Daily use common Zulu Sentences and Phrases

Table of content

     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Zulu language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Zulu sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Zulu translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Zulu language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Zulu language quickly and also play some Zulu word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Zulu.

Daily use common Zulu Sentences and Phrases

Zulu sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Zulu language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

I hate youngiyakuzonda
I love youNgiyakuthanda
I’m in loveNgisemathandweni
I’m sorryNgiyaxolisa
I’m so sorryNgiyaxolisa
I’m yoursNgingowakho
Thanks againngiyabona futhi
How are youUnjani
I am finengiyaphila
Take careUzinakekele
I miss youngikukhumbulile
You're niceUmuhle
That’s terribleKubi lokho
That's too badKubi kakhulu lokho
That's too muchLokho kukhulu kakhulu
See youNgizokubona
Thank youNgiyabonga
Thank you sirNgiyabonga Mnumzane
Are you freeIngabe ukhululekile
No problemAyikho inkinga
Get well soonUphole ngokushesha
Very goodKuhle kakhulu
Well doneWenze kahle
What’s upKwenzenjani
I can't hear youAngikuzwa
I can't stopAngikwazi ukuyeka
I knowngiyazi
Good byeHamba kahle
Good ideaUmbono omuhle
Good luckNgikufisela inhlanhla
You are lateuphuzile
Who is next?ubani olandelayo?
Who is she?ungubani?
Who is that man?ubani lowo muntu?
Who built it?owakhiwe ngubani?
They hurtbayalimala
She got angrywathukuthela
She is a teacherunguthisha
She is aggressiveunolaka
She is attractiveuyathandeka
She is beautifulmuhle
She is cryinguyakhala
She is happyujabule
No way!akunakwenzeka!
No worriesAzikho izinkinga
No, thank youcha ngiyabonga
I'm so happyngijabule kakhulu
I'm hungryngilambile
I'm able to runngiyakwazi ukugijima
I agreeNgiyavuma
I can swimngiyakwazi ukubhukuda
I can't comeangikwazi ukuza
He got angrywathukuthela
He was alonewayeyedwa
He was bravewayenesibindi
He likes to swimuthanda ukubhukuda
Don't be angryungathukutheli
Don't be sadungadabuki
Don't cryungakhali
Come inNgena
Come onWoza
Can you come?ungeza?
Can I help?ngingasiza?
Can I eat this?ngingakudla lokhu?
Can I help you?Ngingakusiza?
Can I see?Ngicela ukubona?
Are you going?uyahamba?
Are you hungry?ulambile?
Are you mad?uyahlanya?
Are you serious?uqinisile?
Are you sleeping?ulele?
Can you do this?ungakwenza lokhu?
Can you help me?Ungangisiza?
Can you tell me?Ungangitshela?
Come on tomorrowwoza kusasa
Come quicklywoza masinyane
Could I help you?ngingakusiza?
Could you tell me?ungangitshela?
Do not disturb!Ungaphazamisi!
Do you hear me?uyangizwa?
Do you smoke?Ingabe uyabhema?
Have you eaten?Sewudlile?
Have you finished?usuqedile?
He can run fastangagijima ngokushesha
He began to runwaqala ukugijima
He did not speakakakhulumanga
His eyes are blueamehlo akhe aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka
His smile was goodukumamatheka kwakhe kwakukuhle
How is your life?injani impilo yakho?
How is your family?unjani umkhaya wakho?
I am a studentNgingumfundi
I am going to studyngizofunda
I am not a teacherangisiye uthisha
I am sorryNgiyaxolisa
I believe youngiyakukholwa
I can do this jobngingawenza lomsebenzi
I can run fasterngingagijima ngokushesha
I can’t believe itangikukholwa
It happenskuyenzeka
It is newyintsha
It is a long storyyindaba ende
It looks like an birdibukeka njengenyoni
It really takes timengempela kuthatha isikhathi
It was really cheapkwakushibhile ngempela
It was so noisykwakunomsindo
It was very difficultkwakunzima kakhulu
It wasn't expensivebekungabizi
It wasn't necessarybekungadingekile
Let me checkake ngihlole
Let me saymangisho
Let me seeithi ngibone
May I come in?ngingangena?
May I help you?Ngingakusiza?
May I join you?ngingakujoyina?
May I speak?ngingakhuluma?
May I eat this?ngingakudla lokhu?
My father is tallubaba mude
My sister has a jobusisi wami unomsebenzi
My sister is famoususisi wami udumile
My wife is a doctorumkami ungudokotela
No, I'll eat latercha, ngizodla kamuva
Please come inngicela ungene
Please do that againngicela wenze lokho futhi
Please give mengicela ungiphe
She admired himebabaza
She avoids meuyangigwema
She came lastwafika ekugcineni
She goes to schooluya esikoleni
That house is biginkulu leyondlu
That is a good ideaumqondo omuhle lowo
That is my bookyincwadi yami leyo
That is my sonyindodana yami leyo
The dog is deadinja ifile
The river is wideumfula ubanzi
There is no doubtakukho ukungabaza
They are playingbayadlala
They are prettybahle
They got marriedbashada
They have few booksbanezincwadi ezimbalwa
They stopped talkingbayeka ukukhuluma
This is my friendumngane wami lo
This bird can't flylenyoni ayikwazi ukundiza
This decision is finallesi sinqumo singujuqu
This is my bookle yincwadi yami
This is my brotherumfowethu lo
This is my daughterindodakazi yami lena
This is not a jokeakulona ihlaya leli
This is surprisingkuyamangaza lokhu
This river is beautifulmuhle lomfula
This story is truelendaba iyiqiniso
We are happysijabule
Will it rain today?lizokuna namuhla?
Will you go on a trip?uzothatha uhambo?
Will she come?uzofika?
Would you kill me?ungangibulala?
Would you love me?ungangithanda?
Would you come here?ungeza lapha?
You are a teacherunguthisha
You are very beautifulumuhle kakhulu
You are very braveunesibindi kakhulu
You broke the ruleswephule imithetho
You love meuyangithanda
you love me or notuyangithanda noma cha
You make me happyUyangijabulisa
You may goungahamba
You should sleepkufanele ulale
You must study hardkumele ufunde kanzima
Whose idea is this?umqondo kabani lo?
Thanks for your helpNgiyabonga ngosizo lwakho
Thank you for comingngiyabonga ngokuza
How about youKuthiwani ngawe
How is your familyUnjani umkhaya wakho
How to SayIndlela Yokusho
Good morningSawubona
Good afternoonSawubona
Good eveningSawubona
Good nightUlale kahle
Happy birthdayUsuku olumnandi lokuzalwa
Happy ChristmasUkhisimusi omnandi
Happy new yearJabulela unyaka omusha
Good to see youKuhle ukukubona
I don't like itAngiyithandi
I have no ideaAnginalwazi
I know everythingNgazi konke
I know somethingKukhona engikwaziyo
Thank you so muchNgibonga kakhulu
Thanks a millionNgibonga isigidi
See you laterNgizokubona ngemva kwesikhathi
See you next weekSizobonana ngesonto elizayo
See you next yearSobonana ngonyaka ozayo
See you soonSizobonana maduze
See you tomorrowNgizokubona kusasa
Sweet dreamsLala kamnandi
I’m crazy about youNgiyazifela ngawe
I'm crazy with youNgihlanya ngawe
Nice to meet youNgijabulela ukukwazi
It's very cheapKushibhile kakhulu
Just a momentUmzuzwana nje
Not necessarilyAkunjalo ngempela
That’s a good dealYisivumelwano esihle leso
You're beautifulUmuhle
You're very niceUngumuntu okahle kakhulu
You're very smartUhlakaniphe kakhulu
I really appreciate itNgiyakwazisa kakhulu
I really miss youngikukhumbule ngempela

Hard sentences

What is your nameUbani igama lakho
Which is correct?yikuphi okulungile?
Will you please help me?ngicela ungisize?
Will you stay at home?uzohlala ekhaya?
Do you need anything?kukhona okudingayo?
Do you need this book?uyayidinga le ncwadi?
Are you feeling better?uzizwa ungcono?
Are you writing a letter?ubhala incwadi?
Come and see me nowwoza uzongibona manje
Come with your familywoza nomndeni wakho
I'm very busy this weekngimatasatasa kuleli sonto
There is a lot of moneykunemali eningi
They are good peoplebangabantu abalungile
We need some moneysidinga imali
What is your destination?Uyakuphi?
What are you doing today?wenzani namhlanje?
What are you reading?ufundani?
What can I do for you?Ngingakwenzelani?
What is the problem?yini inkinga?
What is the story?ithini indaba?
What is your problem?yini inkinga yakho?
What was that noise?wawuyini lowo msindo?
When can we eat?singadla nini?
When do you study?ufunda nini?
When was it finished?yaqedwa nini?
How about your familyUthini ngomndeni wakho
Do you understand?uyaqonda?
Do you love me?unyangithanda?
Don't talk about workungakhulumi ngomsebenzi
How can I help you?Ngingakusiza kanjani?
How deep is the lake?lijule kangakanani ichibi?
I'm not disturbing youangikuphazamisi
I'm proud of my sonngiyaziqhenya ngendodana yami
I'm sorry to disturb youngiyaxolisa ukukuphazamisa
Is something wrong?kukhona okungalungile?
May I open the door?ngingavula umnyango?
Thanks for everythingNgiyabonga ngakho konke
This is very difficultLokhu kunzima kakhulu
This is very importantLokhu kubaluleke kakhulu
Where are you fromUphuma kuphi
Do you have any ideaNgabe unawo umqondo
I love you so muchNgikuthanda kakhulu
I love you very muchNgikuthanda kakhulu
I’m in love with youNgiyakuthanda
I missed you so muchNgikukhumbule kakhulu
Let me think about itAke ngicabange ngakho
Thank you very muchngibona kakhulu
I can't stop thinkingAngikwazi ukuyeka ukucabanga
Will you stop talking?uzoyeka ukukhuluma?
Would you like to go?ungathanda ukuhamba?
Would you teach me?ungangifundisa?
Where is your room?liphi igumbi lakho?
Where should we go?kufanele siyephi?
Where is your house?iphi indlu yakho?
Please close the doorngicela uvale umnyango
She agreed to my ideawavumelana nombono wami
That boy is intelligentuhlakaniphile loya mfana
It was a very big roomkwakuyikamelo elikhulu kakhulu
He can swim very fastuyakwazi ukubhukuda ngokushesha okukhulu
He accepted my ideawawamukela umbono wami
They loved each otherbathandana
When will you reach?uzofika nini?
Where are you from?uphuma kuphi?
Where are you going?uyaphi?
We love each othersiyathandana
We obeyed the rulessayithobela imithetho
We started to walksaqala ukuhamba
We will never agreeasisoze savuma
We can make changesingenza ushintsho
We cook everydaysipheka nsuku zonke
We enjoyed itsakujabulela
What about you?Kuthiwani ngawe?
What are you doing?wenzani?
What did you say?utheni?
What do you need?udinga ini?
What do you think?ucabangani?
What do you want?ufunani?
What happened?kwenzenjani?
What is that?yini leyo?
When was she born?wazalwa nini?
When will we arrive?sizofika nini?
Where are you?ukuphi?
Where does it hurt?Kubuhlungu kuphi?
Where is my book?iphi incwadi yami?
Where is the river?uphi umfula?
Who broke this?ubani ophule lokhu?
Why are you crying?ukhalelani?
I can't see anythingangiboni lutho
I disagree with youangivumelani nawe
I like it very muchngiyithanda kakhulu
I need more timengidinga isikhathi esengeziwe
I want to sleepngifuna ukulala
I'm able to swimngiyakwazi ukubhukuda
I'm not a doctorangiyena udokotela
I'm taller than youngimude kunawe
I'm very sadngidabuke kakhulu
Is he a teacher?unguthisha?
Is she married?ushadile?
Is this book yours?eyakho le ncwadi?
Let's ask the teacherasibuze uthisha
Let's go out and eatasiphume siyodla
Let's go to a movieasiye emuvi

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedumbono wakhe awemukelwanga
His proposals were adopted at the meetingiziphakamiso zakhe zamukelwa emhlanganweni
How do you come to school?uza kanjani esikoleni?
If I had money, I could buy itukube nginemali, bengingayithenga
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneuma ufuna ipensela, ngizokuboleka
If he comes, ask him to waituma efika, mcele ukuthi alinde
If it rains, we will get wetuma lina, sizoba manzi
If I studied, I would pass the examuma ngifundile, bengizophumelela ukuhlolwa
My hair has grown too longizinwele zami sezikhule kakhulu
My mother is always at homeumama uhlezi esekhaya
There are many fish in this lakekunezinhlanzi eziningi kuleli chibi
There are many problems to solveziningi izinkinga okumele zixazululwe
There are some books on the deskkukhona izincwadi phezu kwedeski
There is nothing wrong with himakukho okubi ngaye
There was a sudden change in the weatherkwaba nokushintsha kwesimo sezulu kungazelelwe
There was nobody in the gardenkwakungekho muntu engadini
There was nobody therekwakungekho muntu lapho
There were five murders this monthkube nezigameko zokubulala ezinhlanu kule nyanga
They admire each otherbabazisana
They agreed to work togetherbavumelana ukusebenza ndawonye
They are both good teachersbobabili bangabafundisi abahle
We want something newsifuna okusha
We should be very carefulkufanele siqaphele kakhulu
When can I see you next time?ngingakubona nini ngokuzayo?
When did you finish the work?uqede nini umsebenzi?
When will you harvest your wheat?uyakuvuna nini amabele akho na?
Where do you want to go?ufuna ukuya kuphi?
Where is the pretty girl?iphi intombi enhle?
Which food do you like?yikuphi ukudla okuthandayo?
Which is more important?yikuphi okubaluleke kakhulu?
Which one is more expensive?iyiphi ebiza kakhulu?
Which way is the nearest?iyiphi indlela eseduze?
Which is your favorite team?iliphi iqembu olikhonzile?
Which languages do you speak?yiziphi izilimi ozikhulumayo?
Which team will win the game?yiliphi iqembu elizowina umdlalo?
Why are you drying your hair?kungani usula izinwele zakho?
Why are you late?ulibele ngani?
Why did you get so angry?wacasuka ngani?
Why did you quit?uyekeleni?
Why don't you come in?kungani ungangeni?

Why were you late this morning?ulale ngani ekuseni kangaka?
Why are you so tired today?kungani ukhathele kangaka namuhla?
Would you like to dance with me?ungathanda ukudansa nami?
Would you come tomorrow?ungafika kusasa?
You are always complaininguhlale ukhononda
Thanks for your explanationngiyabonga ngencazelo yakho
Thanks for the complimentngiyabonga ngokuncoma
Thanks for the informationngiyabonga ngolwazi
Thanks for your understandingngiyabonga ngokuqonda kwakho
Thank you for supporting mengiyabonga ngokungeseka
I really miss you so muchNgikukhumbule kakhulu
Happy valentine’s dayUsuku oluhle lwe-Valentines
Whose decision was final?isinqumo sikabani saba ngujuqu?
Whose life is in danger?ukuphila kukabani kusengozini?
You are a good teacherungumfundisi omuhle
You can read this bookungafunda le ncwadi
You don't understand meawungiqondi
You have to study hardkufanele ufunde kanzima
Where do you have pain?ubuhlungu kuphi?
They are both in the roombasendlini bobabili
That house is very smallleyondlu incane kakhulu
Please give me your handngicela unginike isandla sakho
Please go to the schoolngicela uye esikoleni
Please sit here and waitngicela uhlale lapha ulinde
Please speak more slowlyNgicela ukhulume ngokunensa
My father is in his roomubaba usegumbini lakhe
May I ask you something?ngicela ukukubuza okuthile?
May I ask you a question?ngicela ukukubuza umbuzo?
Is the job still available?umsebenzi usekhona?
I arrived there too earlyngifike kusesekuseni kakhulu
Do you have a family?unawo umndeni?
Do you have any problem?ingabe unayo inkinga?
Do you have any idea?unawo umqondo?
Did you finish the job?uwuqedile umsebenzi?
Did you like the movie?uyithandile imuvi?
Are we ready to go now?sesilungele ukuhamba manje?
Would you like to come?ungathanda ukuza?
I don't speak very wellAngikhulumi kahle
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

Zulu Vocabulary
Zulu Dictionary