I really appreciate itMen buni juda qadrlayman
I really miss youMen sizni juda sog'indim

Hard sentences

What is your nameIsmingiz nima
Which is correct?Qaysi biri to'g'ri?
Will you please help me?Iltimos, menga yordam bera olasizmi?
Will you stay at home?Uyda qolasizmi?
Do you need anything?Sizga biror narsa kerakmi?
Do you need this book?Sizga bu kitob kerakmi?
Are you feeling better?O'zingizni yaxshi his qilyapsizmi?
Are you writing a letter?Siz xat yozyapsizmi?
Come and see me nowHozir keling va meni ko'ring
Come with your familyOilangiz bilan keling
I'm very busy this weekBu hafta men juda bandman
There is a lot of moneyKo'p pul bor
They are good peopleUlar yaxshi odamlar
We need some moneyBizga pul kerak
What is your destination?Mo'ljalingiz qayer?
What are you doing today?Bugungi rejalaring qanaqa?
What are you reading?Nima o'qiyapsan?
What can I do for you?Sizga qanday yordam berishim mukin?
What is the problem?Qanday muammo mavjud?
What is the story?Hikoya nima?
What is your problem?Muammoingiz nima?
What was that noise?Bu nima shovqin edi?
When can we eat?Qachon ovqatlanishimiz mumkin?
When do you study?Qachon o'qiysiz?
When was it finished?Qachon tugatildi?
How about your familyOilangiz-chi?
Do you understand?Tushundingizmi?
Do you love me?Meni sevasizmi?
Don't talk about workIsh haqida gapirmang
How can I help you?Sizga qanday yordam berishim mumkin?
How deep is the lake?Ko'l qanchalik chuqur?
I'm not disturbing youMen sizni bezovta qilmayman
I'm proud of my sonMen o‘g‘lim bilan faxrlanaman
I'm sorry to disturb youSizni bezovta qilganim uchun uzr
Is something wrong?Nimadir noto'g'ri?
May I open the door?Eshikni ochsam maylimi?
Thanks for everythingHar bir narsa uchun rahmat
This is very difficultBu juda qiyin
This is very importantBu juda muhim
Where are you fromSiz qayerdansiz
Do you have any ideaFikringiz bormi
I love you so muchMen sizni juda yaxshi ko'raman
I love you very muchMen sizni juda sevaman
I’m in love with youMen sizga oshiq bo'lib qoldim
I missed you so muchMen seni juda sog'indim
Let me think about itKeling, bu haqda o'ylab ko'raylik
Thank you very muchkatta rahmat
I can't stop thinkingMen o'ylashni to'xtata olmayman
Will you stop talking?Gapirishni to'xtatasizmi?
Would you like to go?Ketmoqchimisiz?
Would you teach me?Menga o'rgatasizmi?
Where is your room?Sizning xonangiz qayerda?
Where should we go?Qayerga borishimiz kerak?
Where is your house?Uying qayerda?
Please close the doorIltimos, eshikni yoping
She agreed to my ideaU mening fikrimga rozi bo'ldi
That boy is intelligentBu bola aqlli
It was a very big roomBu juda katta xona edi
He can swim very fastU juda tez suzishi mumkin
He accepted my ideaU mening fikrimni qabul qildi
They loved each otherUlar bir-birlarini sevishardi
When will you reach?Qachon yetasiz?
Where are you from?Siz qayerdansiz?
Where are you going?Qayerga ketyapsiz?
We love each otherBiz bir-birimizni sevamiz
We obeyed the rulesBiz qoidalarga rioya qildik
We started to walkBiz yurishni boshladik
We will never agreeBiz hech qachon rozi bo'lmaymiz
We can make changeBiz o'zgartirishimiz mumkin
We cook everydayBiz har kuni pishiramiz
We enjoyed itBiz bundan zavq oldik
What about you?Sizchi?
What are you doing?Nima qilyapsiz?
What did you say?Nima deding?
What do you need?Sizga nima kerak?
What do you think?Siz nima deb o'ylaysiz?
What do you want?Nima xohlaysiz?
What happened?Nima bo'ldi?
What is that?Bu nima?
When was she born?U qachon tug'ilgan?
When will we arrive?Qachon kelamiz?
Where are you?Qayerdasiz?
Where does it hurt?U qayerda jarohatlandi?
Where is my book?Mening kitobim qayerda?
Where is the river?Daryo qayerda?
Who broke this?Buni kim buzdi?
Why are you crying?Nega yig'layapsiz?
I can't see anythingMen hech narsani ko‘rmayapman
I disagree with youMen siz bilan rozi emasman
I like it very muchMenga juda yoqadi
I need more timeMenga ko'proq vaqt kerak
I want to sleepuxlagim kelyapti
I'm able to swimMen suzishga qodirman
I'm not a doctorMen shifokor emasman
I'm taller than youMen sizdan balandman
I'm very sadMen juda xafaman
Is he a teacher?U o'qituvchimi?
Is she married?U turmushga chiqqanmi?
Is this book yours?Bu kitob siznikimi?
Let's ask the teacherKeling, o'qituvchidan so'raymiz
Let's go out and eatTashqariga chiqib ovqatlanaylik
Let's go to a movieKeling, kinoga boraylik

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedUning fikri qabul qilinmadi
His proposals were adopted at the meetingYig‘ilishda uning takliflari qabul qilindi
How do you come to school?Maktabga qanday kelasiz?
If I had money, I could buy itAgar pulim bo'lsa, sotib olardim
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneAgar siz qalam olishni istasangiz, men sizga qalam beraman
If he comes, ask him to waitAgar u kelsa, kutishini so'rang
If it rains, we will get wetAgar yomg'ir yog'sa, biz nam bo'lamiz
If I studied, I would pass the examAgar o'qisam, imtihondan o'tardim
My hair has grown too longMening sochlarim juda uzun o'sdi
My mother is always at homeOnam doim uyda
There are many fish in this lakeBu ko'lda juda ko'p baliq bor
There are many problems to solveKo'p muammolarni hal qilish kerak
There are some books on the deskStol ustida bir nechta kitoblar bor
There is nothing wrong with himUnda hech qanday yomon narsa yo'q
There was a sudden change in the weatherOb-havoning keskin o'zgarishi yuz berdi
There was nobody in the gardenBog'da hech kim yo'q edi
There was nobody thereU erda hech kim yo'q edi
There were five murders this monthBu oyda beshta qotillik sodir etilgan
They admire each otherUlar bir-birlarini hayratda qoldiradilar
They agreed to work togetherUlar birgalikda ishlashga kelishib oldilar
They are both good teachersUlarning ikkalasi ham yaxshi o'qituvchilar
We want something newBiz yangi narsani xohlaymiz
We should be very carefulBiz juda ehtiyot bo'lishimiz kerak
When can I see you next time?Sizni keyingi safar qachon ko'rishim mumkin?
When did you finish the work?Ishni qachon tugatdingiz?
When will you harvest your wheat?Siz bug'doyingizni qachon yig'ib olasiz?
Where do you want to go?Qayerga bormoqchisiz?
Where is the pretty girl?Chiroyli qiz qayerda?
Which food do you like?Sizga qaysi taom yoqadi?
Which is more important?Qaysi biri muhimroq?
Which one is more expensive?Qaysi biri qimmatroq?
Which way is the nearest?Qaysi yo'l eng yaqin?
Which is your favorite team?Sizning sevimli jamoangiz qaysi?
Which languages do you speak?Qaysi tillarda gapirasiz?
Which team will win the game?O'yinda qaysi jamoa g'alaba qozonadi?
Why are you drying your hair?Nega sochingizni quritasiz?
Why are you late?Nega kechikding?
Why did you get so angry?Nega bunchalik jahlingiz chiqdi?
Why did you quit?Nega tashlab ketdingiz?
Why don't you come in?Nega kirmaysan?

Why were you late this morning?Nega bugun ertalab kechikdingiz?
Why are you so tired today?Nega bugun juda charchadingiz?
Would you like to dance with me?Men bilan raqsga tushishni xohlaysizmi?
Would you come tomorrow?Ertaga kelasizmi?
You are always complainingSiz doimo shikoyat qilasiz
Thanks for your explanationTushuntirganingiz uchun tashakkur
Thanks for the complimentIltifot uchun rahmat
Thanks for the informationMa'lumot uchun rahmat
Thanks for your understandingTushunganingiz uchun rahmat
Thank you for supporting meMeni qo'llab-quvvatlaganingiz uchun rahmat
I really miss you so muchMen sizni juda sog'indim
Happy valentine’s daySevishganlar kuni bilan tabriklayman
Whose decision was final?Kimning qarori yakuniy edi?
Whose life is in danger?Kimning hayoti xavf ostida?
You are a good teacherSiz yaxshi o'qituvchisiz
You can read this bookSiz ushbu kitobni o'qishingiz mumkin
You don't understand meSiz meni tushunmaysiz
You have to study hardSiz qattiq o'rganishingiz kerak
Where do you have pain?Qayerda og'riq bor?
They are both in the roomUlarning ikkalasi ham xonada
That house is very smallBu uy juda kichik
Please give me your handIltimos, menga qo'lingizni bering
Please go to the schoolIltimos, maktabga boring
Please sit here and waitIltimos, shu yerda oʻtiring va kuting
Please speak more slowlyIltimos, sekinroq gapiring
My father is in his roomOtam xonasida
May I ask you something?Sizdan bir narsa so'rasam maylimi?
May I ask you a question?Sizga bir savol bersam maylimi?
Is the job still available?Ish hali ham mavjudmi?
I arrived there too earlyMen u erga juda erta keldim
Do you have a family?Sizning oilangiz bormi?
Do you have any problem?Sizda muammo bormi?
Do you have any idea?Sizda biron bir fikr bormi?
Did you finish the job?Ishni tugatdingizmi?
Did you like the movie?Sizga film yoqdimi?
Are we ready to go now?Endi borishga tayyormizmi?
Would you like to come?Kelishni xohlaysizmi?
I don't speak very wellMen juda yaxshi gapirmayman
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

Uzbek Vocabulary
Uzbek Dictionary